Wednesday we will be hitting the Unknowns -- If you are able to come anytime outside of the evening there will be a little bit of extra work, however we won't have the space or time to allow any extra in the evening. Plan accordingly - I am planning on us hitting The Unknowns as our workout for Wednesday.
Class -
1. Split Jerk 1RM
2. DL/Burpee MetCon - Very high intensity. Scale weight up to 315/215.
3. Thruster -- 10-10-20RM
*Classes hit this today - guys top: 176 x 20, Girls: Not sure, goal over 100lbs (lots of 80/85's)*
4. For time:
50 Pull-Ups (kipping)
50 Toes-to-Bar
50 Parallette Straight Leg Raises (heels on ground to start, raise straight leg into an L-Sit and lower back to ground = 1 rep)
1. Didnt PR but Tied my PR from November 6, 2013. 335#
ReplyDelete2. DLs @ 315 = 4:05
No extra work. But I did class on Monday. Congrats to Drago on 176# 20 rep max thruster.
After careful consideration, I am going to lead the 5:30am crew in doing the Unknowns.
Like there was ever any doubt! #BCOD
ReplyDeleteI am traveling to ATL for work the next 2 days. Real bummed to miss tomorrow.
Miss your face.
DeleteJerkz felt solid today, just needed 3 attempts to get all my shit together at 220.
ReplyDeleteNot a PR.
WOD: 3:59. Moved the deads better than anticipated.
10-10-20 Thrusters at 75/95/115.
Pull ups / T2B / Leg Raises: 12:42
The latter was the toughest for me by far.
Mid section so swole.
1. 185# on split jerk -- 5# shy of PR @ 190# -- failed 195# 2x due to not getting my hips under the bar (aka twerking my butt back too much - magine' that!)
ReplyDelete2. WOD in 3:40 -- thought I smoked it then I watched the 4:30 class.....
3. Thrusters 85# 95# and 110#x13
4. Did pull-ups and toes 2 bar in 8:14 -- shoulder started bugging me so stopped there
ReplyDelete1) Front squatted instead of Split Jerk
5x135, 5x145,5x155,3x164, 3x175,1x185, 1x195, 1x200.
2) #demdeadsdoe I didn't have enough time to get 215 on the bar and started late in the workout! SORRY! Used 195. I am soooooooooooooooo slow at both of these movements. I have got to figure out how to get faster. Workout time: 5:43... Sorry
3) did this with JSans and a hint of CSans.... Apparently they are gonna take on my lack of mental toughness! SOUNDS GOOD!
JSans with hint of CSans and I completed:
50 Ring rows
50 V-ups
50 Hollow Rocks
Goal: Abs by spring!!! Boom!
Glad you're back to lifting some weight boobie !!! Proud of you.
Delete1) Split jerk footwork felt solid today as I built up in weight; however, after hitting 160, I put 170 on the bar and it just no longer felt awesome. Kept pushing the bar away from me and arching my back. No good! Called it a day after 2 attempts at 170. On the plus side, got to witness an awesome Jade PR! :)
ReplyDelete2) Finished the workout in 3:54, with 215. DL were definitely heavy but burpees were the thing that slowed me down the most... Especially into the 4th and 5th rounds. I need to get faster at those!! Eek.
3) Holy thrusters. Did 10 at 65, then 10 at 90, and decided to do 105 for the 20 set. Made it through 12. These were pretty tiring from a cardio perspective and I felt my form start to crumble around the 8th rep at 105. Gotta keep working on that #MentalToughness
4) Wrapped it up with the 50s. Did pull-ups in sets of 5. Started off t2b with sets of 5, then switched to 3 and 2. The leg raises weren't great for me from a form perspective so I did my "hundreds" Jenny exercise instead. Finished the whole thing in 13:15.
Early class today Baby!!!! Nice solid warmup.
ReplyDeleteNo Jerks-front squat EMOM instead 155x5/185x3/215x5/235x10/255x5/275x3/315x3/325x2
Extra w/bro--single leg squats and SL RDL for 2 sets
Subbed 50 ring rows for pull-ups and my favorite v-ups and hollow rocks.
Then hit some yoke carries and towell farmer walks with Omar. We of course had our usual man-date of curls and tricep extensions as well.
Then had a beautiful ROMWOD session in the back room with Jeff and Chris with a sprinkle of Will at the end-just the tip.
Jerks went:
ReplyDelete165, 185, 225, 245, 265, 275, 295 - All makes - 315 (F x 2, first one awful, second one good power and aggression just forward) - 315 Make, felt great, smoked it. Havent hit this weight out of the rack in years (ever?) so pretty happy to do this, not a great rack split jerker.
Workout - Tried to just peddle to the floor to take down John / RT -- 2.42 @ 315# -- Round 4 HUUUUUUURT - good push though out of the crew.
Extra - Tried to get some sets of thrusters in, but had some issues I had to take care of, mentally I wasn't able to get back into it so I just hit the ROMWOD for the day and called it. Hope to make up with a great score in the Unknowns tomorrow, as well as swimming in the evening.