Championship Sunday will be done during regular 11:00am-1:00pm Open Gym time -- Please ensure you are courteous of everyone around the gym:
1) With a partner achieve as high as you can on the continuous ladder in 10 minutes of:
Squat Clean Thrusters (165/115)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7...etc. (never caps or ends)
*Partner A does 1, partner B does 1, A does 2, B does 2, A-3, B-3, etc.*
2) Complete the following for max reps:
3 Rounds:
1min Max Reps WallBalls
1min Max Reps AD Cals
1min Max Reps Double KB Swing (44s/hand / 35s/hand)
1min Max Reps Shoulder Touches (Wall-Climb to start - so chest facing wall)
1min Max Rest
3) Midline Accessory:
a) 4 x :40s Hollow Hold on the GHD
b) 50 Windshield Wipers in as few of sets as possible Video Demo
*You may break up the windshield wipers and go back to the Hollow hold between sets*
4) Shoulder Care:
Run through Bulletproof Shoulders: Video
a) Side-Plank Reverse Fly - 20 Reps/Side
b) Modified Y-Push-Up Hold - 15seconds/side - 3x/side.
c) Scap Push-Ups - 15 reps, controlled.
d) T's - 5 Reps + Overload - x 4-5
e) W's - 5 Reps + Overload - x 4-5
f) Cuff Isolation - 15x/side (Stay within yourself, don't go too heavy)
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Friday, October 30, 2015
Saturday, October 31
Two options for Saturday morning session:
1. Do Class - No extra work (Scale the Class workout up to 185/125 PP & do 6 rounds instead of 5).
2. Join Chris and John Sans at CrossFit Liberty (aka Olentangy Liberty High School) for the following (Times TBD by John in the comments -- thinking 11:30am)
**Please use the comments to discuss logistics**
1) E2MOM14 (7 rounds):
Complete the complex - 3 FS + 6 Step Back Lunges (per leg) + 3 Push Press -- Try to build to a max load for the complex in the 7 rounds.
2) Midline/Accessory conditioning:
With a partner complete 5 rounds (a piece):
Sled Push ~ 50ft (light-to-medium weight)
Sled Pull ~50ft back (hand-over-hand, palms up - same weight)
25 GHD Sit-Ups
**2nd Partner begins on the sled as soon as the first partner is done with the sled and moves onto the GHD sit-ups**
3) Conditioning:
DB Thrusters (30/20 or closest to them)
1. Do Class - No extra work (Scale the Class workout up to 185/125 PP & do 6 rounds instead of 5).
2. Join Chris and John Sans at CrossFit Liberty (aka Olentangy Liberty High School) for the following (Times TBD by John in the comments -- thinking 11:30am)
**Please use the comments to discuss logistics**
1) E2MOM14 (7 rounds):
Complete the complex - 3 FS + 6 Step Back Lunges (per leg) + 3 Push Press -- Try to build to a max load for the complex in the 7 rounds.
2) Midline/Accessory conditioning:
With a partner complete 5 rounds (a piece):
Sled Push ~ 50ft (light-to-medium weight)
Sled Pull ~50ft back (hand-over-hand, palms up - same weight)
25 GHD Sit-Ups
**2nd Partner begins on the sled as soon as the first partner is done with the sled and moves onto the GHD sit-ups**
3) Conditioning:
DB Thrusters (30/20 or closest to them)
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Thursday, October 29
Today will run like Tuesday -- Please find an acceptable time to hit the extra work. Class will be using the rowers for the first ~20 minutes of class, so you should time up your workout to not get in the way of that. Ensure that anything done in the extra work area while a class is going on needs to be well organized and not cluttered.
1) OH Yoke Holds - 5 x 30s - Try to bump up ~10lbs on each set from last week and improve on core position.
2) E90s for 15mins (10 rounds) - 2 Jerks - Pick load. You may go light or heavy depending on how you feel.
