Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Wednesday, September 2

First off -- I have like 14 tickets to give away by Thursday evening for Rich Froning's documentary at 7:30pm at Lennox.  The tickets are free (gifted by Rogue to the gym) if you would like to come, I would love for some of you to join me!

Secondly, the final regular season grid match is tomorrow night against Scioto with the Finals the following Wednesday, tomorrow's should be a fun one to watch!

Extra work:
1 Squat Clean w/ 5s Hold in catch + 1 Jerk w/ 3-5s hold in the bottom of the dip. All sets completed at 65-70% (no load changes though)

then hit class (or if you hit extra after class that is fine)....then....

10 sets of Hand-Over-Hand Sled Pulls (extend the sled that is on a rope to full distance of the rope and load it up, pull with palms facing upwards and a solid stance (ribs down). Rest ~90s between your sets. 


  1. If the documentary doesn’t show Froning spiking himself with HGH, synthetic testosterone, and/or blood doping at a level that would make Lance Armstrong jealous than I would consider it either A) Crossfit propaganda or B) a Mockumentary. Either way, 7:30pm is past my bed check time of 6pm. I look forward to your review on Friday.

    Best of luck to the grid squad. I can’t promise anything, but I promise I will try to make your championship match to lead the squad in a recital of "It’s not worth winning if you can’t win big!!!"

  2. Im sad at the lack of blog comments. I guess K$ is the real blog MVP.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Cash, maybe she's waiting for you to step up your game.

    3. #vacation
      Back soon.
      Love you all.

      Congrats Grid Team!!

  3. Hit a good cardio soul crusher with Jeff this morning. I don't think I've ever rowed, skied or air dyned slower than I did today. Did the sled pulls after and went up to 145. Plan on hitting squat cleans and other accessory work at work in a couple hours

  4. Hit the class 1st
    WOD- 4:25
    Extra: started at 185 for the 1st 4sets then went up to 205. This pretty much sucked.

  5. Don't worry Cash!


    Workout: front squats: 195, 195, 195, 205, 205
    did 7:16 for the press and burpees and WHOA. The shoulders and tris were spent! "Don't put down the barbell on the 15's" became a "I'M GONNA DO WHAT I WANT!" Followed with a dropped barbell...

    Clean and Jerks did at 125 with EVE. Missed her face!!!!

  6. Did clean and jerks with JKap. Did mine at 105. Felt tough with the pauses and quick timing but was manageable.

    Did functionality work from yesterday (specifics on yesterday's blog).

    Then did class. Made it up to 145 on the front squats. My legs felt really weak all day. For the workout got 5:22. Did the first set of PP unbroken which turned out to be a bad choice because my shoulders were a little smoked so I broke once on the other 2 sets.

  7. Long day of dealing with Cabell installer who took 4 hrs to do the install. Led to lots of anciness and missing grid w no time for extra work.

    Front squats hit 355, 365, 370, 375 and hit 385 for 1
    Wod 5:20 on one leg for burpees can't do them on bad knee.

  8. Did class...5:09? Worked up to 225 on fs I think but only got 1 rep (I blame this whole morning thing on that :) )...then did the clean and jerks at 120.
