Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Wednesday, August 12

Take the Back Squat sets at:

5/5 on All T2B (If you can keep that up, 4/3/3 otherwise)
10 UB Power Snatches, but a slow/methodical pace - Ensure you are not "ripping the bar" off the ground, everything should be a solid power snatch catch position, stand up, then lower controlled. 
Walk to the WB, catch breath on walk and pick it up immediately when you get there, UB.
Walk back to the bar, chalk, take 3 breaths and continue on next round.

Extra work:
Power Clean + Front Squat @ 70% Max Clean - Drill footwork and work on not having to move/reset the feet for the FS after catching.


6 x 10 Push-ups with a 5 second lower, 5 second pause in the bottom, 5 second raise and 5second plank hold for each rep. Ensure perfect elbow/hand positioining, as well as a perfect plank. Rest 90s between efforts. 


  1. Backsquats = 275/295/315/315/315
    Metcon = 8:08
    Extra Cleans at 205. No chance I was doing the pushups.

    1. Your pecs and guns already burst your polos to the absolute max everyday. It was a calculated financial decision, can't buy all new shirts....

  2. Squats felt heavy today. Got up to 70% and stayed there.
    Workout was very tiring, despite following the advised pacing. Grip got tired towards the end on snatches.
    Did clean / FS at 155 - felt pretty good.
    Got through 20 of these devil pause push ups and called it a day. Those were terrible. Coming back up was the worst.

    1. I call these the Sergeant Binek special. Top PT unit 3 years running with this bad boy.

  3. did front rack split squats today 5x5 each leg

    Metcon: i thought 8:50 but think i was just before Cash...so 7:50? (or Cash is wrong!) i liked the deload week pacing, I think each round was pretty much the same.

    Cleans at 125# i think.....my back still felt a little junky so just being smart!

    Push ups.....um i like to think i am fairly good at push ups.....these were very hard. I did 5 sets of 5. chose to not do the 6th based on how my pecs and tris felt at the time and would like to be able to contribute to my team on Saturday. I feel good now so maybe ill do a few more later.....

  4. I did not make class this morning. I cannot lie to the family but I overslept. My body must have really needed the extra sleep to replenish those T levels!

    Got to workout at work though. Did back squats and worked up to 325. Worked at 195 for the clean + front squat and felt good there. I think these push ups should officially be called "WTF push ups". Just a brutal test of push up fortitude that made me question the meaning of life.....

    Did some further accessory breathing, core work to finish. Back at class tomorrow!

  5. 295, 325, 355, 355, 355 on the squats

    8:50 on the Wod went back and forth with Jesse

    185 on the cleans and front squats

    the push complex was the hardest push up workout I have done

  6. Extra work done before class at #125 (felt good...but really need to focus on that second pull! )

    Ummm I did 10 push ups.... That took me like 5 min in itself!

    Back squats 165,175,190,190,190 (felt heavy)

    Wod:11:10? Somewhere in the 11min range. To be honest it was pretty hard because I was focusing on form and it was grip taxing and I don't think I was breathing haha

  7. BSQ- 295/315/335/355/385
    These felt really good
    WOD- 6:46. Nice burner, grip was taxed at the end
    EXTRA- used 235. Felt good focused on good form and not moving my feet after the pcl

  8. Extra work with Kenz!
    Power Clean+ FS @140
    Did 10 push-ups As well... Those were awful but a fun kind of awful!

    BS with Shelby: 165/175/190/190/190
    Those felt interesting.... Inner thighs were getting lit up like I was using Jane Fonda's Thigh Master! Loved it!

    Workout: 9:something didn't go balls to the walls. Really worked on keep legs straight for T2B! Snatches felt good and love wallballs!!!

  9. Squatted with Kenz. Backsquats felt good today, did 175, 185, 200, 200, 200.

    Finished the workout in 11:15. Grip got much more tired than I had really anticipated. Did all t2b in 2 sets of 5. For the power snatches, I did the first two sets unbroken but then I dropped down to 2 sets of 5. I was really focused on doing power snatches but am fairly certain I muscle snatched quite a few. Whoops. I didn't mean to! Pushed through wallballs. Did all sets unbroken.

    Spent some time stretching slash chatting before starting the cleans+ front squats. Did these at 115 focusing on setup and catch position. Felt solid.

    As everyone has already sufficiently stated, those push-ups were no joke. I did 16, but only did them in sets of 2. I didn't have a timer sooo I may or may not have been exactly hitting 5s but I was counting to 7 every time to hopefully get myself closer to that goal.

  10. I just want to first start out by expressing how asinine those push-ups were. :20 a rep at 60 reps means it would take 20 minutes to complete this work if unbroken. Jeff so generously gave us :90 of rest between our sets of 10 (yea right on the 10 unbroken) so that x5=7 1/2 minutes for 27 1/2 minutes of work. This took me about an hour super setting with the OLY work and back squats in class. 225 was my weight for cleans and I worked up to 295 for a few sets at back squat.
    WOD-8:25?7:25? Probly 8:25. Maybe 9:25? 10:25?

    DeLoad week my ass---I don't like it, I love it

    Also I threw for 15 yards and rushed for 287 yards in pursuit drill today. My WRs suck.

    1. Put me in coach. Just give me a chance. I know there's a lot riding on it, but it's all psychological.

  11. Came in standard time during the fall at 630.. I had one of my players get hurt today during our tackling circuit which was unfortunate but... "IN WAR THERE WILL BE CASUALTIES!"

    I refuse to allow time dictate my poignancy and overall execution of my own warm up. Warmed up from 630-7 and hit class wow.. around 10:00, nice cruise control pace like nancy yesterday. Hit cleans at 255 and did 15 of those "push ups" Those push ups are something I gotta add to my warm up.. Adding 5 of those starting tomorrow and bumping up one rep every week. I need to eat more during the day at work and add some carbs too, energy levels are down but all worth it when shaping and molding lives.

    Hitting cardio hard tomorrow in the evening.. rowing, descending ladder, #cc… mount up!

  12. Did back squats today then moved straight to the power cleans due to a time crunch. The power clean + front squat at 70% felt really easy. I was very happy about that. Moved on to the push ups which were incredibly difficult as everyone else has already said. I made it through about 15 of them broken up into sets of 3. Did some DU work then had to head home.