3) For time:
Row 1k
30 Hang Squat Cleans (135/95)
30 CTB
Row 1k
4) Farmers Holds -- Grab 70lb KBs (guys 100lb DBs) and hold for as long as you can. 2-3 sets.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Wednesday, October 28
Class: Pocket Snatches - Hit a lot of reps, treat it as an EMOM building.
Workout is balls out every round.
Extra Work:
1) Muscle-Ups - 5 x Max Sets - Rest 2:30 between efforts. Goal here is to literally fail every single set, not just drop from the top of what feels like your last muscle-up, but literally hit and go to failure every time.
2) Run 1 mile (1600m - or 2x800m on our path) - Goal is to hit this about 70-80% of max capacity. I am a ~5:15 miler, I will run around a 6minute mile. Set a goal, set a plan and check your split at the half-way turn around. There is no scaling (outside of shelby) everyone do this and do it as a run.
Workout is balls out every round.
Extra Work:
1) Muscle-Ups - 5 x Max Sets - Rest 2:30 between efforts. Goal here is to literally fail every single set, not just drop from the top of what feels like your last muscle-up, but literally hit and go to failure every time.
2) Run 1 mile (1600m - or 2x800m on our path) - Goal is to hit this about 70-80% of max capacity. I am a ~5:15 miler, I will run around a 6minute mile. Set a goal, set a plan and check your split at the half-way turn around. There is no scaling (outside of shelby) everyone do this and do it as a run.
Monday, October 26, 2015
Tuesday, October 27
We will not be hitting class today or Thursday, so preferably try to find an Open Gym time, or a good time to be in the extra area. If you are in the extra work area, please ensure that you are NOT disruptive to class, coaches or space. I will be hosting an evening "Blog Group" tomorrow night beginning at 5:30pm for evening folks - This is a 5:30pm START time.
1) Front Squat - Build to a 5RM from the ground. All reps begin with a Squat Clean + 4 FS - Hit a minimum of 5 sets building up.
**Drill footwork here, try not to have any adjustments after your clean.**
2) With a partner complete:
a) 10 Single-Arm OHS @ 65/45 (alternate rounds R & L, but try for all 10 UB)
b) 10 HSPU
c) 15 Step-Ups (24"/20")
3) Midline Conditioning:
50 Hollow Rocks
50 V-Ups
50 Hanging Straight Leg Raises (feet above hips - Strict)
1) Front Squat - Build to a 5RM from the ground. All reps begin with a Squat Clean + 4 FS - Hit a minimum of 5 sets building up.
**Drill footwork here, try not to have any adjustments after your clean.**
2) With a partner complete:
a) 10 Single-Arm OHS @ 65/45 (alternate rounds R & L, but try for all 10 UB)
b) 10 HSPU
c) 15 Step-Ups (24"/20")
3) Midline Conditioning:
50 Hollow Rocks
50 V-Ups
50 Hanging Straight Leg Raises (feet above hips - Strict)
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Sunday, October 25
Championship Sunday -- Arrival ~ 8:30 - Start time ~9:15a
1) Warm-Up:
With a partner team of 3 complete:
Row 4k
*Switch every 250m, when you get off the rower complete 3-5 Thrusters + 3-5 Pull-ups
**Pace the row to be ~1:40/1:52/500m**
2) "Bergeron Beep Test"
EMOM until failure:
7 Thrusters @ 75/55
7 Pull-Ups
7 Burpees
Super Elite/Specialists: 20+
Games Level Athletes: 18+
Regional Level Athletes: 13+
Open Level Athletes: 9+
*The Bergeron Beep Test is an excellent test of CrossFit-Specific conditioning and mental fortitude. Smaller and shorter athletes, particularly those with shorter arms, have an advantage in this test. Regardless, it is one of our best test of CF Sport Specific Conditioning and should be used as one of several tools to benchmark YOUR improvements throughout the year."
