Friday, July 31, 2015

Saturday, August 1

Skulls! Start time - NORMAL! 11:30-11:45a:

1) EMOM12:
1 Hang Snatch beginning at 60% normal snatch max and building.

rest 4mins

1 Hang Squat Clean beginning @ max Snatch weight and building. 
*You are done if you miss any weight twice*

2) 100 Bar Facing Burpees for time
*Every odd minute complete 3 Clean and Jerks @ 185/125*

Rest 8 minutes

3) 75 Pull-ups for time
*Every drop off the bar complete 10 OHS @ 135/95*

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Thursday, July 30

After you get off the rower for class take a short break and rack your barbell in the side area:

Beginning at 155/105 complete:
E2MOM20 - 3 Pause Front Squats (2-3s Pause) - Add 20/10lbs every round

Immediately after your 10th/Last round complete 50 HSPU for time (kip or strict, get them done AFAP)


Rest up, been a rough week & we have skulls + Sunday session (2pm) this weekend!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Wednesday, July 29

Class will be some good solid work today! Have fun and get after it. 

Extra work:
Mins 1-6: 3 Strict Press @ 65, 65, 70, 70, 75, 75%
Mins 7-14: 2 Push Press @ 65, 65, 70, 70, 75, 75, 80, 80%
Mins 15-21: 1 Split (or push) Jerk @ 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95%
Rest 2mins and go for a PR if you have it in you!

Always remember what the best are doing:

Monday, July 27, 2015

Tuesday, July 28

Hatch cycle doesn't fit in this week, and we are deloading next week -- There are plenty of Squats and leg work to be had this week, so don't freak out if you don't get your hatch days - however I will supplement Wednesday's programming with some squats (that are not hatch).  

Class -- Scale up strict pull-ups if you can, if you're good at them move to 4 every minute. 

a) Speed/Intensity training -- 
Pull a Sled + Airdyne outside and complete the following:
10 Rounds:
15/10 Calorie Airdyne
Sprint down and back with sled (You may push or drag w/ straps, up to you but keep it a full sprint)
*No weight on sleds, goal is full sprint*
**Rest 90s between efforts**

b) 7 x 7 Ring Dips w/ 3s pause at the top and bottom of each rep, add weight if cruising
rest 30s
7 x 10 Glute-Ham Raises
rest 30s

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Championship Sunday, July 26

0 - Completion:

1) As a team of 3 complete:

Buy in - 750m Row/Person (One Rower) - 2250m Total

Station 1:                                                                Station 2:
60 Burpee Muscle-Ups                                          75 OHS (135/95)
60 DB Burpee Over Box                                       75 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
*One person working at a time per station, one person resting*
**When one station is completed one person can begin the Cash-Out**

Cash-Out - 50/35 Cal AD / Person

rest 10 minutes then complete:

2) EMOM30:
a) - 1 Squat Snatch beginning at 135/95 - Adding per attempt (up to athlete)
b) - 4 Pull-ups, 3 CTB, 2 T2B, 1 Bar MU (Goal is to treat this as a complex and go UB)
*If hands are an issue do 8 Ring Dips, 8 Push-Ups*
c) - Rest

Rest 5 minutes then complete:

3) 5 x 50ft HS Walks, rest 1min in between efforts (Goal Unbroken)

For those wondering about Camille in the Snatch Ladder here it is:

First part:

Friday, July 24, 2015

Saturday, July 25

There will be no skulls, unfortunately there is no one who can stick around to lock up  in the mid afternoon.

Pop into class tomorrow if you would like to hit something.  Scale up on the pull-ups to 20 each round for the class workout - it will be a good day to hit a little less volume since this week was pretty rough.  

I will hopefully see everyone tomorrow evening at JBaehrs house around 6:30pm -- Address is: 5786 Oldenburgh way dublin oh 43016 Try to bring some food with you if you can, something healthy if possible! Jason is making some wings, we're bringing some bacon wrapped sweet potatoes, if you guys want to put what you plan to make/bring in the comments that would be awesome! Can't wait!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Friday, July 24

This post is solely for the weekends events. 

1) Saturday Skulls is a MAYBE at this point. We are working around some potential people to host it since K$ and I are OUT unfortunately.  I still want you guys to get some work in, and with the 9am Bring-A-Friend it won't work to hit anything during that time period.  Look for updates in the comments tomorrow.

2) Saturday's casual get together at JBaehr's house is a GO. I will let him post his address and information below.  The night event begins at 7:50pm, the event before that ends around 6:45pm. The final event is scheduled to end around 11:45pm our time - So it will be up to JBaehr if he will allow us to stay that long or everyone else I suppose (I know Cash's bed time is ~6:30p, Maria's isn't far behind that).  Arrival time around ~6:30pm might be fitting given the schedule, but if he has any issue with that we can change it.  
We have decided on HEALTHY food options! I will be bringing Bacon wrapped sweet potatoes, if people can post below something they might be able to bring that would be great!  

