Sunday, April 5, 2015

Monday, April 6

Rest Day -- Hopefully you guys were able to get in and hit the work today, if so you should be overdue for a much needed and deserved day away from the gym.  This is your full rest day, try to get a little extra sleep and prepare food for the week with the time you would have spent in the gym. Moving forward here will be our cycles for the year -- this will be the beginning of some information for you guys to expedite our meeting on Saturday.

April 6 - May 31 -- Testing. Goal is to have everyone complete at least 80% of each testing section (4/5  for aux sections, all of the metcons preferably). This will typically take place on Thursday and once on the weekends.

Begin work in specialized categories, and let athletes get a feel for the extra volume and focus of the extra work. 1st Deload week: May 25-June 1

June 1 - August 31 -- First 12 week cycle of extra work. Three categories based on testing from the first period:

  1. Weightlifting - Will follow a 12 week EMOM cycle 4-5x / week.  This will remain a focus over class but can be paired together as needed.  Will also work through Hatch Squats or the class program squat cycle.
  2. Gymnastics - Will follow a 12 week strength building/position cycle.  Will emphasize pulling/pushing strength building as well as a huge core strengthening focus.  Ensure hands, elbows and shoulders are a major focus in recovery.
  3. Conditioning - Will follow a 12 week endurance cycle with a focus on running and rowing.  Intervals will be done 4x/week, with one sustained effort that can be put on a rest/recovery day or scheduled as extra work.  Class can still be done/a focus so long as intervals and conditioning work has appropriate intensity.
Find partners!! Everyone should be linking up with others that fall into their categories as much as physically possible. These don’t always need to be people in the competitive group, if you can snag someone after class to do it with you that is awesome as well.  Text/communicate and try to find times where you can hit this together.

September 1 - October 31 - Toughness cycle:
  • This cycle will be all about mental challenges -- 30min EMOM conditioning workouts, Mash-ups, 20RM weightlifting, Highly intense/challenging hero workouts or barbell beatdowns.  Many will have to switch to 4x/week of this training with 1 day of weakness work. Recovery and support will be very important during this, expect to have rough days, tears, etc. We will be stronger through struggling together.

November 1 - January 31 -- Conditioning/CF Cycle:
  • This cycle will be moving towards classic CrossFit/The Open prep. We will be hitting a lot of short, fast, intense Amraps/Competition workouts. These will always be well-rounded and expose weaknesses.

Year-Round focus:

  1. If you do not have Muscle-ups, butterfly pull-ups, HSPU or DU this needs to become an obsession until this is hammered down.  All of the extra programming, cycles, etc. will not be sufficient to get to where you need to be in these movements if you do not have them already. You need to realize that you are starting well-behind the curve and others will be improving upon these skills they already have, while you work to get them. Warm-ups, cool-downs, workouts, extra work - daily obsession. If gymnastics is generally a weakness we need to eat to be lean and have an added focus on nutrition outside of the gym.
  2. If Weightlifting is your big weakness you need to eat to gain weight/muscle. If you have stalemated on your ‘gainz’ it is time to start getting on #TeamWeightGain - Talk to Jeff/Jay about this to get started. This shouldn’t stop the whole year - Your extra/additional focus should be on bodybuilding accessory lifts, Benching, Bent-Over-Rows, Glute-Ham work, etc. Always push yourself heavier in metcons and think “what would Jeff/Jay have made Kit do?"
  3. If Conditioning is your weakness, more often it is typically your mental state and/or focus to make yourself do things you don’t want to do. Often times this is one of two things: 1) Stopping when it is convenient/comfortable in your daily workouts, 2) Not running/rowing/swimming/biking often enough, or with enthusiasm to work hard at it. Improve your mental state and start trying to redline more often, your daily goal for the year is to make yourself as uncomfortable as physically possible all the time. When in doubt grind out some sled sprint intervals and suck it up.

1 comment:

  1. Preciate all the time and effort you are putting into this Jibs. I am jacked up.

    PS my cellular device # is 614-397-5492 for those who don't have it.
    Boy do I love #GroupText

    Proud of everyone