3) EMOM15:
Mins 1-5: 3 Power Cleans @ 65-70%
Mins 6-10: 3 Jerks @ same weight
Mins 11-15: 1+1 Power Clean + Jerk (aka 1 C&J, drop, 1 C&J) @ same weight
4) Shoulder Care:
Run through Bulletproof Shoulders: Video
a) Side-Plank Reverse Fly - 20 Reps/Side
b) Modified Y-Push-Up Hold - 15seconds/side - 3x/side.
c) Scap Push-Ups - 15 reps, controlled.
d) T's - 5 Reps + Overload - x 4-5
e) W's - 5 Reps + Overload - x 4-5
f) Cuff Isolation - 15x/side (Stay within yourself, don't go too heavy)
1) Warm-Up:
With a partner team of 3 complete:
Row 4k
*Switch every 250m, when you get off the rower complete 3-5 Thrusters + 3-5 Pull-ups
**Pace the row to be ~1:40/1:52/500m**
2) "Bergeron Beep Test"
EMOM until failure:
7 Thrusters @ 75/55
7 Pull-Ups
7 Burpees
Super Elite/Specialists: 20+
Games Level Athletes: 18+
Regional Level Athletes: 13+
Open Level Athletes: 9+
*The Bergeron Beep Test is an excellent test of CrossFit-Specific conditioning and mental fortitude. Smaller and shorter athletes, particularly those with shorter arms, have an advantage in this test. Regardless, it is one of our best test of CF Sport Specific Conditioning and should be used as one of several tools to benchmark YOUR improvements throughout the year."
3) EMOM15:
Mins 1-5: 3 Power Cleans @ 65-70%
Mins 6-10: 3 Jerks @ same weight
Mins 11-15: 1+1 Power Clean + Jerk (aka 1 C&J, drop, 1 C&J) @ same weight
4) Shoulder Care:
Run through Bulletproof Shoulders: Video
a) Side-Plank Reverse Fly - 20 Reps/Side
b) Modified Y-Push-Up Hold - 15seconds/side - 3x/side.
c) Scap Push-Ups - 15 reps, controlled.
d) T's - 5 Reps + Overload - x 4-5
e) W's - 5 Reps + Overload - x 4-5
f) Cuff Isolation - 15x/side (Stay within yourself, don't go too heavy)
Friday, October 23, 2015
Saturday, October 24
Skulls - 11am Arrival, ~11:30a Start Time
1) EMOM20:
Mins 1-10: 1 Squat Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch @ 60-65%
Mins 11-20: 1 Squat Snatch + 1 Pause OHS (3-5s pause) beginning at 70% and moving up.
2) 5 Rounds for time:
8 Deadlifts @ 315/205
16 WB @ 30/20lbs (10/9ft)
32 Double Unders (Must be unbroken, if you fail to achieve 32 unbroken you begin at 0 - Max 4 attempts)
Rest 2 minutes between efforts
@ 100% Intensity
rest ~ 15 minutes then complete
3) 4 rounds of:
21 Cals Rower
15 Cals AD
9 Cals Skier
*Start on different machines if needed for manning purposes*
** The goal here is to be a moderate work pace, keep the heart rate up but mostly as a cooldown after the DLs to work the body back into motion**
1) EMOM20:
Mins 1-10: 1 Squat Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch @ 60-65%
Mins 11-20: 1 Squat Snatch + 1 Pause OHS (3-5s pause) beginning at 70% and moving up.
2) 5 Rounds for time:
8 Deadlifts @ 315/205
16 WB @ 30/20lbs (10/9ft)
32 Double Unders (Must be unbroken, if you fail to achieve 32 unbroken you begin at 0 - Max 4 attempts)
Rest 2 minutes between efforts
@ 100% Intensity
rest ~ 15 minutes then complete
3) 4 rounds of:
21 Cals Rower
15 Cals AD
9 Cals Skier
*Start on different machines if needed for manning purposes*
** The goal here is to be a moderate work pace, keep the heart rate up but mostly as a cooldown after the DLs to work the body back into motion**
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Friday, October 23
Goal for today -- Early morning get your body moving/sweating. Ideally I'd love to have everyone do a 30 minute steady state piece...Rowing, biking, hiking, walk/jog/sprint intervals with a dog possibly. After the 30 minutes spend 15-20 minutes on Shoulder care, breathing drills and/or hip mobility.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Thursday, October 22
Class today is a phenomenal test of competitive fitness, come in ready to go and hit class first no matter what.
