Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Wednesday, November 18

1. Push Press 1RM -- I would like you guys try to finish a couple minutes before class time ends (i.e. if they give you ~18-20 minutes try to be done around 15 minutes) and complete 2-3 sets of 10 @ 60% of whatever you hit -- Only if possible, if not you can complete these before/after Front Squats for extra.

2. MetCon - Solid work on some heavy DB Snatches tomorrow, try to push yourself on weight! 


3. E2MOM12 (6rounds):
3 Front Squats @ 80% -- Hit what you can, the goal here is to hit something to break up the legs after Tuesday, if you need to go a bit lighter do so. 

4. CFNE Shoulder Care.


  1. 1. Push press PR @ 155# - failed 160 once before time was up

    2. DB WOD: 5+14

    3. Squats done at 185# - worked on bracing, these felt okay for how sore my booty was

    4. I need a partner for shoulder care.....

  2. It was a nice, quiet morning at the gym.
    Failed 170# twice on push press. I've been stuck at 165 for a long while.

    6+4 on the wod. paced off Cash the whole time. What a Manimal.

    Did 3 sets of 10 push press at 105#, imagining that it was 170.

    FS at 175#. Felt heavy. Arse is really sore.
