Sunday, February 8, 2015

Monday, February 9th

Barbell cycling work (all done for speed and standards):
Emom5 - 5 Hang Power Cleans (185/125)
Emom5 - 5 Push Jerks (185/125)
Emom5 - 5 TnG C&J (Grace style, 165/115)

Rest as needed

Row 1k at 10s over PR (aka if pr is 3:00, row a 3:10 by maintaining a 1:35/500m pace)

Rest 5 mins

Row 1k at 15-20s over PR

1 comment:

  1. Class -- Worked up to 215 for Snatch Complex
    6:29 with Drew @ 205lbs DL

    Extra - All barbell work done:
    Cleans ~14s
    Jerks ~12s
    C&J - ~15s
    Good cycling work, tough but not bad.

    Didn't have time for the rows
