Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Wednesday, April 1

Class today is all about intensity. Bring it. Please begin posting your class times in the comments if when you know them, I will post the people I know for the following days so you might be able to meet up with them. If you do not see them on the list, think about texting to find out or posting here in the comments. 

5:30am - Cash, Jenny, K$ (?)
9:30am - Jeff, Chris, Maria, John, Will 

5:30pm - Guessing Mirth/Sunshine

Ideally in the future I would like to have this set in stone as much as I can so I can post this. 

Extra work:
E3MOM30 (10 Rounds):
500m Row (Men) / 450m Row (Women)
15 Pull-Ups (Go for  UB)
(Inside of 3 minutes complete the row and the pull-ups, rest the remaining time and continue again. If you can butterfly or are working on it, use them.  There will not be much rest, especially in the end of this piece, it is designed that way, no matter how many pull-ups you get, get back on the rower at 2:50 so you do not fall behind)

EMOM 16:
1a) Snatch Balance + 3 OHS @ 70% Snatch
1b) 5 Weighted Pull-Ups
*Alternate these two exercises every minute for 16 minutes*

2) 7 x 10 Glute-Ham Raises -- Rest 30-45s (or enough for one partner to go in between you), try to maintain perfect form as long as possible, cut the reps/sets down as needed, but complete 70 total reps. 

1) E30s until failure: Complete 3 Strict HSPU.
*If you do not complete more than 30 total reps, complete the remainder of your 30 reps for time.*

4 rounds:
2a) 5 Strict Weighted Pull-Ups
2b) 10 Band Pull-Aparts
2c) 20 Hollow-Rocks (Unbroken)
*Rest 30s exactly between exercises*

***Gymnastics work will follow a strict template for 8 weeks, if you are going to commit to gymnastics make sure you hammer down on these drills, get with coaches or video yourselves to ensure you're doing the drills properly. Become obsessed with form -- You will repeat a lot of exercises and drills, and do them at varying levels of fatigue. Work to improve upon resistence or remove assistance where/when possible -- If you are doing the Muscle-Up work (always will be our first extra work day of the week), and feel as though you are improving or getting close to a muscle-up, ensure you spend the time necessary on the high rings to work your kipping and pulling through some real Muscle-Up attempts. The program will be strength focused for now, and will not have a lot of kipping MU testing built in until later***

Monday, March 30, 2015

Tuesday, March 31

For Class: Scale MetCon to 185/125

Extra Work:

Run 1 mile
rest 2mins
Run 800m
Rest 2mins
Run 1 mile 
then complete: 50 Burpees for time. **If raining bad enough to NOT do this (must be trainer approved) then sub rowing 2k, 1k, 2k.

If you have muscle-ups complete: 30 Muscle-Ups for time, every break complete 250m Ski

If you do not have Muscle-Ups complete: 
a) 4 x 10 - Inclined Ring-Row
b) 4 x 5 - Muscle-Up Transitions (work to a low band)
c) 4 x 8 Strict DEEP Ring Dips
d) 4 x 3 - Skin-the-Cats (keep a long, planked body)
** This will be a weekly superset, make notes and aim to improve upon this every week - go down in bands and work hard for body position.**

1a) Bench Press - 5 @ 75%, 5 @ 80%, 3 @ 85%, 3 @ 90%, Max Set @ 75%
1b) Good Morning -- 5 x 5 @ Increasing weight, preferably with the safety squat bar.

2) 7-10 minutes banded walking march, use a dip belt preferably and ensure you have a downward tensioned band and a backwards tensioned band. https://instagram.com/p/zgYYV0TRBO

Monday, March 30

This begins the testing phase of our off-season.  Our goal will be to have a meeting Saturday, April 11th around 11:00am to discuss this off-seasons plan, goals and focuses of the team, how to approach extra work (and who to do it with / when to do it, etc.).  From now until the end of May will be pre-testing, will give us an idea of where to take training, and you individually where you need to set your sights and goals for this year. 

Extra work will be Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and will be meant to be done in addition to class (on the side, in the Olympic area, out of the way of class - or outside).  Saturday will be a 'double day' with the second portion being "on location" or at a spot outside of the gym, doing something fun and getting away in the afternoon. Sunday will also be a 'new' skulls day (aka championship Sundays)(8:30am-10:30am).  I would recommend this training schedule to everyone with Monday and Friday being recovery days -- If you are not on this plan now or this will not ever work for you we can discuss how to approach the extra work and class accordingly.

