Monday, November 23, 2015

Tuesday, November 24

1) Hang Snatch work

2) Team intensity work

3) 6 Rounds for time:
750m Row
Max Muscle-Ups (-2reps) -- Try to feel out when you are approaching failure and stop just short of this mark.
*Rest 2 Minutes*
**Goal is to keep the row pace equal across all sets**


  1. Ca$h - I waited and waited to give you #FirstPost honors, but I'm gonna post now.

  2. Man, I had lunch at NADA today. It was so good.

    1. NADA!!!!!! I ate brunch there on Sunday. Definitely would eat there again. Proud of you.

  3. 1. Hang snatch EMOM felt good today - worked up to 110# (80%)

    2. WOD - rounds varied from 3+1 - 3+3 (we did box jump overs at noon)

    3. Row/muscle ups done in 33:23 - rows terribly paced but tired muscle ups didn't feel that bad! Muscle up sets were 6,6,6,6,5,5

  4. Did class at 930, then extra at 530. Vacation schedule is the best!

    1) Did all hang snatches at 85# (70%) focusing on form and some cues Jay gave me. Felt good!

    2) Used the 116# stone and did all jump overs. Got 22.6 rounds per BTWB-- several rounds of 3, most rounds of 2 plus some.

    3) Finished the MU/rower workout in 34:50 total, 24:50 minus the rest periods. MU continue to need work -- did 1/1/2/2/2/2, failed my 2nd attempt on both the first sets. Kept the tower between 2:08-2:10 for first half, petered out to 2:14-2:16 for the later rounds.

    Wrapped up with some ring dips and Jenny exercises.

  5. 1) did all snatches at 85lbs today. Felt heavy and super slow today!

    2) workout: used the 93lb stone. Did 22.9 rounds. Partnered with Shelb!

    3) only had time to get 2x500 m row and 8 dips totally before I had to jet!!!!

  6. Hit 20 at 70% 1rm which was 255 for me. Felt good. Lower back blew up on workout. 8:56. Need to work on pull positioning and activation of glutes and hamstrings better. Extra before with Jesse. HSPU felt good, strict t2b were challenging. Have a great thanksgiving to everyone. I'll be heading to open gym tomorrow.
