Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday, August 21

Today your homework is the following:

1) Put 30 minutes on the clock and move - This can be mobility, jogging, rowing, airdyne, whatever. No intensity requirements but you must move for the entire 30 minutes. Mess around, let your ADD run wild - enjoy the day.

2) Listen to BarbellShrugged podcast 190 and 191:  -- When skipped through properly these will take ~90minutes to 2 hours.  Julian is a wealth of knowledge and these podcasts have been something I've looked forward to since he was hired on at Invictus to help CJ with his competitors.  Some of this is definitely on the geeky end of the coaching spectrum - however as he says: Athletes must own their training, if they own their training they don't require hand-holding. (paraphrased from my notes)
On the positive side of listening to this, his generalizations about "CrossFitters" in a negative light often do not pertain to us as we do a great job of incorporating accessory strength exercises, fixing function and applying the global fixing concepts.  This is why, I believe, we have moved well ahead of other gyms and athletes in the area who may be more gifted athletically than us.  There is always room to improve however, and a part of owning your training is understanding the purpose behind it.  Hopefully hearing these words from a more intelligent and well-spoken source than myself (and one you are used to hearing harp on things) will have as much benefit as it did for me. 

1 comment:

  1. This podcast is giving me the Uh-Oh feeling for Skullz today...
