Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Wednesday, June 10

Class -- Extra scoop day. Come ready to get after it -- If coach allows take the Thrusters from the floor for the strength.

Extra Work:

Strength/Oly -- Preferably done before class:

1) Warm-Up --
a) Burgener warm-up with PVC & Barbell.
b) 3 Rounds of 3 Muscle Snatch @ 45/50/55 (%)
c) 5 rounds of 2 Sotts Press building in weight. Start light, have a perfect squat - We're not focused on heavy here, we're focused on opening up the shoulders and positioning. 

2) Workout:
a) EMOM12 - 2 Pause Snatches - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8QBSDzO39E -- Begin @ around Sotts press weight and build. Should be all squats. 

b) 5 x 3 - Drop Snatch - ( http://www.catalystathletics.com/exercise/312/Drop-Snatch/ ) - Each set must be heavier than last week (even by 5lbs)

Gymnastics -- 
1) Warm-Up -- 
a) Interval Freestanding HS hold/walk. Work on position. 15 Seconds on, 15 seconds off for 8 rounds.
b) 5 x 3 (note the switch) Negative HSPU w/ 8s lower - Must be higher than last week. 

2) Workout:
5 Rounds
a) In the video look at the last exercise - Perform 15 PVC Pull-downs in a hollow position on the ground.  (video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPPoGGyHnbw )
b) 30 Second support ring hold -- Work on hollow position and turning the rings slightly out. 
c) 7-6-5-4-3-2-1:
Leg Raises against band (straight)
Knee Tucks (We've done these in class a lot, band low on the rig, feet underneath, do 7 leg raises, 7 knee tucks, 6 leg raises, 6 tucks, etc. Do not let heels touch the ground during these sets! DO. NOT. LET. HEELS. TOUCH. THE. GROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I honestly was planning to watch the Cavs game, but I fell asleep before the end of the first quarter. Don't y'all think that Dellavedova looks like Adam from Route 33?

    In other news, my butt is really sore.

  2. Worked up to 155# for 3 thrusters, and I'm pretty sure that's a PR.
    First time doing Fran with butterfly. 24 second PR. I really wanted a 2-handle but my pull ups fell apart at the end and my last set was 6-3. Got 3:05

    Extra work was quite taxing on the core.
    I might as well have just had E.Honda go to town on my abdominals for 30 minutes.

    1. Fantastic street fighter reference

    2. Fantastic street fighter reference

    3. I love it cuz no way the kids will get this one.

    4. Will-that is hilarious you did that.

  3. Class -- Thrusters - Up to 245x3, took it relatively easy on these, still tough but the strength is coming back.

    Fran - 2.32 and really felt fine afterwards (not dead per all of the last week's metcons) - This is a summer time PR when I love Chalk and sweat a lot, but not an all-time PR - I think this makes 8 or 9 Fran's between 2.27 and 2.45 in my life.

    Extra work -- Got thru the HS warm-up, 15/15 was far harder than 10s/20s. I will probably repeat this next week -- Deficit felt ok, shoulder still banged up. Did 2 sets of Part C of extra work and prepped for coaching. Fairly tired today coming off the squats.

  4. Felt really sore this morning.... Although my butt wasn't quite as sore as I anticipated!

    Thrusters up to 155#

    Fran: 2:44. UB. Somewhat regret not going faster on thrusters. Was hoping to be closer to 2:30. But still 1 sec PR. Biggest issue was grip.

    Did oly. Worked up to 85# on Sotts. Up to 115# on pause snatches. Back a little sore from yesterday. Did drop snatches at 95. I'm not sure I've ever really done those.

    Did some hspu negatives and ring support holds at end.

  5. Oly before class-only did high pulls. Jeff-it's not your programming, it's me.
    Gymnastic warmup before class as well-Jeff was right on-way harder @:15. Wasn't creative enough to find a way to make the rogue blocks any higher than last week-still tough.
    Class-225 for thrusters. Apparently anorexic/bubonic plague stricken Jeff is stronger than me
    FRAN-2:34. PR
    Remainder of gymnastic after class. That abdominal part is one of the worst things I've ever done ever ever. Purple band. Tried hands up hollow rock style which destroyed my back. So went under butt after. My feet hit the ground several times every round. ABS OF STEEL.