First and foremost you will be viewed as leaders and mood setters in class, attack every workout like it is 15.5 and you are on the cut line for regionals.  Every workout should hurt that bad, that should not have been anything special or different (minus a little bit of extra 'open push').  You will be asked to scale up frequently, try new things for class and do things that will not be and would never be asked of the general population of the gym.  Some days this will mean doing 100 pull-ups, and the next day being asked to do muscle-ups. Some days this might mean volume squatting followed by a ton of light weight OHS.  Most days you will be uncomfortable and hurt, your rest and recovery days will need to be taken seriously, not just sitting around / taking days off.  This is the beginning of the attitude shift of the Friendship Team for 2016 -- Start telling your friends/family/loved ones of your new schedule and when you will be expected to train.  Class on Saturdays is not an option anymore if you plan to be competitive (barring a major necessity) - Skulls at 11:15a is your option.  If you are unsure whether or not you want to be a part of this take the next 2-3 weeks to decide, we will be looking for committed people to train alongside this year and I want as many as we can get - There will be a lot of fun opportunities along the way, but the hard work and dedication needs to come first. 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Friday, March 27

Prep Day:

4 Rounds:
27 Cal Row @ 1500/1100 Cal/hr
5 Thrusters @ 95/65
6 Burpees
8 Box Jumps
10 WB
30 DU
Rest 3mins

Depending on how you feel spend some time playing around with rowing cals and pace.  Pace should look like this:

1500/1100 for 27s
1300/1000 for 21s
1300/100 for 15s
1500/1100 for 9s

Goal would be to only allow 1 Break on the 27s & 21s and 1 break in the 15s.  So 2 for the whole workout, if not unbroken.  We will definitely hit a skulls session after the workout on Saturday, so plan to stick around if you want to get some more work in. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Thursday, March 26

Extra work:

All Groups:

Death By:
1 Thruster, 1 Box Jump (min 1)
2 Thr, 2 BJ (min 2)
3 Thr, 3 BJ (min 3)

Weight (95/65) - Height 24/20"

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Wednesday, March 25

Extra work:

Make sure you guys are selecting one path.  If you have a major weakness that is glaring and sticks out above the rest you should perform THAT extra work every day it is posted.  That is your priority, over class or anything else. Do NOT skip these -- If you consider yourself a well-rounded athlete you may choose from all 3, but if you choose this route you MUST do one session from the 3 each week (i.e. you would do 1 STR, 1 Cardio, 1 Gym on different days).

With a partner preferably (if not, use a 1:1 work:rest ratio) complete:

10 x 200m -- Treat this as a tag-team race, as soon as your partner gets back you go, max effort.  If it is raining work on the straight course behind JoAnn Fabric (800 path), or Row/Ski instead. 

EMOM12: Snatch + Hang Snatch + OHS -- Building in weight every 2 makes, should have no misses until the final 2 minutes.

Accessory - Superset:
a) 5 x 10 Weighted GHD Sit-Ups
b) 5 x 10 Band-Pull-Aparts
c) 5 x 15 - Band Pull-Throughs - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWW-FZUPXSo

Superset - 4 sets:
a) 3 Weighted Strict Pull-Ups
b) 1min Freestanding handstand hold/walk practice
c) 8-10 second dragon hold lower -- Many scaling options here (go to advanced if possible) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CavZeuCS56g

Monday, March 23, 2015

Tuesday, March 24

Extra work:
This will be a brief step into and the beginning of our programming moving forward.  We will be having a meeting within 10-14 days to discuss the future of this programming and the 2016 Friendship Team with high hopes.  Training begins today, as the math has us pretty much eliminated from contention for Regionals this year.  I view this as a positive if we really think about our 2016 goals though, having trained for regionals for the past 4 years I really feel as though it greatly hinders a good year long, well thought-out program.  Come talk to me with any questions --

Cardio Focus:
2k Row (wear HR monitor) @ 165bpm (Row pretty hard, normal 2k pace should keep us right around this)
Rest 3mins
1k Row @ 170 BPM
rest 2min
500m Row @ 175BPM

Rest 4min, or until HR has dropped back to around 100bpm, then repeat. If unable to do with a HR monitor, row +30s from all-time PR 2k, +20s from all time 1k, +10s from all time 500m.

Strength Focus:

Front Squat - Heavy 3 for the day
then... (superset - do a, then b, then c, 5 times through)
a) 5s x 3r Front Squats @ 33X3 Tempo. (3seconds down, 3second pause, up fast, 3 seconds at the top locked out)
b) 5s x 10r Glute-Ham Raises
c) 5s x 5 Reps @ Heavy Bent-Over-Rows

Gymnastics Focus:
a) 6 x 7 - Inclined Ring-Row
b) 6 x 3 - Muscle-Up Transitions (work to a low band)
c) 6 x 5 Strict DEEP Ring Dips
d) 6 x 2 - Skin-the-Cats (keep a long, planked body)

Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday, March 20

This workout does not warrant a prep day. Instead think about doing it twice and applying rest breaks or kipping changes based on your first experience. Friday and Sun/Monday or Saturday/Monday 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday, March 18

In Class - Wear a weightvest for the workout.

