Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Wednesday, January 20

Quick updates on Open Stuff:
- All Open workouts will be done on Saturday's unless you have a major work conflict or schedule issue that will prevent you from doing that. If you are planning on being competitive or having your scores taken you must do these workouts in the presence of me (yes, this is actually a rulebook rule) and have your score judged by someone who has taken the judges course. Which brings me to my next point...
- If you plan on joining the more competitive groups later on Saturday you must complete the online judges course so that you can judge. You will not be allowed to join unless you can reciprocate judging others in the group, and to do that you must be a qualified judge. It is $10 - Otherwise you can join classes and get judged by anyone. 
- If you have movement or rep issues as I see them you will receive a more experienced judge and I will be watching over you. I take our affiliates reputation and standards extremely seriously and will not validate scores I don't firmly believe in. 
- This is a major area of focus over the coming weeks, count all of your reps diligently and none of your bad ones. Let nothing by, and force yourself into good standards and the Open will just be another day for you...if you do not train this way expect to be disappointed come Open time. Move perfectly, and be harsh on yourself. 
- Redo's on Monday's will be scheduled with me, I will make myself available to you as best I can if you feel the need to redo the workout -- However I definitely do not recommend planning  on redo's...I think it puts you in a bad place mentally for your initial run through. Expect to be one-and-done, you won't get a better atmosphere than we will have on Saturday's and the only reason for a redo is if you and your coach firmly believe you made a tactical error that you can fix in two days.  
- When you sign up your team is "Super Friends"

1) Open 13.4 -- We did this workout 6 weeks ago now. Many of you felt as though you could do better given a better plan and focus. Change your plan, shift your focus and improve on your score from 6 weeks ago, no excuses. 
2) Row Sprints/Sprints -- Utilize this as good cardio work.

Wallballs (30/20# to 10 ft)
Power Snatch (75/55#)
*This is going to hurt, rest as needed after class until you feel ready to hit it with intensity - Or do it well prior to class*


  1. Remember when people used to comment on the blog? Fun times!

    Anyway I found out this morning that today is the 3 year anniversary of my epic 10th place 2013 New Albany Winter Challenge. Chris was there. He may have done alright too. What an epic performance by me though!

    I am taking a vacation to get my mind right for some serious games training. My road to Carson starts 2/2/2016. Peace and Love.

    Joey Cash

    1. Groundhog Day? That is now a really big day. I look forward to your training.

  2. Cash… not a whole lot for me to say but.. It's about damn time.
