5:30am - Cash, Jenny, K$ (?)
9:30am - Jeff, Chris, Maria, John, Will
5:30pm - Guessing Mirth/Sunshine
Ideally in the future I would like to have this set in stone as much as I can so I can post this.
This workout does not warrant a prep day. Instead think about doing it twice and applying rest breaks or kipping changes based on your first experience. Friday and Sun/Monday or Saturday/Monday
In Class - Wear a weightvest for the workout.
Extra work:
4 rounds for form/reps:
Max Set Pull ups
30s Hollow Hold on GHD
10 Glute Ham Raises
**rest as needed between exercises, should be a brisk but not intense pace - Cap at 15mins if and only if you move in to rowing, otherwise finish regardless**
Perform 2 x 2000m Rows @ +30s of your row pace with 3min rest between efforts.
Prep day:
500m Row, 20 Cal AD, 250m Ski @ 85%
5 x 2 - Power Snatch + OHS @ ~60%
3 rounds of:
2 squat Cleans (155/105)
3 FS
4 Burpees over the Bar
4 MU
25 WB
50 DU
(If your sets are going to be less than this, practice those. However you should not go above these reps for prep purposes)
Rest 2 minutes between rounds
There are 3 ways to do this w/o:
1. The Good at MU/ weaker at WB/Engine crew: Your goal is to break the WB and DU intentionally, but minimal rest time - think 10s with 5second breaks on WB and 25s with 5s breaks on DUs. MU need to be quick assuming this is a strength.
2. The Good at WB/ Bad at MU group: You will likely get so much rest on the MU you should be thinking unbroken or 1 break at most on the WB and going big on the DU. Take your time and break the muscle ups early. When it looks like you're on your last round (>9mins) start to push the MU again. 3/2/2 or singles are fine so long as you don't hit failure.
3. The "I shouldve done more DU/MU" group: do your best, make one attempt at RX, then do it scaled and spend time working your ring dips, transitions or double unders. Start your 2016 transformation now and realize this exact same type of workout will come out next year, and every year. This was no surprise.
Extra work:
6 x 400m Run / 500m row -- Rest 1:1
12min Emom - Weakness training -- pick a weakness and hammer away for 10-12mins!
Extra Work:
Emom 8:
3-position Snatch (mid-thigh, knee, floor) @ 70%
Rest 4mins then...
4 x Max set HSPU (minimum set is 10, adjust head assistance accordingly)
Extra work:
7x3 - OHS @ 75%
When working up pause in the bottom position, build stability in that position!
Many of you are repeating the workout today, establish a better plan and go hard. Let the challenge of the weights motivate you, not scare you. Establish a fast pace from the start, cardio and breathing will take care of themselves once your t2b slow you down. Good luck and make sure you talk with a coach if you have any apprehensions.
No extra work today - think about when you guys want to do this week's Open workout. Friday morning we'll get a group together to do it, as well as Sunday at Open Gym. Monday in class it will be the workout, and a final opportunity to do it again! Great work week 1, I think the team should be sitting in a good place after the first week!!