Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thursday, April 30

Class is a bloodbath today, go as hard as you can, extra work can be done before or after, but don't expect a ton of energy afterwards if you do class correctly.

Extra work:

Odd - Split Jerk Build to a Heavy 1 (No fails) over the 6 sets
Even - Pistol practice - Play around with different types of pistols - Overhead, kettlebell weighted, KB overhead - be creative. If newer to pistols do 12/minute working on form, slow and controlled heal down.


  1. Replies
    1. Did 255 for last 5 sets of jerk
      Did weighted pistols with 26# tried oh pistols with girls bar and 1 kb=did not go well.

  2. Phew class was definitely challenging. Lots of getting better today. : )

    For the extra work got 12 pistols/ min for first 4 rounds then got 10/ min for the last 2 rounds. Worked up to 140 for the split jerk. Felt good so afterward I tried 150 and hit it for a PR. Tried 155 twice but failed both.

  3. Sleds outside more efficient than sleds indoors BUT we aren't here to take the easy route...we want to be pissed off at that hunk of metal because it won't move five feet each time. BTY
