Monday, December 14, 2015

Tuesday, December 17

This week will begin our ~8-9 week trek for The Open. For many of you this will be THE most important 8 weeks of your training. Building engine, learning more about skills and where to break sets, and honing in on how hard you can push your strengths. This week we will get our "official" team name for our second Open Team (be thinking, discussing and providing suggestions!), and start to find out what this team is all about! Many of you will need to step up every weekend over the Open, others of you will be called upon to hammer away at a workout that falls in your wheelhouse! Either way, I am excited as a coach and gym owner to have a bit more excitement around the Open, especially in the later weeks as we try to close in on our goal and people fight to have their scores count for the team. You all have put in a ton of hard work this year and scoring for your Open Team, or leading that team week in and week out will be an awesome reward for that work. I will be working with you all individually over the coming weekends to help build confidence and skill.  In the end, if everyone does their part and the hard work/motivation is on point we might be lucky enough to be among Invictus, CFNE, Ute and other great affiliates who have sent two teams. 

In the coming months class workouts will take on a very Open-esk feel and will require focus, a plan and execution at high intensity levels.  Often I will provide goals for workouts and it will be your job to carry out that goal to the best of your ability.  Extra work will shift away from lots of volume or strength work, instead hammering away on sets of skills.  Pay attention to your breakdown spot, when your reps fall off and why. This will help you immensely when making game plans for the Open.  

On top of this the next best thing you can do over the 8 weeks is GET HEALTHY. I will be offering less and less scaling options as we get closer to the Open. If you have an injury the time of working around that injury is approaching its end. Come in daily ready to train, and attack nags/small hurts accordingly. 99% of training days should have a single focus: Hit the workout with Open level intensity/focus.  

Lastly take your recovery, nutrition and mobility work as seriously as your life allows. Many on the team will not be cheating, drinking or missing sleep from here til Regionals, if you are serious about wanting to make Regionals or help the Open team really think of the dedication level and hours you are willing to dedicate to it, and base your expectations solely off of that.  Do not train 5 hours/week and have 25-30hour/week expectations.  In some of our retests many of you are dominating so far and have had massive PRs, I hope we can parlay that right into the open! I couldn't be more proud to be your coach, your leader, your friend and own this amazing gym. Thank you for helping in making it that way. 

1) Power Clean + Squat Clean Max
2) Sled Push + Farmers Carry Metcon

3) 3 Rounds of - 
15 Cal Row
10 TnG Squat Snatches (115/85) (No Singles)
5 Muscle-Ups
**Rest 2 minutes between AmRaps**


  1. My heart is a little sad as I read this as I was so eager to hit this Open hard as a 45 year old and make the top 200, but I am so pumped to watch, judge, cheer on all you hardworking FCF athletes! Good luck! 2016 is going to be an awesome year!!!!

  2. Fun sesh

    1. 1 power clean + 1 squat clean
    *building- drop between reps*
    @95-135-185-205-225-235-240-205(form focus)-225(form focus)

    2. Partner wod with Alex
    AMRAP 10
    50 foot Sled push each (partner sitting on sled)
    100 meter Farmers carry (53# KB on outside, 70# KB on inside each partner with 1 hand on it)
    Score=4 rounds + 50 ft sled push

    AMRAP 3
    15 cal row
    10 TNG squat snatches @115#
    5 MU
    Rest 2 mins x3
    *pick up where you left off after rest*
    Score= 3 rounds + 15 cal row
