K$ will be hosting an arrival time of 9am -- While we wanted to get back and be able to get up to train with everyone, unfortunately the 4.5hr drive and 4am wake up/10pm arrival time was a bit much for us, so we will be in as you guys wrap up to cheer you on!
Running clock -
1) 0-15:00 -
12min AmRap of:
8 OHS @ 115/75
16 CTB
24 Double Unders
2) 15:00-30:00:
2 position Squat Snatch - Floor + Hang (above knee) - Begin @ 50% and go up each minute.
3) 30:00-Finish:
15min Cap:
Row 1k
30 Kipping HSPU
Row 1k
30 Kipping Ring Dips
*Alternates run 800m instead of Row 1k*
Rest exactly 2 minutes from when you finish and begin from 1...
4) Death by: Thruster @ 115/75
Is #4 a joke?
ReplyDeleteMy whole body hurts.
Delete1. 4 rounds + 10 reps
ReplyDelete2. Had a good lather built up here. Worked up to 205.
3. Finished the 2nd row.
4. Finished 10 thrusters and decided to lay on the floor.
Haha I don't recall that song playing but if I had heard it I'm sure it would have gotten me a few more reps!
For my return to championship Sunday. This song got me through.
It was definitely a #WetAndWild championship Sunday, to quote K-Money. Enjoyed the small intimate crew we had this morning but missed the rest of our friends too!
ReplyDeleteThe first workout I got through 4+ 3. Instead of doing CTB I worked on regular butterfly pull-ups. They are coming along! Was a bit unsure about doing them in a workout but today was a good day for it.
Snatches felt solid today. Worked up to 105.
The third workout was a doozy. HSPU, in particular, took awhile. Used an abmat and was doing sets of 5 at first which quickly dwindled to sets of 2 or 3. Finished about 730m into the 2nd row.
The death by was painful (duh). Got through 7 thrusters in the 11th round before I decided to follow Cash's lead and lay on the floor.
Wrapped up the day with some more butterfly work! Now to rapidly food prep so I can hopefully cram in at least one #SundayFunday nap session.
Good to see some of you today. I'll be happy when baseball/softball is over so I can hit the weekends with the group more consistently.
ReplyDeleteFirst 15 min: finished 5 rds
Snatch: worked to 195. Felt good
Third WOD: finished one round
Death by: 10+8
I love these workouts!
Haha - good to see some of you. But the rest of you can go $&@# yourselves.
DeleteDid not partake in championship Sunday but did do some other fun stuff.
ReplyDeleteJeff, Jenny and I hit a 2 minute warm up and then hit 10 mins of :30 on of 400+ and :30 of 200+watts.
Jeff and I hit 3 different types of sled pushes for 5 total down and backs and hit 15 pushups in between each sled work. I saw others in there, can I get some more comments?
Proud of you who are commenting and communicating on how it went… Much obliged.
Today was a rough one.
ReplyDelete1. OHS felt good - kept it slow and controlled cause it's still a new movement for me. CTB kill me everytime cause I'm so slow. Dubs went well I was able to finish them in 2 sets each time.
2. Snatch I was able to work up to 95# but failed every time from the hang position :/
3. Made it to the second set of row and finished at about 300m. HSPU are a work in progress. Thanks Jeff for helping me out on that lol I got real frustrated really quick.
4. Death by............basically took all I had in me not to cry when I finished. Got 7 or 8 in the 12th round. Blah. Dead.
Rolled in around 12:45 with Sir William today. Straight from a Cinci wedding (I know I know--I'm a badass motha f$&@! [A.K.A. BAMF]). After some personal research I have discovered some ground breaking scientifically proven information about the human body. What you eat and drink and how much sleep you get do have an impact on your physical performance.
ReplyDelete1) not sure. Will seems to think I finished 6 rounds and completed 1 CTB on the 7th round. Messed up at least 2 times on every set of DUs so at least I was consistent.
2) worked from the pocket on both. Stayed at 155#. Learned that gloves and chalk help with grip when the bar and my hands are soaked wet.
3) can't remember our time. It was under he cap. Rows felt pretty good-HSPUs were a lot tougher than I expected. Especially when the hands are slipping everywhere.
4) Ca$hed it in after round 10. See what I did there Ca$h? I'll probly lose sleep on myself quitting today but I can't always bring the noise.
Well turns out being off and on for the last two weeks makes for a fantastic championship Sunday. Thanks John for hitting this one with me. Congrats to the team this weekend, represent in that state up north.
ReplyDelete1) I THOUGHT IT WAS SIX JOHN !!!!!, BUTTTTTTT I dont know I started to focus on my hand at like 8 mins. That was fun but as usual im weak and failed to finish strong. Tore pretty bad at the end.
2) Did some reps of OHS. Back was a bit spicy.
3) John beat me on the row.....not anything against you John but that should not happen.
4) Did strict press because back was not having any more. Ten rounds of fun.
As always...great energy in the gym.
It's ok Will-I've been outworking bigger guys my entire life (blocking and rebounding). You're simply just another tall guy being screamed at by his coaches because me. It's not you, it's me.