Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Thursday/Friday July 3/4, 2014

Over the next two days depending on availability and when you are working out complete the following complex.

1) Kroc Rows Max R/L w/ 100/70lbs
2) Pause Front Squat - 3 Reps with 5s count at 65-75% 1RM FS (build in weight from 65% to 75%)
3) 3 Chest-to-Ring Pull-Ups, Muscle-Up, 3 Ring Dips


  1. Murph in 53:44
    No extra work. Everyone have a great 4th!!!

  2. 1) done at 70#-between 5 and 3 each min-my hands were pretty sore and I felt like that was limiting
    2) all done at 145# got fairly hard to stand up at end
    3) done-felt good

    No Murph for me-will rest tomorrow! Happy 4th friends =)
