Saturday, January 30, 2016

Sunday, January 31

2:00p arrival, 2:30p start time. 

Saturday, January 30

1:00p Arrival, 1:30p Start -- Bring gear to run outside in, should be low 50's by the time we start. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Thursday, January 27

1) "Barbara" (plan for the butt strawberry)

2) E90s for 15minutes:
1 C&J - Build to a heavy 1
rest 5 minutes then..
3 TnG Power Clean and Jerk @ 60% of Heavy 1 (cycling speed work)

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Wednesday, January 27

1) Pocket Snatch -- After today's power snatches lets work on speed under the bar and footwork - stay light and FAST
2) Sledpush/Sandbag workout (not the masters one)

1) With a partner complete:
4 Rounds - Each for time:
Row 400m
15 Unbroken Thrusters (95/65)
*Your rest is time it takes your partner to go, if no partner then time yourself and rest 1:1*

I will be working to have the secondary rig up as soon as possible, I might need some help this weekend with it if you guys are available to help with matting and rig set-up. In the mean time the extra work will be lower on rig work (don't worry once its up it will be speal bar / MU haven for you all) - so stick out this week and if you get a chance to come to Open Gym or get some work in in the 5-10 minute class transfer to sneak in a quick tabata T2B or CtB then please do so.  

Monday, January 25, 2016

Tuesday, January 26

1) Heavy FS Work
2) Bar MU/DL work

3) Barbell Cycling:
On an every 2 minute running clock complete the following sets until you cannot move up anymore:
1, 2, 3, 4 - Touch & Go Power Snatch
*Barbell begins at 135/85 and moves up 10lbs every 2 minute set until you cannot complete the reps inside of the 2 minutes.*

If these weights get unrealistic for you make 5lb jumps instead of 10, or start lighter. You should be confident to make it at least (3) 2-minute intervals. 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Sunday, January 24

I'll be gone tomorrow, Maria/Sunshine will be organizers -- 2:00p Arrival, 2:30p start time:

1) EMOM21:
a) 15 DB Thrusters (35/25/hand)
b) 15 Box Jumps (30/24")
c) 15/12 Cals Airdyne or Skiier 
*Should be in teams of 3 and alternate stations*

rest 5 minutes then begin:

2) E90s for 15mins:
2 Push Jerks + 1 Split Jerk (cycled, work for speed and efficiency, stay at a weight you can control)

rest 5 minutes to set bars then..

3) 12min AmRap:
20 FR Step-Back Lunges (135/95)
10 Rope Climbs
20 Deadlifts (135/95)

*End with 10 minutes of weakness work -- find partners who need the same thing as you and get to work quickly after the MetCon*

Friday, January 22, 2016

Saturday, January 23

1:00p Arrival, 1:30p Start

1) EMOM20:
a) Squat Snatch - 1 Attempt per minute, build in weight if made attempt
b) 20/16 Cals Rower

2) 3 x 100ft HS Walks for time

3) With a partner (guy/girl where possible):
50 Cleans (205/145)
50 Muscle-Ups

4) Mental training:
1 Attempt - Max Wall-Balls

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Thursday, January 21

Preferably Extra work will be done before class today - try to plan this.

a) EMOM12:
1 Clean + 2 Jerks @ 75% (build after minute 8 if too easy)

b) EMOM12:
2 Position Snatch (Floor & 2" off Floor - Drop between) @ 65-75% - Drill footwork and go into class Snatch Balances sharp.

1) Snatch Balance - 1Rm
2) OHS/DU sprint workout - Mandatory Squat Snatch to start the OHS. Any break in OHS is one penalty.

After Class Extra:
1) For each Penalty in the workout complete 10 OHS

2) EMOM8:
10/8 CTB -- Goal is to do these Unbroken each round. If you cannot complete these reps unbroken then I want you to do a 'max set' for each round. Note them and note your drop-off. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Wednesday, January 20

