Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Wednesday, January 27

1) Pocket Snatch -- After today's power snatches lets work on speed under the bar and footwork - stay light and FAST
2) Sledpush/Sandbag workout (not the masters one)

1) With a partner complete:
4 Rounds - Each for time:
Row 400m
15 Unbroken Thrusters (95/65)
*Your rest is time it takes your partner to go, if no partner then time yourself and rest 1:1*

I will be working to have the secondary rig up as soon as possible, I might need some help this weekend with it if you guys are available to help with matting and rig set-up. In the mean time the extra work will be lower on rig work (don't worry once its up it will be speal bar / MU haven for you all) - so stick out this week and if you get a chance to come to Open Gym or get some work in in the 5-10 minute class transfer to sneak in a quick tabata T2B or CtB then please do so.  


  1. I'm free to help on saturday! Anything to get those ring dip stations back! 😂

  2. Second that! I can help whenever needed :)