Extra work:
4 rounds for form/reps:
Max Set Pull ups
30s Hollow Hold on GHD
10 Glute Ham Raises
**rest as needed between exercises, should be a brisk but not intense pace - Cap at 15mins if and only if you move in to rowing, otherwise finish regardless**

Perform 2 x 2000m Rows @ +30s of your row pace with 3min rest between efforts.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Tuesday, March 17th

Extra work: 

Burpee Box Jumps (24/20")
HSPU (Any Style) 
Power Snatch (95/65)

Recover from class workout, rest ~10 minutes and warm-up HSPU, load up a bar and get after this.  Work on keeping a consistent pace on the BBJ, and controlled, quick sets on the HSPU -- try to find someone to compete against. Cap this at 15 minutes.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Friday, March 13

Prep day:
500m Row, 20 Cal AD, 250m Ski @ 85%

5 x 2 - Power Snatch + OHS @ ~60%

3 rounds of:
2 squat Cleans (155/105)
3 FS
4 Burpees over the Bar
4 MU
25 WB
50 DU
(If your sets are going to be less than this, practice those. However you should not go above these reps for prep purposes)
Rest 2 minutes between rounds

There are 3 ways to do this w/o:

1. The Good at MU/ weaker at WB/Engine crew: Your goal is to break the WB and DU intentionally, but minimal rest time - think 10s with 5second breaks on WB and 25s with 5s breaks on DUs. MU need to be quick assuming this is a strength.

2. The Good at WB/ Bad at MU group: You will likely get so much rest on the MU you should be thinking unbroken or 1 break at most on the WB and going big on the DU. Take your time and break the muscle ups early. When it looks like you're on your last round (>9mins) start to push the MU again. 3/2/2 or singles are fine so long as you don't hit failure.

3. The "I shouldve done more DU/MU" group: do your best, make one attempt at RX, then do it scaled and spend time working your ring dips, transitions or double unders.  Start your 2016 transformation now and realize this exact same type of workout will come out next year, and every year. This was no surprise.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Wednesday, March 11

Extra work:
6 x 400m Run / 500m row -- Rest 1:1

12min Emom - Weakness training -- pick a weakness and hammer away for 10-12mins!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Tuesday, March 10

Extra Work:

Emom 8:
3-position Snatch (mid-thigh, knee, floor) @ 70%

Rest 4mins then...

4 x Max set HSPU (minimum set is 10, adjust head assistance accordingly)

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Monday, March 9

Extra Work:
Row 1000m
15 MU / 12
Row 750m
12 MU / 9
Row 500m
9 MU / 6
Row 250m
6 MU / 3

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Thursday, March 5th

Prep Day -- If you are doing the Open 15.2 on Friday complete the following prep work:

Row 1k @ 85%

Rest 3mins then complete:

2 Squat Snatch @ 65%


3 rounds of:
2 Power Clean @ 155/105
3 STO 
3 Muscle-Ups
4 Ring Dips
5 Burpee Box Jumps
12 WB
40 DU
rest 3mins

If you are not doing Open 15.2 Friday then do not complete extra work today. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Wednesday, March 4

Extra work:
7x3 - OHS @ 75%
When working up pause in the bottom position, build stability in that position!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Tuesday, March 3rd

This week we proved:
a) Year round strength cycles work -- 4th place in the Central East in C&J, ~50th worldwide (out of 4,000+ teams)
b) T2B at an insane fatigue level needs to be trained a bit more, especially with other grip inhibitors. (except Jenny, TOP 3 IN THE REGION!)
c) We got a shot at top 15! (If we don't make it we all blame Kit anyway)

Extra Work:

10 Rounds:
250m Ski Sprint
10 Strict HSPU
Rest 1:1
*aka if the round takes you 1:38, you rest 1:38*

This workout ends in one of three ways:
1. You complete 10 rounds
2. You hit a critical drop-off point in your skiing, and cannot keep up an aggressive/intense pace. This is only true on the skiier, if you hit failure on the HSPU I want you to try to work through it at a normal/moderate pace.
3. You go over 25minutes total time.


Monday, March 2

Many of you are repeating the workout today, establish a better plan and go hard. Let the challenge of the weights motivate you, not scare you. Establish a fast pace from the start, cardio and breathing will take care of themselves once your t2b slow you down. Good luck and make sure you talk with a coach if you have any apprehensions.

No extra work today - think about when you guys want to do this week's Open workout. Friday morning we'll get a group together to do it, as well as Sunday at Open Gym. Monday in class it will be the workout, and a final opportunity to do it again! Great work week 1, I think the team should be sitting in a good place after the first week!!