Monday, December 21, 2015

Tuesday, December 22

Phenomenal first weekend out of everyone. I really felt like running the second group allowed me to coach, assist and build a better atmosphere for everyone. I already see some of you guys stepping up and showing that you want to make this group better and I notice and appreciate that....On that note, unfortunately this Saturday my family is doing their Christmas from ~9am into the afternoon with a possible end time around 4 or 5pm.  As much as I've tried to get out of this there is no option for me to run a skulls or second team option for Saturday, and with Maria with me and Kristen out of town there are no other options right now.  If you guys can jump into class the workout is great and will definitely push you (especially if you wear a vest) -- there is also a Bring-A-Friend if you guys would like to bring someone to that and get some extra sweat working!  Sorry, we'll also be working hard to figure out times that will work the following weekend (we will definitely be able to train/workout, we might just have to deal with some construction noises going on as they blow the walls down).  It might be a rough weekend but the outcome will be so nice I'm sure no one will mind (I mean who doesn't want 9 new speal bars and 4 additional muscle-up stations?!)

1) Front Squat Heavy triple
2) Running/Power Clean couplet

EMOM18 (This should be a strength piece that also gently hits on your cardio):
a) 8 Push Press @ 165/95 (Roughly 60% Jerk max, if above 165 stop there, if below scale as needed)
b) 3 Weighted Ring Dips (35/25) + Max Set Kipping *Use a DB between legs, then drop after first 3*
c) 12 Box Jump Overs (24"/20") - Work on Jump mechanics and explosiveness. If 24/20 is easy you may go up a small about still being safe.