Monday, April 6, 2015

Tuesday, April 7

For Class:

Perform Wallballs Unbroken each minute, if @ 20/14# this seems easy then go to 30#/20# or to 11/10ft.  20 is an absolute minimum.

Extra work:

Everyone -- 
1 Snatch:
Min 1-2 - 60%
Min 3-4 - 70%
Min 5-6 - 75%
Min 7-8 - 80%
Min 9-10 - 85%
Min 11 - 90%
Min 12 - 95%
*If all makes continue adding until your first miss.*

5 Rounds:
a) Snatch Grip DL @ 120% of Snatch Max -- 4 Reps (Keep posture/position as best as possible)
b) Bent Over Rows with KB's - 10 reps @ 70/44
c) Max Set Close-Grip Push-ups (Hands under shoulders)
*rest 1min between exercises*

Run 2 miles
rest 4 mins
Run 1 mile
rest 3 mins
Run 800m
100KBS @ 44/26

(est. time ~40mins total -- do the KBS after the 1mile run if you're pressed for time)

If you have Muscle-Ups:
EMOM until failure - 5 Muscle-Ups -- If you fail before you reach 40 reps, continue in sets of 2 until you reach 40 reps. 

No-Muscle-Up crew:
5 Rounds:
a) 5 - Inclined Ring-Rows w/ 3second pause at chest and a 5 second lower.
b) 3 - Muscle-Up Transitions w/ additional dip out (work to a low band)
c) 10 Strict DEEP Ring Dips (Ensure you are UB on these, use band as needed to go DEEP and UB)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Squats- 345, 365, 385, 410, and 430- Hit first 4 sets pretty easy 430 hit one then felt light headed.

    WOD- Hit 25-30 wallballs every minute legs were smoked more than lungs

    Cardio- Ran 2 miles in the rain before had to leave for work. Needed Cash as my squat and running partner today :(

    1. Snatch felt good up to last minute 95% which was only fail at 185

    2. Joey Cash needs to understand that when you're the Head Coach out on the recruiting trail you can't take days off. #WhatWouldUrbDo

  3. Oh HEY team!
    I did the squats at 200-210-225-240-250.
    Failed the 3rd rep at 250# like a huge pansy with zero core strength.

    WOD was special and spicy. Started with WB so first set was 30, then it dropped to 25 and then 22 when immediately following the row. Got 21 cals, then 20, 18, 18, 20.

    Snatch EMOM was hard but good tired lifting practice. Worked up to 145# with a handful of #fails.

    Muscle ups took a very long time. 19 minutes and change for 41. #woops
    Only 1 fail. Probably means I rested too much.

  4. Squats:
    -240x2 (failed on the 3rd rep, it was quite the fight though!)
    These felt pretty heavy and awful but I'm excited to start finally squatting some weight after the open. My leggies are looking a little skinny.

    WOD was awesome for mental toughness - I broke the rules and used a 20# WB but did not go unbroken (WB's are a huge weakness for me, so this was good):
    -Round 1: 18 cals/18 WB
    -Round 2: 16 cals/18 WB
    -Round 3: 17 cals/15 WB
    -Round 4: 15 cals/15 WB
    -Round 5: 16 cals/16 WB

    Snatch EMOM went alright - I hit my 90% for 1 (120#) and failed at my 95% (130#)

    I did the strength portion of the extra work today:
    -Snatch DL's done at 160#
    -Rows done at 44# KB's
    -Push-ups: 16-17-17-16-15

    1. Yea this summer is all about #BootyShorts and thick thighs -- guys included.

  5. Attempted new 3rm BS at 335#, failed 3rd rep


    Snatch: did power snatch hit all up to 90% of full snatch (205), missed 215x2

    5/min until the 8th minute, finished 40th MU at 8:15

    Did Grace at 185 yesterday, 3:53

  6. Squats: 125, 155, 175, 195, 215 just didn't feel good (and was scary)

    Workout: rows 20, 18, 14 (screen turned off right when starting so I think I lost some there), 18,18
    Wall balls (14 to 10ft) 25,21,19,20,18

    Snatches 1 miss at 175, then made it, then hit 180. Felt fast and pretty stable in catch

