Saturday, June 27, 2015

Championship Sunday, June 28

Today, due to the majority of folks hitting the 90 minute mash-up yesterday, we will have a more classic skulls day.

1) Squats - Hatch Wk4D2
8 @ 65%
8 @ 70%
8 @ 75%
8 @ 80%

2a) FS
5 @ 60
5 @ 65
5 @ 70
5 @ 70

2b) 10 Plyo Push-ups (5 high, 5 low newbs) - after each set of FS perform a set of 10 for max height!

3) "Amanda" 
9 - 7 - 5:
Squat Snatches (135/95)

Rest 3 minutes

2k Row - Absolute Max Effort.

**I would prefer Amanda to be judged and this to be done in 2 heats, both for judging and Rowers -- If you are in the first group you will be judging from the rower, there isn't a need to count, yell or anything - just let them know if it is a no-rep and their count is right.  Do your best to make this happen #PressuringKmoneyToRunThis **


  1. Lengthy hash-tag directed my way.
    I read ya.
    Got it covered.
    How was the wedding?

  2. Well well--we definitely separated the boys from the men this morning (that was soley directed at Chris Sansbury).
    Very leisurely pace for the squats and push-ups today-but the clock NAZI did pick things up for Amanda-which was brutal. So brutal I quit before my last set of snatches thinking I was done. This allowed Alex to catch up to make things interesting.
    Most of us told that 2k row to shove its head up Jeff's ass-except the good couple Kenz and cardio. Good for them just really good for them. Some of us snatched, others sat around and talked about their hair and nails, and then k$ did some play drawing and judging.
    Overall solid day at Friendship crossfit. Daddy clearly wasn't there today but sometimes that's good for us and morale.

    1. I was so relaxed about the clock compared to traditional Championship Sundays. We didn't even start until 9:08 !
      We were all just waiting around as you farmer carried all your 45s around the rig, just flaunting the grip strength.

  3. I PRd my 2k row with 8:40 ! Yay! Thanks to Alex for yelling in my ear the last 200m of the sprint. And thanks john I figured if Clark did it I had to do it haha
    Amanda was done with Burpee chest to bars. Missed quite a few snatches there but made all 5 at the end... Which allowed me to beat Clark (hehe) Not sure what my time was.

    1. Very much enjoying this growing rivalry. Congrats on the PR! Thanks for sticking to the program - my wrath will be taken out on everyone Tueday-Thursday

  4. Thanks to K$ for running the show this morning! It was much needed after I spent my entire Saturday watching die hard and alien marathons. Good to hit some muscle ups. Felt rusty and missed a few but had no shoulder pain. Did snatch work and other auxiliary work with John after

  5. Yesterday was a good Sunday session. Back squats were a bit of a mental battle with no decreasing reps, but the inspiration from the group and the having the crew cheer me on got me through the last few reps! For Amanda I also did Burpee Chest to Bars instead of muscle ups. Definitely let my tired legs and hips influence me and I was shorting my extension leading to many missed reps, as I continue to try and earn back my previous nickname, "OBGYN." After missing about 4 attempts on my very last snatch rep, I let Kenzie sneak by me for the win. Since I was unable to earn back my, OBGYN nickname during Amanda I figured I'd go back to my more recent roots, "Cardio," and suffer through a 2k row, luckily I was able to stay just 13 seconds off of my PR time with a 7:24, and claim at least one victory against Kenz. Looking forward to getting destroyed Tomorrow - Thursday in prep for Hulk Hales' wedding on Friday!

    Here's some inspiration for the rest of this week, if you guy's haven't seen this yet!

  6. Did this today. Busy weekend. Squats felt good.
    Had to power snatch Amanda (5:25)
    2K row 7:27 (10s PR)
    Fun workout.
