Monday, October 19, 2015

Tuesday, October 20

Beyond the Whiteboard is up, functional and programmed. Each night at 8pm the Comp Blog and WOD for main class will be posted for you to see, and prep to log.  There is a great iPhone/Droid app for this and I highly recommend it -- You can set it so that only I can see your results if you like. At this point there should be no reason that each and every day is not meticulously logged. Let me know if you have any questions setting it up, right now only RT and Sunshine are on it and members of FCF & FCF Comp. 

Tuesday Class -- Ensure you are focused on catching in the bottom on the Snatch Balance and maximizing your footwork/positions. I would prefer lots of quality sets at a lighter weight rather than struggling/failing and going too fast to get heavy. 

Extra Work:
1) 4 x 10 Front Rack Step-Back (reverse) lunges - Alternating legs.  Weight for sets begins @ 50% FS Max, rest 2mins between sets.

2) As a team of 2 complete:
10000m of Rowing -- 500m at a time, switch on and off for 10 intervals a piece.  This pace should be 80-85% of your 500m Max (to get this take your 500m max in seconds (i.e. 78.8s) and multiply it by 1.2 (78.8 x 1.2 = 94.56 = 1min35s/500m should be my pace...good luck to me) , your rest time is the time it takes your partner to row. 


  1. Jeff, I signed up for btwb. excited to finally track how much better i will get.
    1. Sn bal up to 175
    2. ~ 13 mins with B-Rad + DDP. Tough one today.
    No lunges
    Row - Only did half due to time constraints with B-rad. Pace should have been 1:40/500m but ended up closer to 1:45/500 for most of them.
    5000m took us 18:19 for time reference.

  2. I have accepted and moved over a number of you onto BTWB and put you into the Comp Group. I will do this again this afternoon for any stragglers -- Proud of Daddy Cash for #FirstPostStatus this week.

    Morning -- Since MARIA ditched out on me on a well planned out workout and nutrition day I had for us, I ended up rowing mostly solo. K$ was there to cheer me on and keep me company for sets 1-3.
    Total time 17:03 for the 5k
    Avg Pace: 1:41/500m
    Best time: 1:39.4
    Worst time: 1:46.1 (warm-up first set - went into this son-of-a-bitch ice cold)

    1. Class:
      1) SN Bal - 95, 115, 135, 155, 185 (sloppy), 185
      2) Class - 12.50 w/ BG John & Amanda L.
      3) Lunches - 185, 195, 205, 225 x 10

      Good day, well-rounded fitnesses.

    2. WWWHHOOOAA .... Do you put little Debbie's in your lunches? Is that why they are so heavy? JKJK Good work, Jibs!!! Thanks for the push on the rower!!!!!

    3. When you don't space the YouTube link I can't see it asshole

  3. Oh golly gee you crazy kids and your futuristic technologies.
    As a seasoned, aging gal who grew up with Atari, slap bracelets and Teddy Ruxpin, I would greatly benefit from a BTWB tutorial.
    I don't know how to locate any FCF groups..?

    1. I was lost until Jeff found me. And then I started playing around. We are going to get so much better by logging our wods.

    2. Saturday afternoon I spent working to fix my Teddy Ruxpin for little Jeffrey in prep for Christmas. I'm glad he doesn't know the pain of the sleeve slipping off the slap bracelets and becoming a sharp metal rod for kids to hit each other with.

    3. K$ and I need Jeff to find us!

      you are giving Little Jeffrey your Teddy Ruxpin? I think that is great!

    4. So great. I hope he appreciates it! If not, I'll take him.

  4. Jesse and me hit extra before class

    Lunges finished at 195

    Rowing needed a 1:46 pace and kept it for all except 1 round I think we finished in 35:18.

    Wod with amber and heather hammies n butt felt the rowing during the sled

  5. Snatch balance and OHS squats didn't fee great so stuck with 185. Class WOD was fun.

    Did rows afterword with Starfox and Shelby. Goal was 1:44 pace and hit it for most sets. Last set went out hard and finished with a 1:31. Did lunges after and hit 225 for final set.

    On BTWB and looking forward to exploring it some more today.

  6. SORRY JEFF! I needed sleep, geez!

    1. Snatch Balance + OHS: worked with EVE and got up to 135#... these felt good. Wish we had more time!

    2. WOD done as a double team with Stamos and his perky boobs. We finished in 16:35 I think? That was very taxing on my butt and heart rate. I had the best dives to tag Jesse in, wish you guys could've see them.

    3. Rowing later in the day with RT - for little's we aren't too shabby:
    *Best = 1:58.something
    *Worst = 1:59.7
    My pace off my 500m was suppose to be 2:11?!?!?!? Maybe I need to re-test my 500m sprint....

    No lunges for me today.

  7. Did all the rehab and the rowing with Boobie, Bulldog, and Baby Gap. Baby Gap and I were partners. Rows were as follows: 1.56, 2.00 ( straps weren't in for the feet had to adjust so seconds were lost!), 1.53, 1.52.2, 1.52.9, 1.52.8, 1.53.6, 1.54.1, 1.54.9, 1.50.... Woof

  8. So excited that the blog stuff is now on BTWB! Game changer.

    Started with class. Kenz and I worked up to 125 on the snatch balance + OHS. Felt solid. My dip into the snatch balance needs work-- per Jay, smaller, quicker dip.

    The workout was brutal. Partnered with Clark and Eric. Finished in 18:30. Sleds get me every time.

    Wrapped it up with the row. My goal pace time was 2:11. Kept it around there... Worst split was 2:15 (round 6, shocker), best split was 2:05. Total time was 21:50.

    And after all that, I was starving and half dead so no lunges today. Too bad, that probably would have been my favorite part. Good job to everyone today!

  9. Did the first half of class and felt really good at 105 snatch balance to finish. If I didn't run out of time I could have gone up more.

    Skipped out on sleds (darn) due to the foot.

    Extra: lunges on my own - back foot up on a bench style with a KB. BORING. And then did the row with alex and foxy. My goal pace was set at 2:02 and hit mostly around 2:00 the whole time. My worst was 2:08 trying to figure out how to pace at the beginning. Felt good though!

  10. CrossFit Liberty Day for me. Parent Teacher Conferences--someone has to make a difference every day.

    Lunges-185/205/225/235 Last 2 sets were tough
    3RDs: 25 GHD Sit ups/10 DB Row 50/75/75lbs
    3RDs: 8 SLDL 25/35/35lbs/15 HR Pushups
    2 RDs: Wrist roller/Hip Extentions on Bench x12

    Shoulder is feeling better
