Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Thursday, July 9

Extra work:
EMOM20 - 

Mins 1-5 - 2 Power Clean + Jerk @ 65%
Mins 6-10 - 2 Squat Clean + Jerk @ 70%
Mins 11-15 - 2 Power Clean @ 75%
Mins 16-20 - 2 Squat Cleans @ 80%


  1. No k$ today :(
    1. Not optimal for a cash style athlete.
    2. Not optimal for a cash style athlete.
    3. no extra work #LetCashLive - Ill be in tomorrow morning as well as Saturday 8am.

    1. but #3 was optimal for a cash style athlete!!!!!

    2. In regards to #2 - I obtained a quote from a modern day philosopher @thefatjewish: "I hate it when im on the treadmill and accidentally hit the stop button and go to chipotle and eat a burrito."

    3. Funny.
      I just started following this individual. Thank you.

  2. 1. love it. last 2 min used a red band for 3 C2B to help get lower. HSTD holds pretty good. forearms got super tired
    2. no running for me. Everyone looked like they did a great job! I did assult bike emom 15 sec sprint, more relaxed pace the rest of min until everyone finished (around 20 min).
    3. Did first weight and upper body just didn't feel good so called it a day! Gotta rest up and feel refreshed to dominate in Michigan on Saturday!

  3. Team #BCOD is dominating the blog today. I knew I should've come to 5:30AM. I was so close Ca$h, so close. I was in bed by 9 but the body didn't naturally wake up until 7:30.
    I will have to make up for the afternoon and evening lack of commitment to the blog. K$ put your reading glasses on because here we go
    Two-a-days continued...
    AM--I completed the OLY conditioning cycle. Lot of heavy breathing for that guy. Did 205/225/235/250. There was a lot of confusion throughout the gym today on how the EMOM actually worked-I interpreted it as two cleans and then 1 jerk after the 2nd clean because of the + sign used. Some people jerked for all 20 mins, others did a jerk after every clean, and I alternated with a power and squat clean for every minute but that was a choice. Jeff I clearly understood your directions and went ahead and did my own thing. Kind of like in pick up basketball when we only need 1 point to finish the game and everyone calls that out including myself-but then I go ahead and chuck up a deep 2 pointer.
    I finally caught up to everyone else in the squat program. It's been a battle but I knew I could do it. Finally hit all squats today too-it's been a while. Supersetted push press with F Sqts and weighted dips with lunges.

    Took a break--went home to eat and recharge the battery. Also the repair man came to take a look at my garage door-springs are broken, parts won't be in til next week. Kind of a bummer because I have turned in to quite the garage snob. Haven't used my house key in a long time. Cut the other half of my lawn (yea I'm that guy). Hit the chiropractor and then headed back to the gym.

    PM--gymnastic EMOM-no bands for first couple of minutes until Jay started making me get "hollow" or whatever that means. Really all it does is make pull-ups twice as hard. So I mixed in the red band for the last couple reps of last few minutes. HS holds are getting better. I was right around :17 seconds for most rounds.
    GRIFF-I had a blazing pace of 13:41 I believe. One of my least favorite workouts in CrossFit--I mean when you look at the workout all it is is running? That's not a workout that's called cross country and nobody likes cross country because all you do is run. But I did it because I respect our fallen heroes like GRIFF. It did make me appreciate running forward more after running backwards for so long.

    Then I went 2-4 with a triple tonight at softball and helped get us a big W to finish the regular season as we head into the playoffs. If you want to see a true man's character then watch him play softball during the playoffs. There is no hiding there.

    If you have any other questions about any part of my day please do not hesitate to reply to my post (Maria that means you hit the orange reply button under my post). I'm proud of all of you that worked out today. If you didn't workout or you skipped out on the running because of some "competition" that doesn't occur for roughly 36+ hours from now then I am not proud of you. I'll be in with my positive attitude around 11 tomorrow.

    1. This is a novel .... Proud of you for dedicating yourself to writing so much ha

      Oh and being awesome

    2. Agreed. Garage = game changer

    3. I'm extremely jealous of your summer schedule.

    4. John when you go Sub-11 on Griff I'll ask for you opinion on my running habits....I'm making sure that "Jeff Binek and Friends" don't accidentally take a third place in a workout...however due to the high quality of your post and your Thursday, I will let this slight slide.

      I PR'd my nap game today, saw the chiro, played with Blitz, prepped food, put away ~3+ weeks of laundry that was starting to annoy Maria, and cleaned the entire house. Every now and again my brain needs a day away from the gym -- that included all things blog yesterday (like your Wednesday). Proud of you guys though!

  4. No one is commenting and it's really weirding me out. I really appreciated Johns post though made me laugh out loud aka lol.

    So I also didn't like GRIFF that much. I think I finished 13:04 which is much faster then it actually felt like. My quads hate me and I hate potholes.

    Extra work I was all by my little lonesome today (except for Nala) but was one who did a jerk after every clean. I am guessing that's wrong seeing as John Almighty did something different.

  5. Replies
    1. Me too Lease! It's in my top 5 favorite named workouts!

  6. Reverse PR on the commenting for this post... As I am approximately 10.5 hours late on my post, I consider myself to be part of the problem and for that I really AM sorry.

    Got off work late yesterday and debated skipping altogether BUT decided to do the extra and work out today as well to make up for it.

    Shelby --you are not alone, many of us did two power cleans/squat cleans and 2 jerks for the first 10 minutes. I am one of those people. I wasn't sure what Jeff intended with the programming and I figured I'd take the harder route because when in doubt I just remember that Jeff rarely goes easy on us. For this, I did:

    2 power cleans + jerks at 110
    2 squat cleans + jerks at 120
    2 power cleans at 130
    2 squat cleans at 135

    After that I practiced my butterflies and called it a night! Back at it later today. Sidenote for Jeff --if you are planning to post extra for tomorrow, any chance you could put it up for today?? :)

    1. Sunshine.. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - Proud of your commitment to butterfly. Can't wait for you to dominate butterfly c2b's by the open. This comment will not elude my commitment to #toughlyencouraging the rest of your dayzzzzz to help with your gainzzzzz. byyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee #gamechanger

  7. I decided to rest Thursday and get some hard core puppy snuggles from 5-7am. It's a miracle I ever get out of bed with Newman being such a great big spoon.

    Anyway, I digress. Did class on Friday morning with Ca$h and Golden Bear.
    Really wanted 215# for the hang squat clean / FS complex and Got. It.

    Freddy K was a good little cardio burner. I think like 6 of us finished within 10 seconds of each other.

    Did the chest to bar / HS hold EMOM after class. Used a band for pull ups and worked on free standing HS holds.

    Proud of everyone.

    Good luck to our #Redline team this weekend in Michigan!!

    1. Your build up to hitting your lifts, and then telling us that you Got. It. may be my favorite part of this blog.

  8. I close my eyes and this is what I see… 1. Lift is made… 2. immediately follows with chin up, chest pumped 3. an aggressive double bird to the free world (similar to our boy marcus hall) 4. finishing with a confident…. GOT!!! IT!!!

    1. It's like you were there.
      That's exactly what happened.

    2. Got. It. Got heeeeeeemmmmmmm

  9. Good Luck to our champions this weekend. Im proud of you guys.

  10. Greetings Valued Training Partners,
    I will be arriving at the gym at 9:00 AM tomorrow morning for anyone who would like to join me for Championship Sunday #EarlyEdition

    Hope to see you there.