Extra Work:
1) Benchmark:
100 Toes-to-bar for time -- Same rules about ripping apply, ensure you let your shoulders rest a bit after class.
2) Interval BJ Work** Changed**.
5 Rounds of:
15/12 AD Cals
12 Box Jumps 30"/24"
rest 2mins between rounds - Try to keep all times the same.
*Work on your box jumps, not a skill we practice often but have high quality standards, no misses and try to keep up a fast cycle rate. Work with a coach if needed.*
Extra Work:
1) Benchmark:
100 Toes-to-bar for time -- Same rules about ripping apply, ensure you let your shoulders rest a bit after class.
2) Interval BJ Work** Changed**.
5 Rounds of:
15/12 AD Cals
12 Box Jumps 30"/24"
rest 2mins between rounds - Try to keep all times the same.
*Work on your box jumps, not a skill we practice often but have high quality standards, no misses and try to keep up a fast cycle rate. Work with a coach if needed.*
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Wednesday, October 21
1a) Prior to class spend 10 minutes accumulating a heavy :30s overhead Yoke Hold. Try to achieve 4-5 sets in the 10 minutes!
Class -- Scale up to 63/44lb KBs
Extra Work:
1) Handstand Push-Up:
15-12-12-8- ME(Strict)-ME(Kipping)
rest 1minute between sets.
This is meant to be done like this:
Set 1: Do 15 Unbroken however you like (can do strict, kipping or a mix of both)
Set 2: Do 12 Unbroken however you like (can do strict, kipping or a mix of both)
Set 3: Do 12 Unbroken however you like (can do strict, kipping or a mix of both)
Set 4: Do 8 Unbroken however you like (can do strict, kipping or a mix of both)
Set 5: Complete a max effort strict set
Set 6: Complete a max effort kipping set
*Resting 1 minute between each set.*
Sets are meant to be done Unbroken, if you fail to achieve a number in a given set try to accommodate your height to allow you a better chance on the next set (i.e. add a plate).
2) Shoulder Care:
Run through Bulletproof Shoulders: Video
a) Side-Plank Reverse Fly - 20 Reps/Side
b) Modified Y-Push-Up Hold - 15seconds/side - 3x/side.
c) Scap Push-Ups - 15 reps, controlled.
d) T's - 5 Reps + Overload - x 4-5
e) W's - 5 Reps + Overload - x 4-5
f) Cuff Isolation - 15x/side (Stay within yourself, don't go too heavy)
Class -- Scale up to 63/44lb KBs
Extra Work:
1) Handstand Push-Up:
15-12-12-8- ME(Strict)-ME(Kipping)
rest 1minute between sets.
This is meant to be done like this:
Set 1: Do 15 Unbroken however you like (can do strict, kipping or a mix of both)
Set 2: Do 12 Unbroken however you like (can do strict, kipping or a mix of both)
Set 3: Do 12 Unbroken however you like (can do strict, kipping or a mix of both)
Set 4: Do 8 Unbroken however you like (can do strict, kipping or a mix of both)
Set 5: Complete a max effort strict set
Set 6: Complete a max effort kipping set
*Resting 1 minute between each set.*
Sets are meant to be done Unbroken, if you fail to achieve a number in a given set try to accommodate your height to allow you a better chance on the next set (i.e. add a plate).
2) Shoulder Care:
Run through Bulletproof Shoulders: Video
a) Side-Plank Reverse Fly - 20 Reps/Side
b) Modified Y-Push-Up Hold - 15seconds/side - 3x/side.
c) Scap Push-Ups - 15 reps, controlled.
d) T's - 5 Reps + Overload - x 4-5
e) W's - 5 Reps + Overload - x 4-5
f) Cuff Isolation - 15x/side (Stay within yourself, don't go too heavy)
Monday, October 19, 2015
Tuesday, October 20
Beyond the Whiteboard is up, functional and programmed. Each night at 8pm the Comp Blog and WOD for main class will be posted for you to see, and prep to log. There is a great iPhone/Droid app for this and I highly recommend it -- You can set it so that only I can see your results if you like. At this point there should be no reason that each and every day is not meticulously logged. Let me know if you have any questions setting it up, right now only RT and Sunshine are on it and members of FCF & FCF Comp.
