Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Thursday, December 3

Class First...


With a partner complete:
2min On/2min Off (alternating with Partner) for 5 rounds ( 20 minutes ):
Ski-Erg 15/12 Cals
30 Double Unders
*Each Round is absolutely balls out, do not coast on the Skiier*


  1. Felt back to normal with having preworkout in me again today. Proud of our 5:30am crew we had today and can now legitimately say its the #BCoD.
    I did the extra work joey cash style aka
    1 round of air dyne 15 cals and 30 DU which took ~ 1 min and i rested for 3. Always working on rest. #LetMeLive

  2. 1+7

    Kinda made me have that acid feeling in my throat ... Oh and my triceps were burning

  3. Extra was

    Deadlifts probably felt the best they ever have thanks to some great coaching from Jay. 10:44 for the wod but all deadlifts were unbroken and back didn't blow up. The battle for me continues with toes to bar.

  4. Kept it nice and light for the DL today. The focus on position and bracing was exactly what I needed. I second Alex's comment-- Jay gave me some super helpful coaching on this! Only worked up to 105 for the DL.

    In the workout, I did light front squats instead of DL and focused on getting the position right for each squat. Started out with regular t2b but about halfway through, Jeff advised me to focus more on straight legs in the back swing of my kip, so I switched the kipping straight leg raises. Which were hard for me! Finished in 9:43.

    Did a slightly different version of the extra, with 6 rounds alternating between the ski erg and airdyne (3 sets of each). As Kenz mentioned... Arms were dead which made DU fun. I finished 1 round, plus 2-4 more cals in each set.

  5. 1) DL- didn't feel the greatest today, 205, 215, 235

    2) work out did 15 GHD instead of toe to bars. 8:20. Looks like I need to move faster on the GHD

    3) did 6 rounds of :
    12 cal ski
    30 DU
    Rest 2:00
    12 cal AD
    30 DU

    Ski Ad
    1+7. 1+7
    1+5. 1+5
    1+5. 1+6
