Monday, August 31, 2015

Tuesday, September 1

In typical Tuesday fashion today will be a day you will prioritize differently from other days:
1) 2Pos Snatch (High Priority)
2) Class MetCon (Low Priority)
3) OHS Work (Middle Priority)
4) Functionality (Essential)

Extra work:
1) E2MOM16:
2 Position Snatch - 2" off Floor (start from floor, pick up to 2", pause 2-3s and complete Snatch) + Below Knee (pause for 2-3s at position):
Rounds 1-2 @ 75%
Rounds 3-4 @ 80-85%
Through Rounds 5, 6, 7 & 8 - Build to establish a max 2-Position Snatch. 

2) OHS -- In 15 minutes work up to a 4-5second pause OHS at the highest weight achieved for #1 -- A minimum of 7 sets must be completed, all with a single pause OHS rep, build to that weight. (i.e. If I hit 215 on #1 I would start at ~155 then 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215. 

3) Functionality:
4 Rounds:
a) 8 x Dumbbell Rollback Extensions - Demo
rest 90s
b) 20 Reps - Reverse Snow Angels - Demo
rest 90s
c) 30seconds As heavy as possible - Axle Bar DL Hold (overhand) (can put in j-cups and have set to DL height so all you have to do is unrack it -- Get heavy) 

Wednesday at ~10am I (Jeff) am looking for a cardio buddy to hit a workout with me.  It will be painful and unenjoyable in the best way possible, I will likely have my shirt off - let me know if you are in. 


  1. I just want to say how proud of the morning crew I am. You are all the best.

  2. Worked up to 175 on the snatch. Didn't feel heavy but pause anything is difficult for me and threw me off. Needs work.

    Hopped into class metcon and did it with #75. Completed 9+5.

    Did functionality afterword. Worked up to 45 on the rollback extensions. No weight on the reverse snow angles (brutal burner). Did 210 on the axle bar holds. Doing OH squats later today

    1. Did OH squats at work later in the afternoon. Went well over my snatch weight because I was feeling good. Hit 265. Attempted 275 but lost the stability on the way down. 20lb PR on the day

  3. Snatches. Worked up to 165# Missed 170# Overall felt good...just very tiring

    OHS were fine. Ended at 175# Definitely kind of hard to stand up after that pause!

    25# for dumbbell rollback extensions
    Reverse snow angels used 2.5 at first but switched to 1# for last 2 sets- was better able to do properly and keep ribs in
    Axle DL hold 155#- definitely tricky at the end

  4. 1) Snatch- worked up to 215, made the 1st, missed the 2nd
    2) OHS- worked up to 215. These actually felt good
    3) Did some Ski/AD intervals for Granite Games prep

  5. Today was awesome because I got to work with Bea! Super fun and she did a great job :) not to mention, that new clock in the side room is pretty awesome.

    Snatches felt good today. Worked up to 105 for my last few sets.

    For the OHS, we did worked up to 115. No problems, felt solid.

    The functionality work was what really got me today. Used the 25# dumbbells for the rollback extensions. Did the snow angels weightless because those were no cake walk. For the axel hold, we worked up to 145, I believe? Not sure what the bar weighs but we had a 35# and 25# plate on both sides. That 30s was no joke!

    Great Tuesday, can't wait to get after the grid workouts tomorrow!

  6. 1) Snatch -- Felt really good up to 215, then just hit a wall...stopped moving.
    2) OHS - Worked up to 210 - Felt really good, positioning felt great for the first time in awhile.
    3) Function:
    a) DB Ext 2sets w/ 35#, 2sets w/ 45#
    b) Snow Angels...I suck at these, very hard. 20, 15, 15, 15
    c) Axle DL hold - one set @ 195, pretty easy, then went 245 x 2sets (21s, 24s) then 255 as a challenge from Johnny boy for 23seconds.

  7. 1) Did the snatching. I don't know what my problem was, everything felt so heavy! My pull felt off and getting under the bar was super slow. I didn't work up to too high of a percentage. I felt like a hot mess. Tried to focus on not jumping forward!
    2) Did the functionality. WHOA! That stuff was hard! Dos the Rollback extensions with 25's. The reverse snow angels was something fierce! Started with 2.5 for 10-11 reps and then just used my hands. Tried to go one rep longer every round with the 2.5's. Over all, digging the functional stuff! YAY!

  8. Did the functionality today. Used a 35# plate for the rollback extensions. Felt a little easy but I couldn't do the 25# DBs and wasn't sure what else to do that would be in between them. For the reverse snow angels I did 2.5# weights. I split the first 2 sets into 10 and 10 then did them UB the last 2 rounds. The deadlift hold was tough. Need to work on my grip. Did a 25 and 15 on each side. I'm not sure what the bar weighs. Probably should have gone up a little more.