Tuesday Class -- Ensure you are focused on catching in the bottom on the Snatch Balance and maximizing your footwork/positions. I would prefer lots of quality sets at a lighter weight rather than struggling/failing and going too fast to get heavy.
Extra Work:
1) 4 x 10 Front Rack Step-Back (reverse) lunges - Alternating legs. Weight for sets begins @ 50% FS Max, rest 2mins between sets.
2) As a team of 2 complete:
10000m of Rowing -- 500m at a time, switch on and off for 10 intervals a piece. This pace should be 80-85% of your 500m Max (to get this take your 500m max in seconds (i.e. 78.8s) and multiply it by 1.2 (78.8 x 1.2 = 94.56 = 1min35s/500m should be my pace...good luck to me) , your rest time is the time it takes your partner to row.
Tuesday Class -- Ensure you are focused on catching in the bottom on the Snatch Balance and maximizing your footwork/positions. I would prefer lots of quality sets at a lighter weight rather than struggling/failing and going too fast to get heavy.
Extra Work:
1) 4 x 10 Front Rack Step-Back (reverse) lunges - Alternating legs. Weight for sets begins @ 50% FS Max, rest 2mins between sets.
2) As a team of 2 complete:
10000m of Rowing -- 500m at a time, switch on and off for 10 intervals a piece. This pace should be 80-85% of your 500m Max (to get this take your 500m max in seconds (i.e. 78.8s) and multiply it by 1.2 (78.8 x 1.2 = 94.56 = 1min35s/500m should be my pace...good luck to me) , your rest time is the time it takes your partner to row.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Championship Sunday, October 18
Arrival Time: 1:30p-2:00p
Hard Start time: 2:20p
Hard End time: 3:20p
Hard GTFO/Cleaned up Time: 3:45p
1) 0-20:00:
Odd: 15 Power Snatch @ 75/55 (Work Cycle Rates - Work to finish faster than :25-:30 each time
Even: 12 Bar Facing Burpees
2) 20:00-35:00:
10min AmRap:
15 Wall-Balls (30/20 to 11/10ft)
30 Shoulder Taps
45 DU
3) 35:00-45:00:
In 10 minutes establish a 5RM Partner DL on the Axle Bar (Guy/Girl Preferably)
4) 45:00-Finish
5 RFT w/ partner:
10 Synchro Thrusters (75/55)
10 Synchro CTB
Cash-Out: 40/30 Cals AirDyne/Person (1 AD/team)
Hard Start time: 2:20p
Hard End time: 3:20p
Hard GTFO/Cleaned up Time: 3:45p
1) 0-20:00:
Odd: 15 Power Snatch @ 75/55 (Work Cycle Rates - Work to finish faster than :25-:30 each time
Even: 12 Bar Facing Burpees
2) 20:00-35:00:
10min AmRap:
15 Wall-Balls (30/20 to 11/10ft)
30 Shoulder Taps
45 DU
3) 35:00-45:00:
In 10 minutes establish a 5RM Partner DL on the Axle Bar (Guy/Girl Preferably)
4) 45:00-Finish
5 RFT w/ partner:
10 Synchro Thrusters (75/55)
10 Synchro CTB
Cash-Out: 40/30 Cals AirDyne/Person (1 AD/team)
Friday, October 16, 2015
Saturday, October 17
Two Skulls options:
1) 11:30am - Chris/K$ leading
2) 2:30p - John/Maria leading, likely I will be in attendance also - we're just working on John's leadership skills after a small snafu with Team Series event 8 last weekend.