3) Sunday we are still aiming for an 8:30am group (9:15a start time) 

Love you, Jeff

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Thursday, July 23

Tomorrow is Diane - Although not the worst back workout ever, it can be if you come into it with things already flared up. I know a lot of our backs never recovered fully from the weekend, so if you are going to hit class tomorrow please make sure you get an extensive warm-up in, do not rush it (talking to myself here also..).  We will squat again on Saturday, the rest of class is designed to be a cool down for Diane.

Extra work:
a) 15 T2B
b) 50 DU
c) Rest
d) 2 Squat Clean + Jerks @ 75% 1RM (All 8 reps should be hit flawlessly) (this means 1 C&J, drop...then a 2nd full C&J)

Friday is a full rest day, Saturday will be normal skulls w/ squats + 1 workout.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Wednesday, July 22

I understand that yesterday's extra work was very difficult for most people. Last week and especially the weekend was very difficult and if your lower back is flared up a bit you should definitely think about adding in a rest day (preferably on Wednesday) or if you do come in, taking the workout very light or scaling to something else and just hitting the squats/ MU work is plenty for today. 

Please try to listen to your bodies - When intensity work / Lactic threshold training (Read more here) is programmed and you don't "have it" it is FAR better to just call it a day, relax, mobilize or train something that you enjoy and you can put some effort into / hit some weaknesses.  We have ~3 more weeks on our cycle before our next deload, so things will continue to ramp up for 3 more weeks. Try to understand the difference between when "grinding it out" is good, and when it isn't.  Here are the best examples I can provide:
"Badger" - Grind through, do singles on the cleans, break the pull-ups, do your best to finish.

"Fran" - Don't grind through, either maximum intensity is brought, or you should scale/change the workout or go home and take a rest day.

Intervals - Go as hard as you can, rest is there to allow higher intensity.

Squats - Grind through it provided your body isn't breaking down.

Olympic lifting - Don't grind through, lighten things up/drop reps and improve form if needed.

A big part of following this blog is responsibility, communication and team work.  I am around to answer questions and tell you what is best for YOU day in and day out.  Every piece of advice I offer you is to provide you with the best training you can, all other coaches should provide the same.  Other competitors should also be there to support you or call you out.  We have to have thick skin and realize that as a community and a group we are here to make each other better. I am proud daily of all of the hard work everyone puts in - one of the proudest moments I have as a coach though is when an athlete comes in, hits a little airdyne, mobilizes and calls it a day - telling me that they "just needed a day off."  That shows maturity and an understanding of your mental and physical state.  If you don't read what I type or the instructions that I put out every day then you are missing out on much of the most important knowledge and wisdom I can provide you with. Yesterday I put this: **Rest 3 minutes after each effort - These are to be done at absolute max effort - Scale as needed to increase intensity**
Try to make sure you guys stay up on reading the asterisks and sticking to them to understand the point of the workouts / extra work. If you don't understand ask questions, I can only help as much as you let me. 

Extra work: 
1) 4 @ 70%
4 @ 75%
4 @ 80%
4 @ 85%

2a) 5 @ 60%
5 @ 65%
5 @ 70%
5 @ 70%

2b) After each set perform a max set of Muscle-Ups.  Look back over your previous weeks and aim to improve on your sets as best you can.  We should be improving our volume of MU each week. 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Tuesday, July 21

1) Helllllllllllllllllllllo everyone! We are looking at hosting a dinner / family dinner / hang out / Games viewing session on Saturday evening around 6-7pm until the Games are completed. The gym is always a back-up option and we can watch in the Golf Room if needed, however I would like to open the floor to see if anyone has a place that could house our regular Sunday crew + significant others who might want to join (max 20, more likely maybe 12-16 - if you guys are interested).  We can cheat and do something easy like Pizza -- Or we can blow it out and everyone makes some healthy snacks/treats and we dominate that way.  Just an idea we kicked around at paddleboarding that it might be fun to get together socially and it just paired up nicely with the games.  

2) In the comments if you guys can leave your team info for NewCov that would be awesome! I think we have 4 or 5 teams signed up but I can't get them straight. 

Extra work:

1) 5 Rounds of:
250m Row
10 Squat Cleans @ 135, 155, 155, 185, 185 /// 95, 115, 115, 125, 125 (weights listed as it changes per round)
15 Chest-to-Bar
*Rest 3 minutes after each effort - These are to be done at absolute max effort - Scale as needed to increase intensity*

2a) 3 x Max Set - Ring Dips
2b) 3 x Max Set - Glute-Ham-Raises
*alternate movements, rest as needed in between to give max effort*

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Championship Sunday, July 19

Will Watch: 0/1

With a running clock complete the following:

0:00 - 4:00:
With a partner go back and forth for max rounds of 3 TnG Squat Cleans @ 185 / 125 (girls use 3 15's on each side). One round = Both partners completing 3 TnG cleans or 6 total. 