    1. Super glad you got to experience those. Though I'm slightly confused why I'm writing instructions ONLY TO MYSELF! It clearly states do not let the heels touch, I even wrote a separate sentence in all caps to further emphasize this. Its a simple motor mechanic John, an athlete of your caliber certainly can control if his heels are on the ground I assume? So what then....should I just go fuck myself?

      Really happy about the Fran PR though, I mean congratulations - that is a very good time, considering you probably had a tough time telling if your feet were off the ground for the pull ups and all.

    2. Hopefully my heavy and playful sarcasm comes across in this grey monotonous text.

    3. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't use sarcasm on the blog. It's difficult to interpret and I'm not very good at it yet. And yes you are supposed to go fuck yourself-especially when you program impossible cirque du soleil type abdominal exercises and rep schemes.

    4. Indeed it does.

      I love the circus

  6. Came in and did oly work before class. Sotts presses are tough. Only worked up to 50 lbs. Did pause snatches up to 95 then went back down in weight and worked backed up to 90 for drop snatches. Didn't have time to do all of class so just did Fran. Got a 45 sec PR but did not feel very good during it. My legs were very sore on the thrusters. Spent the afternoon playing some #golf out in the sun!

  7. Fran PR: 3:08 :) felt pretty good during it cardio wise but my muscles were fatigued.
    - Got up to 130 *3 thrusters

    Extra work was done after class! Team oly/strength here I come!

    Worked up to 100 for the pause snatches.. The drop snatches were interesting.. I think I got up to 90.

    After I did the back squats from yesterday .... Those felt heavy on my back!

    Excited to go see Sarah tomorrow to work on my upper back and shoulders! ..... Let's face it as sore as I think I am, she will still probably tell me I am nothing like Jeff and Sansbury and Clark lol

  8. Fran-the mind is willing, but the body is weak.
    2:46 not a PR. First set of thrusters felt fast and tore on the first set of pull ups. Still went unbroken but was just slow on pull ups after that.

    Thruster:245 x3. Felt solid. Getting back into lift heavy.

    Gymnastics with J.Sans. Hardest thing I have done in a while. Honestly Jeff...where do you come up with this shit. Those will be felt tomorrow.

  9. Yet another fun filled day at friendship crossfit today!

    Did thrusters with Kenz, worked up to 130 for 3. Felt pretty good, totally gearless which isn't my typical mojo.

    Fran PR at 4:12. Pretty happy with this! Next time I do Fran, I'd love to be able to do butterfly pull-ups.

    Gymnastics was unreal. I tried really hard to keep my heels off the floor and was mostly successful although to accomplish this I had to break up each set (ie all the 7s, break, all the 6s, break, etc.). All I have to say is... After all that, I better wake up with a 6 pack tomorrow morning.

  10. Class with JIBroni: 245 thruster (felt all over the place Sunday doing them and did today during strength piece) 2:29 FRAN which I think is a PR. Grip wore and dropped on the very last rep… Dropped, hit the last rep, walked outside where I yelled a lot of not so nice words to myself multiple times until I felt better about myself. Gymnastics.. As Coach Kilmer would say "Surprise - Surprise" I was inverted during a lot of it, holds need to be more stabled and negatives need to be more hollow AKA ribs in. Hitting OLY tomorrow with Maria along with squats.. maybe class.

    Great work everyone! Looking forward seeing you all this weekend in the thunder dome . #K$yagonnabethere? #nowaycashhitsback2backweekends? #youwontdoitcash

    1. 1. Ways to get me to respond - quote Varsity Blues.
      2. Of course I won't hit back to back weekends. You won't see me until July unless you come to 5:30am.

  11. Class with Jesse hit 225x3 which is a 3 rep thruster pr.

    Fran: 2:47 finally sub 3. Pull ups felt ugly. Need to work on form has fallen off since elbow bang.

    I wanna grow up and be my roommate jesse who got 2:26 and wasn't really gassed afterwards.
