Monday, November 30, 2015

Tuesday, December 1

December is here, we are roughly 11 Weeks from the beginning of the Open. Time to buckle down

Class - 
1. Alternating EMOM20:
Odd - 2 Squat Clean + Jerks @ 60% -- Find a good working weight and drill in footwork. Hold Jerk catches to ensure positioning and balance is clean.
Even - 5 Strict Pull-Ups (Core / Hollow focus)

2. 30-20-10:
DB OHWL (focus on position, if you cannot keep a good overhead position with both arms up, try going a bit heavier but only having 1-arm overhead)
Hollow Rocks

3. 3 x 1000m Intervals -- Rest as needed between efforts, if you have weakness work to hit, hit it during the rest portion. These should be hard efforts, record times and what weakness work you hit. (Ring Dips, MU transitions, OHS positioning, etc.) - If your weakness is cardio, shorten your rest time. 

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Friday, November 27, 2015

Saturday, November 28

Tomorrow I will be arriving at the gym at 7:20am, at 7:30am we will begin this:

With a partner complete:
10 Rounds of:
10 Cals AD
Max HS Walk in time it takes partner to complete 10 cals
**Both athletes will complete 100cals on the AD and 10 attempts at HS Walk**

Then Class:
1) Speed FS + TGU
2) 30-20-10: Wall-Ball, KBS (70/53) -- Done Unbroken!!!

After class - 1k Row Cooldown + PT/Jenny/Mobility work for 15-20 minutes. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Wednesday, November 25

1) 20RM Back Squat
2) Barbell+DU MetCon 
*Tough back day please be smart*
3) 5 Rounds for Form:
a) 5 Strict HSPU (Controlled lowers, 2-3s)
b) 5 Strict T2B + Max Effort Kipping T2B
Rest as needed between exercises

Monday, November 23, 2015

Tuesday, November 24

1) Hang Snatch work

2) Team intensity work

3) 6 Rounds for time:
750m Row
Max Muscle-Ups (-2reps) -- Try to feel out when you are approaching failure and stop just short of this mark.
*Rest 2 Minutes*
**Goal is to keep the row pace equal across all sets**

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Championship Sunday, November 22

Arrival - 2:00p, Start time: ~2:35

1) 0-30:00:
15 Rounds:
1 Legless Rope Climb
10 Burpees
20 Double Unders

2) 30-45:00
E30s for 12mins (24 Rounds)
1 Snatch @ 65-90% -- Build as needed/desired

3) 45:00-50:00
30 Hang Power Cleans @ heaviest Snatch Weight
*Ensure to have the next workout prepped in case you take this up to the 5min time cap*

4) 50:00-60:
With a partner complete:
150 AD Cals
100 Pull-Ups

Friday, November 20, 2015

Saturday, November 21

8am Class:
1. Deadlifts

2. Barbell workout -- Get after it!


3. Monster Sets:
5 Rounds through:
a) Bench Press - Build to a heavy 1
b) 5 Strict Pull-Ups
c) :30s HS Walk/Hold practice
d) 10R/10L - Single Leg KB Deadlifts 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Friday, November 20

Poll time -- I need to know your preferences for the weekend for programming:

Poll #1:
Option A - 8:00am Class + Extra on Saturday

Option B - 11:00am - Skulls

Poll #2:
Option A - 8:30am on Sunday

Option B - 2:15pm on Sunday

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Thursday, November 19

1. Class EMOM - Scale Ring Dips to Muscle-Ups -- Guys try to maintain 6 as long as possible, girls try to maintain 4 as long as possible. Those are unbroken - I only want one set, do not begin doing 3/3 or 2/2 if possible. If you are still working on 1 or 2 reps, just complete as many as you can each minute, trying to achieve a high percentage of makes.  Take care of hands, if you start to rip just do 1 Muscle-Up to get up, then complete 5-7 Ring Dips. 

2. Class MetCon is solid - Try to go UB the whole way - Scaling up WB to 30/20lbs. 


3. E3MOM30 (10 Rounds):
25/18 Cals on the Assault Bike
7 Clean and Jerks @ 155/105
*This is an Every 3 minute workout, but also a Death By workout.  If you cannot make the given calories and reps inside of the 3 minutes, your workout is terminated and you are done. Making all 10 rounds is the goal. Work on your barbell cycling speed and consistency when tired.  

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Wednesday, November 18

1. Push Press 1RM -- I would like you guys try to finish a couple minutes before class time ends (i.e. if they give you ~18-20 minutes try to be done around 15 minutes) and complete 2-3 sets of 10 @ 60% of whatever you hit -- Only if possible, if not you can complete these before/after Front Squats for extra.

2. MetCon - Solid work on some heavy DB Snatches tomorrow, try to push yourself on weight! 


3. E2MOM12 (6rounds):
3 Front Squats @ 80% -- Hit what you can, the goal here is to hit something to break up the legs after Tuesday, if you need to go a bit lighter do so. 

4. CFNE Shoulder Care.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Tuesday, November 16

Hit class, small warm-up workout, Step-Ups + Helen -- go balls out on every run, rest should be unbroken.

5 Rounds each for time:
500m Row
10 Hang Squat Snatches @ 95/65
*Rest 2 minutes between efforts -- This should be a good grip test after Helen*

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Championship Sunday, November 15

8:30 arrival - ~9:00a Start:

30/25 Cals on Airdyne or Rower (Alternate machines each minute if possible)
At 12 minutes complete 50 burpees for time.

