Monday, October 26, 2015

Tuesday, October 27

We will not be hitting class today or Thursday, so preferably try to find an Open Gym time, or a good time to be in the extra area. If you are in the extra work area, please ensure that you are NOT disruptive to class, coaches or space. I will be hosting an evening "Blog Group" tomorrow night beginning at 5:30pm for evening folks - This is a 5:30pm START time. 

1) Front Squat - Build to a 5RM from the ground. All reps begin with a Squat Clean + 4 FS - Hit a minimum of 5 sets building up.
**Drill footwork here, try not to have any adjustments after your clean.**

2) With a partner complete:
a) 10 Single-Arm OHS @ 65/45 (alternate rounds R & L, but try for all 10 UB)
b) 10 HSPU
c) 15 Step-Ups (24"/20")

3) Midline Conditioning:
50 Hollow Rocks
50 V-Ups
50 Hanging Straight Leg Raises (feet above hips - Strict)


  1. Is anyone going to go before noon? I'll need a partner!

    1. We will all be there at 10:30 Kenz!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. You have lost Jade...Cash over-hyped Co-Eds and scared her away. Classic recruiter mistake for those in serious relationships!

    4. But I thought Jade and I were getting pretty serious.

    5. All serious relationships go through tough times. Time apart just makes us stronger! Now, that being said we need to have a serious chat with my preceptors. This work schedule has not been contusive to my lifestyle, bring me back to 530😭

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Apparently we don't post on the blog anymore?

    F SQT-225/265/285/305/320 failed clean/329 failed clean forward/320 got it. It's not how many times you get knocked down but how many times you get back up.
    OH sqts felt pretty good. R is way better than L. All UB @65. HSPU all UB-not too tough. Steps ups complete-love those guys.
    Abs-so hard.

    1. GOOD WORK JSANS! Proud of you! Aaliyah did say it best, "If at first you don't succeed. Dust yourself off and try again.You can dust it off and try again". I won't lie. She was also very good at dancing.

  3. 1) 235, 255, 275, 290, 310, 325(f)
    2) Struggled with DB OHS both in shoulders but mostly low back. Twisting like that not good for my shitty discs -- used a KB and did my best. hSPU were on point today tho, felt great.
    3) 9.13 - started out hot, and fell from grace quickly.

    On a side note super proud of JohnSans and Dru for hitting PR cleans today - more to John because he squatted it out :) -- as much as I love BtWB comments I don't want the blog to die either

  4. For the FS, I realllyyyy wanted another squat clean PR; however mentally just wasn't there today. Hit 150, 165, 175, 185... Loaded 195 on the bar but... Nope.

    The EMOM went quicker than I expected. OHS were difficult, did all unbroken but form wasn't super awesome. Started HSPU with an abmat, did the first 4 sets unbroken, then started breaking up into smaller sets. For last 3 sets I added a 15lb plate.

    Ab work was super hard. Broke everything up into small-ish sets, finished in 14:22.

    1. Proud of you, shine!! 200 is THERE!!! I FEEL IT!

  5. 1. Kenzie - Jeff is angry with us as we did our numbers wrong so no PRs - we ended at 170# (oops)

    2. EMOM was good:
    -OHS were fine, done under 26 sec (L arm is weak compared to R)
    -HSPU were done in kipping form and worked on timing, all UB and under 15 sec
    -Step ups hahaha, felt so jazzy, all done under 26 sec

    3. Did not time this, need to get in habit of reading BTWB before working out - did 50 UB hollow rocks and form felt good, V-ups done in several sets, and leg raises done in many sets........

  6. Did front rack split squats 5x5 each leg st 95#. Right leg feels slot weaker

    EMOM done
    Ohs good. 25 # to save the back some
    HSPU all strict.

    Abs! Not timed. I'd guess around 8 min
