Monday, December 7, 2015

Tuesday, December 8th

1) 100 Double Unders will be prescribed -- If you are awesome at Double Unders you should do 200 DU here and shoot for 100+ UB (or all 200 UB)

2) Bradshaw is the workout -- Have fun with this, my goal will be UB on everything - I'd recommend trying to keep as many movements unbroken as possible.

3) 6 Rounds:
250m Row
15 OHS (95/65) UB
Rest 90s between Rounds
*You should be able to do this with a partner and share equipment as each round should be absolutely max intensity - If you cannot complete a round UB you must move down in weight - Goal is not just UB but fast!*
**Bradshaw is a slower paced workout due to transitions -- I want you to be able to switch gears and hit this at a Grid level pace - 250m Row should be sprints to make the OHS harder**

4) Choose between:
a) Jenny Exercises
b) 5 x 5-7 Strict Ring Dips 
c) 5 x Max Effort Kroc Rows (Heavy)


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  2. Fun sesh with Alex and the rest of the 6:30 crew

    A. 100 double unders for time

    B. "Bradshaw"
    10 rounds:
    3 hspu
    6 deadlifts @225
    12 pull-ups
    24 double unders
    Time= 16:41
    *my pull-ups fell apart at the end here*

    C. 250m row + 15 unbroken ohs @115 rest 90 seconds x 6
    1. 1:32
    2. 1:37
    3. 1:44
    4. 1:43
    5. 1:45
    6. 1:44

    D. Kroc rows done @65# DB

  3. Had to watch this video to make sure I did the Kroc rows correctly...this guy is a freaking monster

  4. Double unders felt solid. 100 in 1:15 which is huge compared to last year...I couldn't even get two in a minute.

    7:30 class with Zack and Lu.
    16:40 - focused on dead lift form, bracing and feeling out my hip. Did not do it at 225#. Hip wouldn't have held up. Need to learn butterflies still. Double unders were unbroken except in one round.

  5. Double unders felt solid. 100 in 1:15 which is huge compared to last year...I couldn't even get two in a minute.

    7:30 class with Zack and Lu.
    16:40 - focused on dead lift form, bracing and feeling out my hip. Did not do it at 225#. Hip wouldn't have held up. Need to learn butterflies still. Double unders were unbroken except in one round.