Snatch Wave:
(%xReps) -- Get all 9 sets done in the 20mins.

For Time complete:
30 CTB Pull-Ups
20 OHS @ 135/95
30 CTB Pull-Ups

30 Wall-ball (30/20#)
30 Wall-Ball (30/20#)

Finish - RomWoD 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Skulls Prep

Hey guys -- I need a headcount for Saturday.  We have a group of people who would like to head up to 33 to cheer on Maria and crew around 11:15-11:30 (we can carpool and be friends!) and also a big subsection of folks headed out of town for various reasons.  

Please vote:

Option 1 - Hit the 8am class ( Nice FS Ladder, then a solid DB workout) + Extra at 9am

Option 2 - Hit an abbreviated skulls at 11:30am-~12:45p 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Thursday, November 12

Be smart with your body today, class isn't very overwhelming but listen to your body if you need a rest day. Lots of you went heavy/hard today.

Hit class first:
1) Hang Snatches
2) Row Sprints + Air Squats

For time complete:
30-25-20-15: Air Assault Cals
15-12-9-6: Muscle-ups (Scale MU as needed rep wise)
*Done as 30Cal, 15MU, 25Cal, 12MU, etc.*

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Wednesday, November 11

Remember if you are coming anytime past 4:30pm you will not be able to hit extra as the whole class will be utilizing that extra space.  5:30a you also may run into some issues so make sure you're creative with your space and work with Tom to see if you can fit a barbell in when they begin class. 

1. The Unknowns -- I would love everyone to hit this at 135/95 if you have completed it before and/or think you should "be there."  If you have NOT completed it before, get that DONE tomorrow, you have put in the work, grind and get it done. 

2. Cleans:
E30s for 12mins (24rounds):
1 Squat Clean -- Pick your load. You won't have a ton of time to change weights, so if you are going to make sure you plan accordingly. If you want to stick at a moderate weight and clean things up please go around 75-80%.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Tuesday, November 10

Wednesday we will be hitting the Unknowns -- If you are able to come anytime outside of the evening there will be a little bit of extra work, however we won't have the space or time to allow any extra in the evening.  Plan accordingly - I am planning on us hitting The Unknowns as our workout for Wednesday. 

Class - 
1. Split Jerk 1RM
2. DL/Burpee MetCon - Very high intensity. Scale weight up to 315/215.

3. Thruster -- 10-10-20RM
*Classes hit this today - guys top: 176 x 20, Girls: Not sure, goal over 100lbs (lots of 80/85's)*

4. For time:
50 Pull-Ups (kipping)
50 Toes-to-Bar
50 Parallette Straight Leg Raises (heels on ground to start, raise straight leg into an L-Sit and lower back to ground = 1 rep)

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Sunday, November 8th

8:30a arrival - ~9:15a start time:


1. 0-20min:
Odd - 15/12 Cal AD
Even - Sled Pull (Backwards D&B) - (~250#/200)

2. 20:00-35:00:
E90s for 12mins (8 rounds):
Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk - Build in weight each round

3. 35:00-50:00:
8 DB Snatch (65/45)
8 Burpee Pull-ups

4. 50:00-Finish:
Complete in any order, break up however you like:
50 Strict Ring Dips
50 Strict Form Push-Ups
2minutes L-Sit hold (parallettes)

Friday, November 6, 2015

Saturday, November 7

Skulls -- 11:00a Arrival, 11:30a Start time

1) With a team of 3 complete AMRAP12:
250m Row
5 Squat Snatches (115/75)
3 Squat Snatches (155/95)
1 Squat Snatch (185/115)
*Scale as needed - All reps must be TnG - Partner must finish the SSn before rower may begin*

2) Build to a heavy 1 Bench Press for the day
*After every set complete a max effort planked DB Row @ 100/65*

3) 10min AmRap:
15 Power Cleans @ 135/95
20 Pistols

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Thursday, November 5


1) STO - 20RM -- Work on Push Jerks and efficiency. 

2) Great AmRap tomorrow - Come ready to get after it. 

3) 5Rounds of:
2min AmRap:
5 Squats @ 185/125 (can be back or front)
10 Cycle Jumps Demo
5 Muscle-Ups
Rest 2 minutes between efforts
**Start wherever you left off from the previous round, you should then have a total rounds and reps score at the end**

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Wednesday, November 4

1/2) Hit Class

Extra Work:
3) Super Set for 5 sets:
a) Deadlift - 5 x 10 @ 60% - Double Overhand Grip
b) Strict Press - 5 x 2 Reps @ 80%
*Rest ~90s or so between efforts*

4) E2MOM12 (6 rounds):
50ft HS Walk

5) CFNE Shoulder Care

Monday, November 2, 2015

Tuesday, November 3

For Class - Scale up to CTB for the workout.

Extra Work:
1) E2MOM10: 
Synchro Work -- With a partner complete -- 2 Squat Snatches + 8 OHS @ ~60% 1RM Snatch (Do your best to make the Squat Snatches in synchro, and touch and go.)

2) Core Conditioning - For Time complete:
50 T2B
50 V-Ups
50 Hollow Rocks

3) E6MOM36 (6 rounds):
65/50 AD Cals
*For those who did this last week, accomplish the same task on the Rower*
**If possible in your schedule complete this at a separate time from your main training session**