    MU: 11 min. Able to do 5 the first 4 min. Shoulder started hurting to dip out when tired. 1. Need to kip dip earlier 2 should have forced self to go for 5 even if failed

    PM cardio: 2 miles 19:23, 1 mile 8:43, 800 4:12. I didn't walk at all! :)

  7. Did Front Squats today- 225-255-275-305 (ugly)-315
    WOD: Started at 31 cals then was low 20s.
    30lb Wall ball 26,25,18,16,21

    Snatches- Miss at 205 then got it together up to 235 and missed 245

    MU- Did 5s until the 6th round failed on the 5th rep. Weak on dips.

    Solid session

  8. Back squats 295 x 3 320 x 3 340 x 3 355 x 3. Big class, ran out of time for 5th. High bar continuing to improve.

    Not sure on cals for rower, tried really hard. WBs: all unbroken which was good: 22;20;19;20;21 probably had a couple short ones in there.

    Snatch 12 for 13: hit 195 2 times which is solid for me! Felt good!

    Ran out of time for additional work after snatches.

  9. Still working back into things -- Felt decent today -- Class workout:
    34 cals + 25 WB (30lbs)
    24 cals + 22 WB
    23 cals + 21 WB
    22 cals + 18 WB (Struggle street)
    24 cals + 22 WB

    Extra work:
    EMOM 5 MU til 40 - Completed in 7:19 all UB

  10. For the back squats today: 185, 195, 210, 220. Ran out of time to do 5th set.

    For the workout, I have no clue what I did each round for calories. My goal was 15 which I hit the first minute and lost count afterwards. Wall balls were a struggle fest. My goal again was 15. The first set I did 11 without dropping but (sadly) that was as good as it got. I did 15, 15, 13, 11, 15.

    Snatches started out really awkward and got better as I went. Did 70, 80, 85, 90, 100, 105, 110.

    Did the gymnastics muscle up work. For the ring rows, I got some helpful advice on proper ring holding angle (thanks Jeff!), which I practiced and it was hard. MU transitions used the red band, need to do a better job of using my hips. For the ring dips, I used the purple band and focused on Jenny's advice from Saturday of keeping my chest upright. You guessed it... Those were also hard! Thankful for my training partners today otherwise I wouldn't have pushed through all of it :)

  11. Back squats: 185,195,205,210,(fail at 220)

    Wellllllll the class was huge so I had to use the air dyne! That was hard!!
    Calories: 16
    Wall balls UB 20

    Calories 12
    Wall balls 20

    Calories 10
    Wall balls 20

    Calories 9
    Wall balls 20

    Calories 9
    Wall balls 20

    Snatches felt okay. 80,90,100,105,110,115 fail 125 (something like that!)

    Gymnastics work completed.... Purple band on strict ring dips and red band for MU transitions

  12. Snatch 195 failed 205
    Sqt 275 315 335 345 315
    Wallball unbroken 25+ row 20+
    40 MU 15:39 failed 2nd round
    DL 135 165 185 185 215
    Row 5/5 7/3 10 10 10
    Push-up 22 21 25 20 21

    1. Working on new start setup for snatches-so if anyone ever sees me snatching just go ahead and tell me to stop sitting so far back on my heels. Even if you don't watch me just go ahead and say it.

    2. Stop sitting so far back on your heels. First.

  13. Class: Front Squatted 225 - 255 - 275 - 305 - 315.
    Workout used 30lb wall ball - no clue on numbers for either.. woof. 15.5ish

    Snatch - hit 245 to end emom, continuing to be mindful of better start position.

    MU - Switched on on and off with Will, got through all 8. Need to work on kipping into immediate dip, get in vulnerable position (deep dip) where I have to double kip on lock out when closing in on redline.

    I was charged up reading everyones post in morning/early afternoon. Great crew in PM too!

  14. Back squats- 295, 305, 305, 305, 305
    Failed on the last reps of the 5th set

    Snatches- 150x2, 170x2, 180x2, 190x2, 200, 200x3(miss)

    Got through 4 rounds on the MU emom then I couldn't hit muscle up
