Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Wednesday, June 3

Extra work:

Do not do BOTH portions in Full!  If you want some extra gymnastics/oly work you may work through the warm-up, that is it.  Do not do both full workouts. The Warm-ups are skills and drills to reinforce positions.  The workouts are portion where we need to increase intensity and go heavier.  Realize the difference and focus where you should be for each individual part.  


1) Jerk Balance 5 x 3 -- 40/45/50% - Try not to work above this, focus on footwork. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=17&v=2uSBT7csXgU )

2) Pause Jerks - 5 x 1 -- Begin @ ending weight for #1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIv9MonbjNI 

1) Squat Clean + Front Squat + Pause Jerk - E90s for 8 Rounds (12mins) - Build in weight - Nothing above 80%

4 rounds:
2a) Clean Deadlift w/ 3s pause @ knee -- 3 Reps @ 90-100% (use straps)
2b) Pendlay Row - 5 Reps ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Weu9HMHdiDA ) - Light enough for good form. 
*Superset these*


1) Skin-the-Cat - 5 x 2

4 Rounds - EMOM12
a) 8 Strict HSPU - With any remaining time complete AMRAP hollow rocks. 
b) 5 Strict Hanging Leg Raises - Legs fully extended and pinned together. 
c) 10 Band-Pull-Aparts. 


  1. 1. DL with Cardio Clark - up to 315 and did 17 reps there
    2. 12:54
    Extra Work
    semi done cleans up to 205.

    1. Quiet Cash today.. must be due to the fact a majority of comments were made at 130pm aka his bed time. #where'scash #letemlive

  2. DL WITH JIBS: 365? maybe more, maybe less, maybe..
    WOD: 9:07
    extra - did strength warm up (195 for jerk balance) and up to 225 for pause jerks
    gymnastics wod (10 hr's - should of done more and unbroken on strict HSPU - LETS GO!!!)

  3. Did gymnastic extra work before noon class. Did HSPU with 25 plate and abmat. Felt good. Attempted with abmat only on last set and got 5. Shoulder is getting there!
    DL at 305 for 5 as time expired. Felt good.
    WOD at 10:38

  4. DL 315x5 with Dru lower back was getting smoked
    WOD 11:30 legs were sore from Monday and Tuesday
    Did Gymnastics work after class. Went standard for HSPU and elbow felt great 8 each round fast, Legs were stiff for strict leg raises

  5. I hope to be posting to the blog tomorrow!! I've been out with a stomach bug and unfortunately have lost all my #gainz from my own #teamweightgain the past few months.

    Can't wait to grind with everyone!!

    1. Being sick is a decision. I don't get it.

    2. I said the same thing John. Currently I am curled up in a ball of pain in front of the toilet guessing what will happen next in a world of pain. Guess she wasn't fucking around...I hope karma doesn't bite you like it did me

  6. Worked up to 195# SDL with Jade. We switched every five.
    As an aside, I feel like I need a much cooler name when I'm around Jade. What about Kitana. Or Sonya Blade.

    WOD time was 11:36. Tried to stay with Jade Cool Name and Amanda. Breath kept me from unbroken pull ups in the later rounds rather than tired muscles. My tired pull ups are appallingly poor.

    Extra gymnastics work went fine. The abzz were on fire. Going from hollow rocks to the HLRs made them very difficult.
    All strict HSPU sets unbroken.
    Also, I fear I will never ever graduate from the purple band for pull aparts.

    1. It's a good thing we don't have to give you 2 put ups for every put-down you give yourself. I vote Sonya Blade

  7. Worked up to 195 for SDL I was able to do 7 easy each time. .. Wondering how heavy I could get now!
    Wod was a mental battle with breathing! Managed to do pull ups unbroken with a time of 10:25 .. My lungs hurt!
    Thanks to Chris and Jeff for being ahead of me and making me want to not stop! Ha

    Extra work I did the back squat portion of hatch since I will be missing tomorrow . Weights were 10@150
    8 @ 175
    6 @195
    They all felt like 250 lbs after all the leg work today!!! But good to get some squats in when fatigued.

    Did the wod prt 2 strength :
    185 clean pulls with 3 second hold at knee
    And the Pendalay rows were super super light with training bar +20 lbs on each side (whatever that is)

  8. Worked with Lea$-uh for the DL, got up to 205 for 5.

    Finished the workout in 14:07... Running is not my forte, did my pull-ups unbroken.

    Did gymnastics with the Masciolis! Skin the cats felt ok, definitely got pretty tricky towards the end... Grip was toast. For the HSPU, I used a 25# plate and abmat-- my triceps are so sore from yesterday that these were a REAL struggle. Had to break into 2 sets from the beginning. Used the purple band for pull aparts.

  9. Did oly before class.
    Jerk Balance 95/95/95/115/135. First timer for me so that was nice.
    Pause jerk 135-185
    E1.5MOM @185-235 felt good. Just need to continue to work on being violent on jerk. Need to get T-levels up to help.
    Class SDL w/bro-d to 345
    WOD 9:48.
    Skins after class. Hate it but I love it.

  10. Did dl with sunshine and we got to 205!wod was 11 something...it was my first time doing kipping pull ups in probably 2 months so I'm pretty excited about that! Did extra work with sunshine and the hubs....it was really hard! My leg lifts are embarassing!!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Sumo DL's with Superman were fun, lifting with Supe always reminds me of what good form looks like. Think we got up to 315.

    WOD: 10:18

    Extra gymnastics work with Sunshine and Li$a.