Quick updates on Open Stuff:
- All Open workouts will be done on Saturday's unless you have a major work conflict or schedule issue that will prevent you from doing that. If you are planning on being competitive or having your scores taken you must do these workouts in the presence of me (yes, this is actually a rulebook rule) and have your score judged by someone who has taken the judges course. Which brings me to my next point...
- If you plan on joining the more competitive groups later on Saturday you must complete the online judges course so that you can judge. You will not be allowed to join unless you can reciprocate judging others in the group, and to do that you must be a qualified judge. It is $10 - Otherwise you can join classes and get judged by anyone. 
- If you have movement or rep issues as I see them you will receive a more experienced judge and I will be watching over you. I take our affiliates reputation and standards extremely seriously and will not validate scores I don't firmly believe in. 
- This is a major area of focus over the coming weeks, count all of your reps diligently and none of your bad ones. Let nothing by, and force yourself into good standards and the Open will just be another day for you...if you do not train this way expect to be disappointed come Open time. Move perfectly, and be harsh on yourself. 
- Redo's on Monday's will be scheduled with me, I will make myself available to you as best I can if you feel the need to redo the workout -- However I definitely do not recommend planning  on redo's...I think it puts you in a bad place mentally for your initial run through. Expect to be one-and-done, you won't get a better atmosphere than we will have on Saturday's and the only reason for a redo is if you and your coach firmly believe you made a tactical error that you can fix in two days.  
- When you sign up your team is "Super Friends"

1) Open 13.4 -- We did this workout 6 weeks ago now. Many of you felt as though you could do better given a better plan and focus. Change your plan, shift your focus and improve on your score from 6 weeks ago, no excuses. 
2) Row Sprints/Sprints -- Utilize this as good cardio work.

Wallballs (30/20# to 10 ft)
Power Snatch (75/55#)
*This is going to hurt, rest as needed after class until you feel ready to hit it with intensity - Or do it well prior to class*

Monday, January 18, 2016

Tuesday, January 19

1) HS Hold/Jumping work
2) "Coe"

a) 7 Strict Pull-Ups (Slow and controlled on the way down)
b) 12 DB Snatches (85/55) 
c) 16 Step-Back Lunges holding the Dumbbell

Friday, January 15, 2016

Saturday, January 16

1:00pm Arrival, 1:30p Start -- Still a lighter day on Saturday -- Sunday will begin back onto more difficult programming and moving forward into our mission to:
1. Build a massive engine and confidence in your ability to go out harder, hold bigger sets and suffer more. 
2. Build up iron legs that aren't phased by anything.
3. Build up a core that doesn't break down quickly in workouts. 
4. Continue to drill and improve our Open skills.

1) EMOM10:
2 Power Clean & Jerks @ 60% (Should be done as singles, picked up quickly and cycled quickly)

2) EMOM12:
a) 7 CTB + 7 HSPU
b) 50 DU

3) 27-21-15-9:
Row Cals
OHS (95/65)
*Done in heats & judged as if an open workout*

Monday, January 11, 2016

Tuesday, January 12

We are 6 weeks from the Open, joint and muscle health is paramount right now and for the next 3 months.  This is going to be a lower volume week, backing off the joints slightly and allowing our bodies to heal up.  There will be no hard and fast extra work this week -- Below are the rules allowed for your own extra during the week.

1. You must limit extra work to 20-30 minutes per day. 
2. You must avoid all movements that even INVOLVE any nagging joint or muscle pain. 
3. All extra work must be done at a moderate-to-low intensity. (Class may be taken slightly harder)
4. Extra work must be different every day, and target a weakness. 

Here is what you need to be doing with your extra time, energy and effort:

1. Prepping and logging food -- If you do not have your nutrition dialed in and want to take training/the Open seriously this is your first step. 
2. Achieve a minimum of 9 hours of sleep every night.  You will be getting home earlier from the gym, don't troll instagram and facebook just to stay up later. Commit to going to bed earlier. 
3. Spend at least 30 minutes in the morning and evening on mobility. 
4. Get outside of the gym and have some fun with friends / each other. 

The next few weeks are going to be very intense. More intense than the previous few weeks. You need to come into it with a sound mind and a healthy body. Here are the next few days of class programming so you can begin to think about what you want your extra work to look like. Take ownership of your training and more importantly of your recovery. 