With a partner go back and forth for max rounds of 2 TnG Squat Snatches @ 135/95

With a partner go back and forth for max rounds of 10 Push Presses @ 95/65

12:00-18:00 - Rest - 

18:00 - 30:00:
With a partner complete max Rounds in 8 minutes of:
250m Row
25 Dbl KB Swings (53/35/hand) - Eye level, straight arms. 

30:00 - 45:00:
Odd - HS Walk/Hold practice - Walk 50ft if proficient, otherwise work on holding for 20-30 seconds. 

Even - 5 Strict Pull-ups + 10 Strict form Push-Ups

With a partner complete:
50 WB (Each, same time)
100m Sled Drag (parking lot full length long ways) - avg Body weight on sled. 
30 WB (Each)
100m Sled Drag
Max Set Wall-Balls Unbroken 

Equip set-up:
Barbells set with 185/125
Two KBs per team, set close-ish to the rower. 
2 WBs per team
1 sled per team with avg BW on the sled, posted outside.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Skulls, Saturday 7.18

1) Squats:
5 @ 70%
5 @ 80%
2 @ 85%
3 @ 90%
1 @ 100% +1-2lbs (not allowed to try old PRs....but still stick to the program....the inner battle)

2) For time:
21 Pistols with 65/45lb DB
15 C&J @ 185/125
9 Muscle-Ups (Scale Burpee CTB)

Rest 15 minutes

21 Parallette HSPU
15 Snatches @ 165/105
9 Muscle-Ups (Scale Burpee CTB)

3) rest/recover/mobilize for Sunday

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Thursday, July 16

Class is gonna be work. Be prepared. 

Extra - Rowing:

Rest 2mins
Rest 3mins
Rest 3mins
Rest 2mins

Pace Goals:

Tier 1 - 1:42-1:45  /// 1:52-1:56
Tier 2 - 1:46-1:50 /// 1:57-2:02
Tier 3 - 1:51- 1:55 /// 2:03-2:10
*Based on your rowing abilities pick a tier and try to start at that pace (try NOT to start at a pace you cannot maintain) and try to stay in that range for all rows. A perfect Tier 1 pacing would look like this:

500m - 1:42 avg
Rest 2mins
1000m - 1:43 avg
Rest 3mins
1500m - 1:45 avg
Rest 3mins
1000m - 1:44 avg
Rest 2mins
500m - 1:43 avg

Wednesday, July 15th


Hatch Wk 6 D2:
1) BS/ OHS
4 @ 75
4 @ 80
4 @ 80 
4 @ 80

2a) FS
5 @ 60
5 @ 65
5 @ 70
5 @ 70

2b) 4 x Max Set Strict HSPU - Put yourself in a situation to get 15-25 each set - go up or down as needed to make this happen. 

3) 5 x 8 Weighted Glute Ham Raises

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Tuesday, June 14

Today has one goal - To crush "DT" -- Come in ready to go, and put an absolute max effort forward on this one.  Everything else is secondary. 

Extra work:
Mins 1-7: 1 Snatch + 1 OHS @ 70% 
Mins 8-14: 3-6 Muscle-Ups
Mins 15-20: 2 Snatches @ 70% + 3 MU 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Championship Sunday

K$ will be hosting an arrival time of 9am -- While we wanted to get back and be able to get up to train with everyone, unfortunately the 4.5hr drive and 4am wake up/10pm arrival time was a bit much for us, so we will be in as you guys wrap up to cheer you on!

Running clock -

1) 0-15:00 - 
12min AmRap of:
8 OHS @ 115/75
16 CTB
24 Double Unders

2) 15:00-30:00:
2 position Squat Snatch - Floor + Hang (above knee) - Begin @ 50% and go up each minute.

3) 30:00-Finish:
15min Cap:
Row 1k
30 Kipping HSPU
Row 1k
30 Kipping Ring Dips
*Alternates run 800m instead of Row 1k*

Rest exactly 2 minutes from when you finish and begin from 1...

4) Death by: Thruster @ 115/75

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Thursday, July 9

Extra work:
EMOM20 - 

Mins 1-5 - 2 Power Clean + Jerk @ 65%
Mins 6-10 - 2 Squat Clean + Jerk @ 70%
Mins 11-15 - 2 Power Clean @ 75%
Mins 16-20 - 2 Squat Cleans @ 80%

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Wednesday, July 8

Class -- If you guys can BS, and have been pushing your limits in class or Hatch you have ONE GOAL today - That is to get your old 1RM for 2. Get it.

