Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Thursday, October 22

Class today is a phenomenal test of competitive fitness, come in ready to go and hit class first no matter what. 

Extra Work:
1) Benchmark:
100 Toes-to-bar for time -- Same rules about ripping apply, ensure you let your shoulders rest a bit after class. 

2) Interval BJ Work** Changed**. 
5 Rounds of:
15/12 AD Cals
12 Box Jumps 30"/24"
rest 2mins between rounds - Try to keep all times the same. 
*Work on your box jumps, not a skill we practice often but have high quality standards, no misses and try to keep up a fast cycle rate. Work with a coach if needed.*


  1. How do you cycle max vertical jumps?

    1. I thought you were playing above the rim these days John?!

  2. Woof. Today is not optimal for people with dadbod's

    1. My beyond the whiteboard fitness # went down after today :(

    2. Ca$h Money - you did great. When was the last time you did 36 muscle ups in a single workout?

    3. I forgot the Bills were in London this week, and Tyrod is out again. This makes me nervous.


    5. Have you ever seen Zach Mettenberger play football?

  3. 9:30 class today. Hit 235 for the 2 hang squat cleans. Felt good and probably could have gone higher but ran out of time and focused on footwork.

    16:02 for the WOD. Fatigued muscle ups was the headline for today. started out doing 4's and 3's and eventually singles

    Extra work with Jade
    Toes 2 bar.....I know it's a weakness and it continues to be. Absolutely brutal for me. Finished in 10:20 something? Need to get these shored up ASAP

    Air dyne box jump was fine. Calfs cramping a bit. Finished in 14:51

  4. 1) HSQCL- 285. Hit 1 @290, failed the 2nd
    2) WOD -10:02.
    No extra work today, body needs a rest. Shoulders are toast

    1. RT - you don't need Snap Chat to find happiness. Don't be tempted.
      Just text me and I'll tell you jokes and send you entertaining photographs of my dog.

    2. I feel like I get older just from reading your posts. Grandma K$. Get in the 2010s would you? It's going to be 2020 pretty soon. Time to get out of 2002 mode.

    3. Too late K$, he's already Snapping! It's time to "snap" out of the past and "snap" into the future. Make Michael J Fox proud. Maybe he'll give you a ride in his Delorean.

    4. Thanks K$...I'm just an old guy trying to get with the times....the whole snap chat thing is still a bit confusing though

  5. 1) Hang SClean x 2 reps -- Hit 285 x 2, tried 300 but just not happening. Rhythm wasn't really there on these today.
    2) WOD -- Well, I tried to go sub-10 - That was the goal...then tried to keep up with RT...Hit a redline and fell off both. 11:54 -- Not happy with my effort, but glad I took it to a place of discomfort. Sick of RT beating me this week, but extremely happy to have the push!

    3) 100 T2B -- Well it was time to get some work in OFF the speal bar...This is a major physical and mental hurdle for me. Took me 9.27, mental and physical challenge. I'm going to attempt this again next week on a speal bar just for comparison and try to walk the times closer together.

    Ready for a rest day!!

    1. Oh and did a 20minute walk/sprint with Blitz when I got home in place of BJ/AD due to the fur baby being alone too long. Hoping to hit this for some recovery work Saturday evening.

    2. That's why you don't have a dog. Cuts into your training.

    3. With Maria and Jibs dogs are the best!

  6. Hang Clean. 275x2 295x1. Really a damn shame. I'm also ashamed at my warmup. It made K$'s look long.
    WOD-15:25. MUs are a big time weakness. Need to get back on my ring dip and MU EMOMs.
    100 t2B-7:12. 5s for 50 then mostly singles.
    AD/Box Jump-14:00. AD was fine and quick jumps were tough-that first one is a doozy. Couldn't really rebound quickly-tried though. Quad day to the end of a big quad week.

    Then hit some DB curls, tricep roll backs, and z presses with Clark and Omar. Great Thursday finisher routine.

  7. 1. 2RM - 175# ... Felt great!

    2. WOD in 12:55

    No extra for me today. Excited for the weekend with you guys!

  8. 1) Hang squat cleans-- hit 165 for 2. A new PR and it felt really good. Great way to start the day.

    2) I was super nervous for MU after last Saturday. Jeff told me to do 7-5-3, so I did and my MU were much better today! Only failed 1 attempt, did one set of doubles (should have done more but I chickened out) and decided to do 5 for my last set instead of 3. Finished in 14:01.

    3) Did t2b afterwards. Finished in 10:36. Started with sets of 2, which continued through about 54/56 where I switched to quick singles.

    4) Finished the air dyne/box jump workout in 14:28. Box jumps were somewhat intimidating at first but got into a rhythm I went. By the 5th round my legs were toast!

    Fun week but looking forward to a rest day tomorrow. See everyone Saturday!
