Friday, August 7, 2015

Saturday, August 8th

Good luck to all riding/competing tomorrow! Enjoy the day and have a lot of fun -- For those headed to class in the morning the 9am block will be relatively "Open" -- Barbell club will be going on, as well as On Ramp make-ups but if you communicate with the coaches you should be able to hit extra work out of the way from everyone.  Please ensure that you communicate with Tom, Kristen and Jay before beginning the extra work anywhere.  

Class -- Wear a 20lb Weightvest for the workout and #EmbraceTheSuck

Extra work: 
Snatch Cycling work -- Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 rounds):
Complete the following:
5 TnG Snatches
rest 10 seconds
5 TnG Snatches
rest 20 seconds
5 TnG Snatches
Rest remaining time on the 3 minutes. 

*Weight stays the same for all 15 snatches inside of the round, then you may choose to go up for the next round if you like*
Focus -- Work on achieving a fast and efficient power snatch catch position and lock out - Work on going straight from the overhead position down to the floor, without having to stop at the hips/quads to reset the bar.  Don't add weight if it forces you to have to stop the bar in its path to the ground.

ASK QUESTIONS IN THE COMMENTS -- I will not be there (nor will many people) but I will check the comments first thing in the morning if I can and respond to any questions about the programming there.  Have a phenomenal day -- Sunday will commence as usual! 


  1. Good luck everyone I will be thinking of you all!! :) go get em tiger!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Class- used 205 on floor press. Not too hard, hadnt done those in a while.
    WOD: 4rds + 400 run. Used 30lb vest. My running sucked
    Extra: this was a lot harder than I expected. Used 115 for the 1st and last rds, 135 for 2-4. Had around 1:40-1:45 rest each time. Really gassed me
    Good training!!! Hope everyone kicked ass today!!