1) Snatch:
E90s until failure complete:
1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch (below knee) + 1 Hang Snatch (above knee) - Begin @ 115/65 and add 10lbs / 5lbs per 90s interval.
2) 5 x 2 Full Snatch @ 10lbs below your best lift from #1 - Rest as needed between sets to hit all 10 lifts.
3) Regional Workout 11.6:
For time complete:
Row 20 cals
30 Burpees to Plate
40 2-Hand DB Snatches (45/35) (aka 2 DBs, double snatches)
50 T2B
100ft OH Walking Lunge (95lbs/65lbs)
150ft Sprint
4) Get a team of 3 and complete:
Regional Team workout 13.2:
7 minutes to establish max reps: Burpee Muscle-Ups - You must achieve 3 reps before you can tag your next teammate, and you cannot do more than 3 reps in one set. Try to keep teams 3 females together, and 3 males together.
2013 Friendship Team featuring Daddy Cash himself, Maria, K$: 32 reps
2013 New Albany Team featuring Mr. CSans himself: 74 reps
2013 Jeff - 30 solo in 6.47.7
2013 RT - 30 solo in 6.53
2013 Borda - 20 reps in 7 minutes.
Time to improve.
1) 11:30am - Chris/K$ leading
2) 2:30p - John/Maria leading, likely I will be in attendance also - we're just working on John's leadership skills after a small snafu with Team Series event 8 last weekend.
1) Snatch:
E90s until failure complete:
1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch (below knee) + 1 Hang Snatch (above knee) - Begin @ 115/65 and add 10lbs / 5lbs per 90s interval.
2) 5 x 2 Full Snatch @ 10lbs below your best lift from #1 - Rest as needed between sets to hit all 10 lifts.
3) Regional Workout 11.6:
For time complete:
Row 20 cals
30 Burpees to Plate
40 2-Hand DB Snatches (45/35) (aka 2 DBs, double snatches)
50 T2B
100ft OH Walking Lunge (95lbs/65lbs)
150ft Sprint
4) Get a team of 3 and complete:
Regional Team workout 13.2:
7 minutes to establish max reps: Burpee Muscle-Ups - You must achieve 3 reps before you can tag your next teammate, and you cannot do more than 3 reps in one set. Try to keep teams 3 females together, and 3 males together.
2013 Friendship Team featuring Daddy Cash himself, Maria, K$: 32 reps
2013 New Albany Team featuring Mr. CSans himself: 74 reps
2013 Jeff - 30 solo in 6.47.7
2013 RT - 30 solo in 6.53
2013 Borda - 20 reps in 7 minutes.
Time to improve.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Friday, October 16
Homework for today:
Read this: , invest time in thought, think critically, re-evaluate.
Along these lines -- I will be adding as much of the extra work as I can onto Beyond The Whiteboard for better and more solid logging purposes. These will show up under Friendship CrossFit (I have to play with this a little bit to ensure it works) so if you're already a member of the gym on BTWB you should be able to log very easily. This will add a little bit of extra work to everyone's plates for logging but will allow for much better and more detailed information gathering.
Read this: , invest time in thought, think critically, re-evaluate.
Along these lines -- I will be adding as much of the extra work as I can onto Beyond The Whiteboard for better and more solid logging purposes. These will show up under Friendship CrossFit (I have to play with this a little bit to ensure it works) so if you're already a member of the gym on BTWB you should be able to log very easily. This will add a little bit of extra work to everyone's plates for logging but will allow for much better and more detailed information gathering.
Thursday, October 16
Extra Work:
1) E2MOM12 Minutes:
8 DB Snatches (85/55)
8 Strict HSPU
2) Break up however:
50 Glute-Ham-Raises (Weighted 15/10lbs in hand)
50 Band Pull-Aparts
1) E2MOM12 Minutes:
8 DB Snatches (85/55)
8 Strict HSPU
2) Break up however:
50 Glute-Ham-Raises (Weighted 15/10lbs in hand)
50 Band Pull-Aparts
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Wednesday, October 14
Class - Focus in on the Jerks, hit solid footwork, don't worry too much about weight.
