Monday, April 13, 2015

Tuesday, April 14

Get after the class workout HARD:
Top Times in 2010:
1. Dan Bailey - 3.26
2. Chad Augustine - 3.59
3. Dane Youtz - 4.00

1. Lisa Shiu - 3.48
2. Kelly McIntosh - 4.30
3. Julie Foucher - 4.32

Extra Work:

8 Rounds:
Run 800m
Rest 2 minutes
*Negative Splits - Every round should be faster than the previous, this means start out on a ~5k pace, and consistently speed up as you go.*

If you missed Back Squats yesterday complete:
1x10 @ 60%
1x10 @ 65%
1x10 @ 70%

then - 

First 5mins - Strict Press - 3 Reps @ 60, 65, 70, 75, 80%
Second 5 mins - Push Press - 2 Reps @ 65, 70, 75, 80, 85%
Third 5 mins - Push / Split Jerk (Your Choice) - 1 Rep @ 70, 75, 80, 85, 90%

then - 

4 Rounds:
a) 5 Good Mornings - Deep & Heavy - Preferably with the Safety Squat Bar - Begin around 40% of your BS and work up.
b) Kroc Rows - Pick a heavy weight and max each arm.

Muscle-Up Crew - Complete:
7 Rounds:
8 Squat Snatches TnG (115/85) (try to do all 8 UB)
Max MU's in 1 minute.
Rest 2 minutes.

Non-Muscle-Up Crew Complete:
a) 3 Weighted Chest-to-Ring Rows (place a plate on your belly/chest)
b) 3 MU Transitions (work to a red or purple)
c) 5 Weighted Ring Dips (doesn't need to be 5 in a row, go heavier)
d) 2 Skin the cats -- LONG BODY!


  1. Deadlifts 4 sets at 405 felts good was actually a little above 75%
    Class went RX+ with the 50# vest finished in 6:55 was a battle getting up off the ground
    Extra work Cardio
    46:30 kept a pretty consistent 4 min pace. Lungs felt good legs just didn't have the juice for faster pacing in later 800s.

  2. Finished the class WOD in 3:57 with the 15# vest.

    #TeamStrength went pretty good today:

    -Did my squats yesterday
    -Hit my 90% split jerk (170#) with ease today so that felt good!
    -Good mornings done at 110# - this was spicy, but I hope it makes my butt bigger.
    -Kroc rows started at 45# DB's then Jay suggested I go down to 35# to work on form - I feel better about these now, I do not remember my reps, though.

    1. That's some serious #SECSpeed doogie!! Good work! :)

    2. Yea, Crazy fast #Sub2010Foucher

  3. Worked up to 245# for DL. Felt better than I thought it would going #gearless. And going back down to 155# for the WOD made it seem really light.
    WOD time 4:11

    Extra work - squat snatches combined with MUs is quite nasty. Effing Amanda.
    Did all the snatches UB but felt the need to catch my breath a little before starting MUs. got 6,5,5,4,4 with a handful of fails.

  4. Hezzo!

    I did the cardio extra work with Jeff tonight. Only completed 6 rounds, but kept my time under 4:00 every round! This is a huge win for me! Hammy was getting super tight on the last 2, but it definitely helped having someone to run with! Thanks Jeff!

    Did not do class today. :-/ I'm trying to figure out schedule stuff with my Oly Program, which is tough at the moment but I'm getting a plan together. Will definitely get the weakness work in tho!

    It's been awesome seeing everyone so committed to class and extra work! Sets a great tone around the gym and is super inspiring! :)

    1. Thank you for texting to make me come in and hit this! Might have just stayed in #PuppyNap mode all night without it -- You did so well too, that was exciting to watch.

  5. DL: worked with lighter weight and tried to work on my maintaining my core through the entire rep. Worked up to 355.
    WOD: 4:30 pushed it on this, but need to continue to get better being uncomfortable. Have more push in me.

    Did 6 rounds of 800s and had to take off. 4:00. 3:45, 3:41: 3:41, 3:37. 3:35. Lungs felt ok, back and legs felt tight. Will need to be doing more running and stretching. This performance was poor for me.

    Awesome programming thus far.

  6. For DL I did 225. Felt pretty good, Jay gave me some things to work on with my shoulder/back position which helped a lot!

    I finished the workout in 4:46 with the 15# weight vest.

    Gymnastics was super fun tonight with EVE. 6 rounds took us forever!

    1) used 10lb plate for ring rows, these felt good. Worked on my hand positioning that Jeff showed me last week.
    2) used red band for MU transitions
    3) used a 5lb plate for ring dips. These got hard pretty quick... I was trying to focus on keeping my chest up. I dropped to body weight for the last round and a half bc my form was falling apart.
    4) first set of skin the cats was pretty bad but then Jeff came over and gave us some tips. Started using a slight kip to get upside down which helped. Focused on staying tight and planked as much as possible. This got especially hard on the way back down! Definite work in progress :)

  7. Came in to do my back drills & run -- Ended up making 5 runs and definitely took the last two a bit too hard and the body broke down on me a bit. Cardio and strength feels like its there, just don't have the longevity right now - that will be my first road back:

    Runs were:

    Then did;
    6 x 10 Strict KB Press at 44lbs/hand from a kneeling position. Back drills are hard - but getting up to speed quickly which is nice.

  8. For DL I did 175. Really need to work on those to get that strength up.

    I finished the workout at about 5:50. I can't remember exactly what it was.

    Did gymnastics with Sunshine. Took forever and got really hard.

    1) used 10lb plate for ring rows. These felt good.
    2) used red band for MU transitions
    3) used a 5lb plate for ring dips. I also dropped to body weight for the last round and a half to maintain proper form.
    4) Struggled on the skin the cats. Jeff came over and gave some pointers which helped. Need to work on those. Lot's of getting better today! Good job everyone!

  9. Did the weighted muscle up stuff on Monday! It went well and was pretty tough! Used a pink KB for the ring dips... Had to do singles because it was tough but I think I can go higher! And a 10 lb plate for the ring rows!

  10. Gymnastic--snatches all TNG-MU--6/5/5/5/2(whoops)/4/3=really tough
    Back Squat x10@245/265/285--really tough
    Class Deadlifts@375 and WOD w/#30 vest 4:14
    More Strength baby--EMOM finished Press150x3/ Push Press 195x2/ Push Jerk 245x1
    Good Mornings w/safety Bar @155 and Kroc Rows 85x8 each arm

    Good thing I eat more than any other person on the planet...LOVE IT

    1. You should spend some time around Clark and Tom... I'm no slouch but these two in their prime are nothing to fuck with.

  11. Class: DLs were nice to help with form and positioning for multiple reps.

    Workout: 4:56, fun stuff

    Ran (6) 800s: 1-5 between 3:45-4:00 6 at around 3 minutes

  12. Class 4:25
    Extra work: cardio
