Championship Sunday will be done during regular 11:00am-1:00pm Open Gym time -- Please ensure you are courteous of everyone around the gym:
1) With a partner achieve as high as you can on the continuous ladder in 10 minutes of:
Squat Clean Thrusters (165/115)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7...etc. (never caps or ends)
*Partner A does 1, partner B does 1, A does 2, B does 2, A-3, B-3, etc.*
2) Complete the following for max reps:
3 Rounds:
1min Max Reps WallBalls
1min Max Reps AD Cals
1min Max Reps Double KB Swing (44s/hand / 35s/hand)
1min Max Reps Shoulder Touches (Wall-Climb to start - so chest facing wall)
1min Max Rest
3) Midline Accessory:
a) 4 x :40s Hollow Hold on the GHD
b) 50 Windshield Wipers in as few of sets as possible Video Demo
*You may break up the windshield wipers and go back to the Hollow hold between sets*
4) Shoulder Care:
Run through Bulletproof Shoulders: Video
a) Side-Plank Reverse Fly - 20 Reps/Side
b) Modified Y-Push-Up Hold - 15seconds/side - 3x/side.
c) Scap Push-Ups - 15 reps, controlled.
d) T's - 5 Reps + Overload - x 4-5
e) W's - 5 Reps + Overload - x 4-5
f) Cuff Isolation - 15x/side (Stay within yourself, don't go too heavy)
Dont forget, time changes tonight