Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Thursday, August 6th

Class: Sorry to the Grid Crew - I told you the wrong strength for today -- Walking Lunges instead - Keep these at the RX weight for class.

Workout: "The Napper" - Love it. (Maybe only Cash and a few others will get this)

Extra Work:
1) E2MOM20 - 1 Clean and Jerk from the Floor - weights as follows:
Sets 1-2 - 60%
Sets 3-4 - 65%
Sets 5-6 - 75%
Sets 7-8 - 85%
Set 9 - 90%
Set 10 - 95%
Bonus set (If you made every lift up to this) - 101% (PR + 2lbs)

2) EMOM10 - 2 PP @ 80% Max

Grid Match breakdown:

Race 1: W for Friendship - Everyone was rowing at a pace well below what I expected of them and set us up for a nice W to start the night, Jesse PR'd his 500m we believe, John stuck to the plan perfectly and the ladies were well below 1:40 & 1:50 respectively -- Great effort.

Race 2: L for Friendship - The only loss of the night, something to be learned. We came out with a plan of 5s and switch - with 3-4 no reps out of the 80 Hang Cleans that was the difference (lost by ~5 reps) - Also realized that 5s were not the way to go, should have started with bigger sets.  Live and learn, poor coaching decision by me -- CFW also 'saved' their guys a bit more on the row than we did and that paid off. 

Race 3: W for Friendship - K$, Jenny and Jade stuck to the plan perfectly, had high quality standards and finished 3-4 reps ahead of CFW for the tightest race of the night.

Race 4: Push Presses were domination - Jade smoked 125, was good for 145 - Jenny and K$ walked through 165 - Were a bit rushed at 175 and Jenny hit it, K$ HAD. IT. in the bank, but the timing called that a day for the ladies. Guys went 225, 245, 255 with all of us hitting it - then Jesse nailed 265, and I hit 280 and 310 to wrap up a solid victory.  All PRs on the guys side - Great atmosphere from the cheering section!

Race 5: 30 Backwards DU for time - Initially this had us worried, but Jade and Jenny pulled through and picked the skill up fast (especially Jade who paired together I believe 8 at one point, with someone elses rope) -- We won out of every team.

Race 6: MU - K$ and I were by far the largest athletes chosen to do the MU's and while some may have thought that would be at a detriment to us, we put up the most of any team at 29 in 2 minutes!

Race 7: The show of shows....Jenny and Jesse got on that wall and it was a speed shit show of HSPU racking up ~79 in 2 minutes...unreal to watch the speed and proficiency here.

Race 8: John and Jade had a smooth plan of 10s and switch - their pace, poise and composure gave them the win as someone was in mid-Pistol at all times.

Race 9: 50 Calorie assault bike was my bitch...then immediately after...John's bitch. We finished a good 30s ahead of every other team and built a massive lead. The team had great planning and execution to maintain and build on that lead - and we ran the 800m a good minute or two ahead of anyone on any of the other teams...a true statement was made. 

10-17 was the score (perfect would have been 9-18) - so there is room for improvement, but a great FCF showing for night one! Hard work paying off!


  1. Hey Grid League... #Friendship316 says I just whooped your ass. Hell Ya!

    1. Hey Jeff...easy on that Uranker juice. 310# push press good lord!

  2. 1. 175
    2. 13:28. Not the official brutality of the real napper, but the bully level is Richie Incognito high.
    Extra - cleans felt heavy. Jerks felt ok. I did not really follow %s or timing schedule. #LetMeLive

  3. I'm going to nominate Jeff for MVP of our first Grid Match! In addition to being a great and fearless leader, he debuted last night with a cool, calm 1000M row at a smooth consistent 1:30-1:34 pace. He followed that up with what I believe was a 15# push press PR at 310# and then busted out 20 of our 29 muscle ups in the two minutes (that's roughly 70% of them for all you Mathletes out there.)
    If that wasn't enough, he pretty much broke their AirDyne by blistering through 28 cals in roughly 15 seconds.
    Goodonya Jibs. #proudandimpressed

    Really thankful and preciative for all the FCF support we had last night at the match!

    1. Uh he only did 28 cals on the AD

    2. You know.... I think That proves to me that Jeff will be fine biking 100 miles this weekend...

    3. I enjoy the mythologically incorrect numbers, preciate you guys! I had a great time, awesome atmosphere and fun makes for good performance....i was fucked up today tho...low t-levels, bad sleep...meh

  4. What a bunch of animals. I am sad I was not there to witness this domination. I shall be present in the future to #witness #FCFdomination

  5. last night was fun! Great job team- everyone was wonderful!!!

    i was able to get up easily this am and get to class.....although now I am feeling quite tired!