Extra work:
1. 5 Rounds:
10 Strict HSPU Unbroken
10 T2B (straight legs)

rest 3 minutes then...

2. 30-20-10:
AD Calories
Row Calories
Ski Calories
*Run a 400m after the round of 30 and 20*
**This should be performed at a pace that keeps your heart rate below red-line, you should feel in control the entire time, not exhausted**

3. If time perform 3 max sets per hand of Kroc Rows @ 85/55lbs

Monday, July 6, 2015

Tuesday, July 7

Extra: Squats - Wk5d2
1) OHS (If doing back squats for this program, instead do OHS today)
6 @ 65%
6 @ 75%
6 @ 80%
6 @ 80%

2a) FS
5 @ 60%
5 @ 65%
5 @ 70%
5 @ 70%

2b) Max Muscle-Ups -- Try to improve over the past few weeks sets -- Goal is to get +4 reps over last weeks sets.  

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Championship Sunday, June 5th

1. I hope everyone enjoyed the picture perfect day granted to us on the 4th - celebrating the small percentage of crazy revolutionaries who stepped up against laws and tyranny to dominate some accent loving chumps. Glad I don't talk that sissy brit way these days...Naw'Mean?

2. For Hales/Toad's wedding - and because John didn't get my reference:

3. Times for tomorrow will be super weird:
9:00a - K$ would like to run this time, I would really like some sleep.
11:00a - Maria, Cash and Kara have committed to this time slot.
1:30p - I am trying to be a good teammate and get the bachelor party / Cincy crowd into the gym around this time.
Take your pick!

With a 60 minute running clock complete:

EMOM12 - 
Odd - 12 Thrusters @ 95/65#
Even - Row 12/10 Cals

EMOM12 - Squat Clean + Split Jerk Ladder
Guys begin @ 185, girls @ 115 - Add 20/10lbs EMOM until you hit failure, then make a judgement call to go back to previous weight or finish the remaining time attempting the current weight.

If you will hit your max in under 6 minutes with these jumps scale down to 10lbs/5lbs every minute, or adjust your starting weight.

15min AmRap:
5 DL @ Max C&J Wgt (keep bars set)
10 Bar facing burpees
15 T2B
20 KB Snatch (below the knee at the bottom, 53/35)
25 Air Squats

Tabata Sled Push (Empty Sled, everyone has their own, if more than 8 ppl give those struggling the most an extra 4 mins of rest).

Equipment Prep pre-Championship:
Barbell w/ 95/65 + Prepped weights for C&J
53/35lb KBs
Sleds prepped outside.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


1) EMOM20 - 1 Hang Snatch
Mins 1-5 @ 75% (% go off your best snatch, hang or floor)
Mins 6-10 @ 80%
Mins 11-15 @ 85%
Mins 16-20 @ 90%
Goal is no misses -- Drill footwork and sticking the catch position.

2) 21-15-9:
OHS (115/75)

3) 5 Rounds:
:30 on/:30 off
a) Ski Max Effort
b) Max GHD Sit-Ups
*Alternate back and forth for 10 minutes (one round is both through)

4) :15on/:15 off for 10 rounds - HS Holds

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Thursday, July 2

Quick programming note:
1. If you guys are competing and/or have competed and are feeling run down/beat down - Please consider taking 2-3 days off, or VERY light to let your CNS recover.  When you compete, especially in team comps, you smoke your CNS going full throttle so much - then coming back to a DL or heavy squat day will knock you into a funk that will be hard to recover out of.  If you are feeling this please trust me and know that you and your body will perform far better taking the days off rather than pushing through.

2. Due to Murph on Saturday I assume everyone's Friday/Saturday/Sunday schedule will be thrown off -- my only recommendation would be to only do 1 of those days full go, and look at maybe doing just Squats and some light cardio on one of the other days.  I will post this work as "skulls" on Friday, and allow some time for weakness work as well - I will also post a championship Sunday for those who are out for Friday/Saturday.  

3. I have been extremely impressed and proud of everyone over the past few weeks - there has been a ton of support, communication and work put in.  I love seeing people help each other out - this is what we were missing this past year and with this group and this positivity I really feel like we will improve more than we ever thought possible. 

4. Class on Thursday could be a real back smoker -- Pay attention to this and don't be a hero if you already have some tightness, take the day off or change it up. 

Extra Work:

With a running clock complete:
50 Kipping HSPU (must kip)
*Every break you must complete 15/10cal Airdyne*
From 10:00 to finish:
Get to 75 HSPU. *After the 10min mark all HSPU must be strict, and the AD Cals continue just the same*

**Head level should be even, I would prefer on the blue mats, but plates are a back-up**