Stones - Go up into the 180 or 200+ guys, ladies if you can get on a 110 one that would be great.
Extra Work:
1) Benchmark:
50 OHS @ 135/95
2) With a partner complete:
30 Rounds:
:30 on / :30 off
AirDyne Max Cals
Wattage Goals - Men - 700+, Women 400+ - Try to accomplish as many rounds as you can above this pace.
Stones - Go up into the 180 or 200+ guys, ladies if you can get on a 110 one that would be great.
Extra Work:
1) Benchmark:
50 OHS @ 135/95
2) With a partner complete:
30 Rounds:
:30 on / :30 off
AirDyne Max Cals
Wattage Goals - Men - 700+, Women 400+ - Try to accomplish as many rounds as you can above this pace.
Monday, October 12, 2015
Tuesday, October 13
Class is awesome tomorrow - Come ready for work and fun and pain.
Extra work:
1) Benchmark
100 Pull-Ups for time
*If you are doing this during a class time, please ensure it is done during Part 1 (@ Rowers)*
**No Ripping (aka if you rip or are close and can tell, stop)**
2) E3MOM15:
1min Ski-Erg Max Effort
1min Burpees
1min Rest
3) Shoulder Care:
Run through Bulletproof Shoulders: Video
a) Side-Plank Reverse Fly - 20 Reps/Side
b) Modified Y-Push-Up Hold - 15seconds/side - 3x/side.
c) Scap Push-Ups - 15 reps, controlled.
d) T's - 5 Reps + Overload - x 4-5
e) W's - 5 Reps + Overload - x 4-5
f) Cuff Isolation - 15x/side (Stay within yourself, don't go too heavy)
Extra work:
1) Benchmark
100 Pull-Ups for time
*If you are doing this during a class time, please ensure it is done during Part 1 (@ Rowers)*
**No Ripping (aka if you rip or are close and can tell, stop)**
2) E3MOM15:
1min Ski-Erg Max Effort
1min Burpees
1min Rest
3) Shoulder Care:
Run through Bulletproof Shoulders: Video
a) Side-Plank Reverse Fly - 20 Reps/Side
b) Modified Y-Push-Up Hold - 15seconds/side - 3x/side.
c) Scap Push-Ups - 15 reps, controlled.
d) T's - 5 Reps + Overload - x 4-5
e) W's - 5 Reps + Overload - x 4-5
f) Cuff Isolation - 15x/side (Stay within yourself, don't go too heavy)
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Sunday, October 11
1) 0-20:00 -
15 Sandbag Ground-to-Overhead (swing style)
D&B Sled Push w/ Sandbag on sled (far curb and back)
15 SB Front Squats
2) 20:00-40:00:
2 TnG Squat Snatches @
Mins 1-5 @ 70%
Mins 6-10 @ 80%
Mins 11-15 @ 90%
3) 40:00-50:00:
30 DL @ 185
30 Cal Row
30 OHS @ 95
4) 50:00-60:00:
8 Rounds for time:
5 T2B
5 STO @ 135/95
20ft HS Walk
1) 0-20:00 -
15 Sandbag Ground-to-Overhead (swing style)
D&B Sled Push w/ Sandbag on sled (far curb and back)
15 SB Front Squats
2) 20:00-40:00:
2 TnG Squat Snatches @
Mins 1-5 @ 70%
Mins 6-10 @ 80%
Mins 11-15 @ 90%
3) 40:00-50:00:
30 DL @ 185
30 Cal Row
30 OHS @ 95
4) 50:00-60:00:
8 Rounds for time:
5 T2B
5 STO @ 135/95
20ft HS Walk
Friday, October 9, 2015
Saturday, October 10
Two timing options tomorrow:
If you guys cannot make these times please plan on hitting class + Front Squats from yesterday:
E90s for 15minutes (10 rounds): 1 Front Squat @ 95%
There is barbell club and On Ramp at 9:00am so there will not be much room for extra work, do not count in the 9:00am hour in the morning. Please make sure to give Tom and Grant their space to work.