    125# for all lunges
    workout 9:42 I believe. My shoulders don't usually feel tired on T2B, but did today!

    Cleans. All makes until 95% (205#) then my little legs just couldn't stand it up....which is greatly annoying. for some reason 205 OH feels much lighter! Overall jerks did not feel strong. I definitely need to work them more......I never used to worry about being able to jerk what i can clean!

    PP all good. Was a little tricky at first to get out of the jerking habit!

  6. Good job to the Grid team!!!
    C & J: 185/205/230/260/275/290 all makes. Didnt go for PR cuz I just want feelin' it today
    PP used 195.
    Class: did 205 on the lunges, felt pretty easy til the last set when i thought my glutes were gonna bust
    WOD: 10:40, was shooting for Jen's time but the last 10 TGU were awful. Good push from Sunshine.

  7. So proud of everyone for the spectacular first night of the grid league!! Amazing to watch.

    After not working out yesterday, due to a full day of traveling to Baltimore and back, I was feeling pretty good. Started my lunges at 50%, which was 115, and worked up to 125. Those felt really good!

    Finished the workout in 12:12. That second round of TGU was rough. Luckily I had Ryan there as my rabbit... I tried to keep up with him but he smoked me on the last round of TGU.

    Did the extra work with Chelsea afterwards. For the cleans I did:


    The last set felt good but not PR level good, so I stopped there. I did the push presses at 115. Got pretty tired towards the end but otherwise these went pretty well too.

  8. Lunges used 205 felt light compared to when did them for hatch.

    Wod 12:57 thought had to alernate at beginning so made my first couple slow and last 12 we're rough on shoulders.

    No extra work resting up for battle at the beach Saturday at flanagans

  9. Walked into class 15 minutes late and that was the tone I set for myself today. No warmup for me which is not beneficial to my health. Did a few sets of lunges working up to 215. Felt fine.
    WOD-11:15. Old left arm is not too good at TGUs.
    Extra-didn't think I would get to this but I did the C&J 185/205/235/270/285F/285F and called it a day there.
    Dragging all day at practice. And it affected my players-shame on me. Couldn't sleep last night after grid (still upset over losing the hang cleans...) T-levels need to be restored big time. Probly hit some bench press and watch this to get me jacked up tomorrow
    (Subtitles provided for those that don't understand the Scottish language)

  10. Lunges used 205 felt light compared to when did them for hatch.

    Wod 12:57 thought had to alernate at beginning so made my first couple slow and last 12 we're rough on shoulders.

    No extra work resting up for battle at the beach Saturday at flanagans

  11. Great job everyone. Glad to hear that FCF is kickin ass and takin names!

    No class today. Christopher and I took part in a track workout at Orange middle. Run 1 mile, 400 meter lunge walk, run 1 mile. Ass kicker. I can't ever remember being so bad at running in my life so more running is on the schedule for me until I get my act together.

    Hit some extra work at work (aka the dungeon) just hit cleans. No jerk and no push press. Letting the "bow" have its healing time. Did core and breathing exercises as well.

    Good luck to those at pelotonia!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. GOOD JOB GRID PEEPS!!! That's awesome!!!

    Class: Did lunges at 115... My booty is still burning from yesterday!
    Workout: 12:27 woof on those TGU's

    185 ( a whole lot of nopesville) not feeling that at all.... Guess I'll try it another day!

    PP: not really sure about my max, guessed and did them at 110.

  14. Awesome performance for the grid team. Nice win!

    Class: worked with Gabe at 185# on the walking lunges.

    Quote of the day: "For you guys north of 350# for a front squat....this is going to suck for you." -Jay

    Wod: 15:42. Shoulders just wouldn't keep up on the remaining tgu. T2B actually felt great.

    Extra: cleans with Sarah Christman! Proud of that girl.

    160/180/205/235/250/260. Failed my last jerk but other than that everything felt strong.

    Wasn't 100% on my PP max so I guessed for 250#. Completed all reps and didn't feel bad about it.

    1. Jealous you got extra work with $I$.

      Jay is killin it this week.

  15. Grid league in the PM got me all messed up. Chose to rest and mobilize on thurzday.
    Did Friday AM class which was fun. Ca$h crushed me and everyone in the wod.

    Did cleans afterwards. Having trouble with the catch - worked up to 185 then moved onto push press and worked up to 135# there.
    Looking forward to dropping like its So Hot into CrossFit Union Square (Annie's gym) this weekend in NYC.

    Good luck to all the bikers and Fit Club gamers!!

    1. My biggest regret about not doing the Thursday wod is that I wasn't able to tell you guys that I Got. The. Get. Ups.