1. Strict Press medley with Lunge penalty. 
2. Partner interval rowing.

1. Form snatch work
2. Wall Climb/Sled/Sprint partner workout

Open 13.3/12.4

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Sunday, January 10

2:00p Arrival, 2:30 Start

1) 5 Rounds of 3min On / 1min off:
3 FS (ground) @ 185/125#
6 Bar Facing Burpees
9 Single-Arm Thrusters (53/35lb KB, alternate arms every round)

2) #AbzSundayz
4-5 Rounds for form:
5 DragonFly's --
15 T2B
25 Laying Knees-to-Elbows
50ft HS Walk
100 DU

48:00 - 60:00
3) E90s for 12min:
15 WB UB
10 DB Snatches @ 65/45

Friday, January 8, 2016

Saturday, January 9

1:00p Arrival, 1:30p Start time

1) Warm-Up - Partner or teams of 3:
a) 3-Position Squat Snatch @ 95/65#
b) 8 Synchro Pull-Ups Regular Kipping style
c) 5 Huge, bounding broad jumps for distance (no landing, must jump straight into next jump) + 10 Jumping Squats (for height)

2) M/M, F/F Teams - On Rower or AD:
Complete for time:
1) 20/12 Cals, 5 Squat Snatches @ 165/115
2) 20/12 Cals, 7/4 Muscle-Ups
3) 30/18 Cals, 10 SqSn@ 135/95
4) 30/18 Cals, 8/5 Muscle-Ups
5) 20/12 Cals, 20 OHS @ 115/85
6) 20/12 Cals, 7/4 Muscle-Ups
*Rest is time it takes partner for round*

3) Tabata (alternating Rounds):

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Thursday, January 6

1) Power Clean build-ups
2) Elizabeth

3) Extra:
18/13 Cals Airdyne

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Wednesday, January 6

1) Double Under work
2) McGhee:
30min AmRap:
5 DL 275/185
13 Push-Ups
9 BJ (24/20")

I want everyone to go at this workout with a plan and time out their first two rounds. Your goal for the remainder of the workout is to keep half an eye on the clock and ensure that you do not slip from your original splits. I.e. if your first round takes you :56, and your second is 1:08 - Try not to let your times slip off of ~1:10-1:15 for the rest of the 30 minutes.  This will be a little game you can play with yourself to keep you moving and motivated and help make the 30 minutes move quicker.  Know your body, and start with a sustainable plan. (i.e. don't do 13 UB push-ups and blitz the first round if you know you're going to be down to 2 or 3 push-ups by round 6 - you won't have an accurate split time you can maintain).

3 Squat Snatch + 3 C&J @ (145/95)
rest 3 minutes then...
30 Jerks for time @ 145/95

Monday, January 4, 2016

Tuesday, January 5

We have quite the week ahead of us. Jay is really ramping up the 2016 Open Training this week and class is full of difficult tests. With the extra work this week we will be working some of the main skills involved with the Open, cycling them and hitting them for big(ger) sets than you might be used to. Some of it will be pacing work, some of it will be max effort - Ensure you understand the purpose of the exercises and hit them accordingly:

1) Pause OHS
2) 30 Thrusters (75/55)
3 RC
20 Th
2 RC
10 Th
1 RC
*Rules -- All Thrusters must be unbroken, no other option is available to you.*

3) Complete the following for max sets:
a) 2 x 5 Strict Pull-ups + Max Kipping CTB (This is a complex you may not come off the bar after the 5 strict)
b) 2 x 5 Strict T2B + Max Kipping T2B
c) 2 x 2 Strict Wall Climbs + ME UB Strict Wall-Facing HSPU

Both sets of A should be done before you begin both sets of B, which should be completed before you begin C.  Rest as needed between sets to allow yourselves the best opportunity to do well. If you cannot come in during Open Gym or a time when a class is not going on you must work OFF the Speal Bar for this workout. This is something that some of you desperately need anyway - The Speal bar is very nice, we will soon have more of them - however becoming dependent upon them will only weaken you for competitions outside of Friendship.  I recommend at least 2-3x/month getting yourself some work off of this bar, it will improve your grip strength and understanding of how to grip when sweaty/fatigued/wet/uncomfortable and still get work done. 

Friday, January 1, 2016

Saturday, January 2

2016 has begun, get all that shit out of you -- Game time.

1pm Arrival, 1:30p Start time

1) For time complete:
40 V-Ups
30 GTO (95/65)
20 HSPU 
10 Bar Muscle-Ups (Scaled: Burpee -> strict pull-up)
rest 5 minutes, then repeat

2) In 7 minutes establish a 3 Position Snatch Max -- Above Knee, Below, Floor

2b) EMOM12:
Complete 1 position of the snatch at your max 3-position. 

3) Sprint work.