Skulls Work:
1) 5 Attempts: Establish a 7RM Front Squat from the floor.
2) Pick the girl you haven't done or if you've done them all has been the most time since you've done it:
*These first two pieces can be done with the Team Series folks if your timing works*
3) 30-20-10-20-30:
Air Assault Calories
Front Rack Walking Lunges @ 75/55lbs
If you guys cannot make these times please plan on hitting class + Front Squats from yesterday:
E90s for 15minutes (10 rounds): 1 Front Squat @ 95%
There is barbell club and On Ramp at 9:00am so there will not be much room for extra work, do not count in the 9:00am hour in the morning. Please make sure to give Tom and Grant their space to work.
Skulls Work:
1) 5 Attempts: Establish a 7RM Front Squat from the floor.
2) Pick the girl you haven't done or if you've done them all has been the most time since you've done it:
*These first two pieces can be done with the Team Series folks if your timing works*
3) 30-20-10-20-30:
Air Assault Calories
Front Rack Walking Lunges @ 75/55lbs
Just a heads up that I programmed Tuesday's extra work to help fill a gap we were missing on Friday. If you're coming today and did that extra work either catch up on extra or hit:
10 muscle-ups
50 cal rower
50 cal ad
10 muscle ups
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Thursday, October 8
Extra Work:
1) 5 Rounds of:
250m Row
10 Squat Cleans @ 135, 155, 155, 185, 185 /// 95, 115, 115, 125, 125 (weights listed as it changes per round)
15 Chest-to-Bar
*Rest 3 minutes after each effort - These are to be done at absolute max effort - Scale as needed to increase intensity*
Compare to Here -- Look over comments and decide if you should scale to increase the intensity. You may scale Clean weight and PU reps as needed - Rounds should be between 2:00-3:00 for guys, 2:30-3:30 for females. #GetAfterIt
1) 5 Rounds of:
250m Row
10 Squat Cleans @ 135, 155, 155, 185, 185 /// 95, 115, 115, 125, 125 (weights listed as it changes per round)
15 Chest-to-Bar
*Rest 3 minutes after each effort - These are to be done at absolute max effort - Scale as needed to increase intensity*
Compare to Here -- Look over comments and decide if you should scale to increase the intensity. You may scale Clean weight and PU reps as needed - Rounds should be between 2:00-3:00 for guys, 2:30-3:30 for females. #GetAfterIt
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Wednesday, October 7
FGB is the class workout tomorrow - So come in and hit that as a priority. Rest of the day will be pretty simple:
Extra -- Preferably before:
1) E90s for 15 minutes (10 rounds):
2 + 2 TnG Power Snatch (do 2 TnG, drop it, hit 2 more TnG) @ 65-70% Snatch
2) Benchmark:
300 DU for time (2 scores here: Total Breaks & Total Time)
Extra -- Preferably before:
1) E90s for 15 minutes (10 rounds):
2 + 2 TnG Power Snatch (do 2 TnG, drop it, hit 2 more TnG) @ 65-70% Snatch
2) Benchmark:
300 DU for time (2 scores here: Total Breaks & Total Time)
Monday, October 5, 2015
Tuesday, October 6th
Hopefully everyone feels well rested from a soft Thursday-Monday. We will be continuing forward with our new cycle beginning today.
Extra work:
1) Partner Work:
Find an opposite Sex Partner (can be same sex if necessary) - Put 60% of your 1RM on a bar.
EMOM8 - 5 Synchro Overhead Squats. Must be below parallel together and lockout together. Have someone judge you preferably.
2) Mental Benchmark:
100 Burpee Box Jumps (20") for time. Have a good counting system.
Extra work:
1) Partner Work:
Find an opposite Sex Partner (can be same sex if necessary) - Put 60% of your 1RM on a bar.
EMOM8 - 5 Synchro Overhead Squats. Must be below parallel together and lockout together. Have someone judge you preferably.
2) Mental Benchmark:
100 Burpee Box Jumps (20") for time. Have a good counting system.
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