Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thursday, April 30

Class is a bloodbath today, go as hard as you can, extra work can be done before or after, but don't expect a ton of energy afterwards if you do class correctly.

Extra work:

Odd - Split Jerk Build to a Heavy 1 (No fails) over the 6 sets
Even - Pistol practice - Play around with different types of pistols - Overhead, kettlebell weighted, KB overhead - be creative. If newer to pistols do 12/minute working on form, slow and controlled heal down.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Wednesday, April 29

Evening Crew:
Try to do Extra work @ 5:30p and do class at 6:30p if possible to stay out of the way of barbell club.

EMOM10 - 2 Hang Squat Snatches:
Min 1-2 - 70% of HS
Min 3-6 - 75%
Min 7-10 - 80%
*Reps should be perfect, focus footwork*

5 x 500m Row
*Rest 2mins between efforts*

3 Rounds:
a) Max Set Kroc Rows, Right, then left - 100# / 65# - Scale down only if form/ROM isn't solid.
b) 8 Band Pull-Aparts
c) 10 Good Mornings - Light and deep

1) 5-8 UB Strict HSPU -- move height to fall into the rep range. 
2) 25 Hollow Rocks
3) 25s Plank Hold w/ 60-70% BW

Monday, April 27, 2015

Tuesday, April 28

Extra Work:

10 Rounds of:
3 Muscle-Ups
6 Burpees
3 Muscle-Ups
rest 1 minute between rounds
*This is speed work*

If you cannot do Muscle-Ups do:
10 Rounds:
6 Burpees
*Wednesday will have a lot of ring dips so wait on dips*

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sunday, April 26


With a running clock complete:


12 minute AmRap:
200m Run
25 Wallball
2 Rope Climbs 

EMOM10 - 2 TnG Power Snatch, begin at 60% of max Snatch and build.

EMOM10 - 1 Squat Snatch -- Start at last weight used for Power Snatches.

AmRap 15:
1 Round of "Mary" (5 HSPU, 10 Pistols, 15 Pull-Ups) 
1 Round of "DT" (12 DL, 9 Hang Cleans, 6 STO @ 155/105)

60-75:00 - 
Partner barbell mash on hamstrings and calves -- Team mobility! Conversation topic: Chris Sansbury and his birthday.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Saturday, April 25

Single Session - 11:15am Skulls

1. Back Squat:
8 @ 55%
8 @ 60%
8 @ 65%
8 @ 70%

2.  Masters Qual Event 1:
AmRap 5:
5 MU
10 Cleans (155/105)

3. With a Team of 3 or 4 complete:
10 Rounds for Max Cals/Reps:
30s Max AirDyne
30s Max Push Press (75/55)
30s Max Burpee Box Jumps
30s Rest

*Keep the AD counting up, and add your  PP/BBJ together each round - so your team will have numbers like this:
142 reps (athlete a) + 110 reps (athlete b) + 100 reps (athlete c)

4. Strength/Cardio complete:
GHD Complex:
Break as needed to complete:
70 Glute Ham Raises
70 GHD Sit-Ups
70 Back Extensions

5. Gymnastics complete:
5 x Max Sets MU - Rest 90s between efforts.

If no muscle-Ups complete:
5 x Max Sets Ring-Row at decline
5 x Max Sets Ring-Dips
Rest 60s Between efforts. (Do not rest between the exercises)

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Thursday, April 23

Make sure you post your Flight Simulator times to yesterdays comments - if you missed it today you will need to redo it (that is one of our tests) and post on that day. We will be re-testing that relatively soon (End of May) so make comments/notes on what you want to do when we re-test -- i.e. a lot of people said they should have pushed it a bit more with their rest between sets. 

Tomorrow's class workout is extremely difficult/taxing and testing afterwards will be difficult.  IF it is possible for you to come in prior to class and test I would like you to do the following:

1) You have 12 minutes to establish a max set of Strict HSPU, rest, then complete a max set of kipping HSPU.  You may repeat either at any time in the 12 minutes if you think you can do better, or prep however you like -- but once you start the 12 minutes you may not go beyond that. 

2) "Jackie":
1000m Row
50 Thrusters (45/35)
30 Pull-ups

If you cannot do these at maximum intensity before class I would prefer that you wait and do Jackie on Sunday, you may still attempt the HSPU if you like. I require the class workout tomorrow to be a laying on the floor, whole body burning, close to failure #paintrain workout. Give nothing less than 100% on the barbell (hang onto that shit) and push it the best you can, keeping up max speed on the wall. 

Awesome job so far this week! Lots of C&J / DU PRs and other fun stuff. I will begin posting the Skulls work on Thursdays so that people who have to miss can do this on Friday (Maria, Will, Lea$e, maybe Kenz - see if you guys can get together) 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Wednesday, April 22

Extra Work:

Everyone - 
E90s for 10 rounds - 15 minutes:

1 Clean  + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Jerk - Begin at 70% of C&J Max and build. 
*Preferably this will be done before class if possible*

5 sets:
a) Band Pull-Throughs -- Go Heavy band (Black preferred) - 20 Reps - be explosive!
b) Bench Press - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps (drop 1 rep per set & go up in weight every set)
c) Band pull-Aparts - 8 reps.

