Thursday, May 29, 2014

Friday, May 30, 2014

1) Your choice - Pick which you are worse at, Muscle-Ups or CTB (Be honest with yourselves, don't just do muscle-ups because you think they're harder).
2) Heavy!
3) Scale up to 70/53# if you can - but must be able to complete every minute.

4) EMOM12 (4 rounds):
1st min - 12 Power Snatches 75/55# - Try to go straight from the top to the ground
2nd min - 12 OHS 75/55#
3rd min - 12/8 Ring Dips (Strict)

1 comment:

  1. 1. Done with MU - finished 3 rounds.
    Breakdown -
    Round 1 - 20 thrusters. MU - 2/1/1/1/1/1 (No Fails)
    Round 2 - 10/10 thrusters. MU - 2/2/Fail/1/1/1
    Round 3 - 5/5/5/5 thrust. MU - 2/2/1/1/1 (No Fails)
    2. Shoulders were unstable. Sets done roughly every 2 mins. 115/135/165/185/205/225
    3. Completed with 53# first 2 mins. 70# last 6.
    4. Done. No issues with snatch and ohs. scaled to 8 rings dips and eventually scaled to kip last 2 sets.
    There is no amount of PEDs or deer antlers that will allow my shoulders to recover.
