Monday, March 9, 2015

Tuesday, March 10

Extra Work:

Emom 8:
3-position Snatch (mid-thigh, knee, floor) @ 70%

Rest 4mins then...

4 x Max set HSPU (minimum set is 10, adjust head assistance accordingly)


  1. Snatches done a little lighter than 70% last 3 at 115#. Felt good just tired breathing

    HSPU strict 12 strict 13 kipping 31 kipping 41. Hammies tired with kipping!

  2. First 3 EMOM at 125# and last 5 at 145#.

    HSPU = 10/11/9/11

  3. Snatches - We did EMOM10, used rounds 1-3 to build to our weight. Finished at 165# - Few fails, couple good reps. Definitely hard to get under it after the workout, good training though. Got the HR back up.

    HSPU -- We did these in the workout (7/round) -- First 15 minutes strict (10 rnds = 70 HSPU), Second 15 minutes kipping (7 rounds = 49 HSPU) -- All HSPU UB minus two balance falls when starting kipping.

  4. Snatch: worked up to 145# for last 3
    HSPU (strict): 16,14,9,9
