Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday, March 18

In Class - Wear a weightvest for the workout.

Extra work:
4 rounds for form/reps:
Max Set Pull ups
30s Hollow Hold on GHD
10 Glute Ham Raises
**rest as needed between exercises, should be a brisk but not intense pace - Cap at 15mins if and only if you move in to rowing, otherwise finish regardless**

Perform 2 x 2000m Rows @ +30s of your row pace with 3min rest between efforts.

1 comment:

  1. Rows:
    2k - 7:11, 7:14 - avg heartrate 164/168

    Extra - Pull-ups, 32/45 then strict 7/7 due to hands
    Hollow holds are rough
    GHR done, needed to do weighted.

    Class - Done with weightvest, very slow/sluggish.