10 x 200m Sprints (preferred running - rowing only as a sub) -- Rest 1minute between efforts - Go to the straight away if possible. Immediately upon finishing walk inside and complete a sprint:
30 AD Cals
30 WB UB
30 AD Cals

2 Wall-Climbs (stay up on second one)
4 Strict HSPU (Nose facing wall)
16 Hollow Rocks


5 sets:
Max T2B
*Rest as needed between efforts* - Minimum 50 reps (if you do not complete 50 in 5 sets, continue until you do)

Monday, April 20, 2015

Tuesday, April 21

Scale Class:
H2H Swings change to Alternating DB Snatch - 65/45

Extra Work:

Cardio - 

E3MOM30 (10 Rounds):
25 Burpee Touch Jumps
8 Squat Snatches (135/95)
*Rest Remaining Time in the 3 minutes - Keep track of round times & Post*

Strength - 
- 2 Push Press - 
Begin at 65% of PP 1RM and go up every round. 


5 Rounds of:
a) 6 Weighted Glute Ham raises
b) 6 Weighted GHD Sit-Ups
c) 20s GHD Hollow Holds w/ 25lb DB held overhead

Gymnastics - 
Muscle-Up Crew - Complete:
3 Linked MUs - Goal is to be as fast as possible, try to work on pulling to the top of the dip if possible, if not work on dipping and dropping quickly. Afterwards complete 2 rounds of the non-MU Work.

Non-Muscle-Up Crew Complete:
4 Rounds:
a) 3 Weighted Chest-to-Ring Rows (place a plate on your belly/chest) - Heavier than last week.
b) 3 MU Transitions (work to a red or purple) - Lower then last week. 
c) 5 Weighted Ring Dips (MUST be 5 in a row!)
d) 5 Kipping Hips-to-Rings -- Beginning the work on the kip on the rings. Establish a strong hollow/superman position, and kip powerfully trying to get your hips to pop to the rings. 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Sunday, April 19

1) E2MOM14 (7 rounds):
First 4 rounds - 5 OHS @ 65-75%
Last 3 rounds - 1 OHS @ 85-100%

rest 5 mins

2) 3 Rounds for time:
400m Run
20 OHS (95/65)

rest 8 mins

3) 3 Rounds for time:
15 Cal Row
25 KBSwing (Hand-to-Hand - 70/53)

rest 8 mins

4) 21-15-9:
Burpee Touch-Jumps 6"
* After each round complete 100 DU *

CSans Specialty Programming #GetIt
1 HSPU - Strict

Friday, April 17, 2015

Saturday, April 18

Congrats to everyone on the Barbara and Power Clean PRs!!

Skulls Saturday:

Session 1 - Location: Friendship CrossFit

4 Rounds:
350m Ski
15 WB
6-10 Pull-Ups
5 Attempts for Max HS Hold on one mat.

1) 12-10-8:
DB/KB Thrusters (55/35)

One partner goes, other one counts, immediately after the 8 Muscle-ups are done from partner A, Partner B begins on the 12 set of thrusters.  If partners cannot do muscle-ups yet, Scale to CTB + Ring Dips (equal Reps).

Immediately after Partner B finishes begin:

With a partner complete:
Death by 55/35lb DB/KB Thrusters -- Both partners need to complete the number inside the minute.

2) Grid Speed Training:
5 C&J @ 155/105 TnG
2 Rope Climbs
Sprint to tag team.
Teams of 3-4

3) 30 Strict HSPU for Time - Create a deficit or assistance to put you into the 6-8 range for set 1, try to accomplish this in 5 sets or fewer. 

Session 2 - 3:00pm Location: 500 W Wilson Bridge Rd #245, Worthington, OH 43085 (This is the building next to the park/hill).

4) Teams of 3-4:
Hill Sprints - w/ sled, with partners, with objects. 
Handstand Walk practice. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Thursday, April 16


Test 1 - Class
Your goal is to have max intensity but most importantly Perfect reps, ensure you have counting tools if you struggle with this hi- reps.:
Tier 1 - Sub 3:40 every round - 
Tier 2 - Sub 4:00 
Tier 3 - Sub 4:20 every round. 

Test 2:
Power Clean PR Test -
Min 1-2 - 60%
Min 3-4 - 70%
Min 5-6 - 80%
Min 7-8 - 90%
Min 9-10 - 95+
Min 11-12 - PR Attempts

Tier 1 - 300/200
Tier 2 - 275 / 185
Tier 3 - 255/165

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Wednesday, April 15

No notes for class -- First week squat program is just a ramp-up, remember that.

Extra Work:

EMOM16 - 1 Snatch:
Min 1-4 - 65%
Min 5-6  - 75%
Min 7-8- 80%
Min 9-10 - 85%
Min 11-12- 90%
Min 13-14- 95%
Min 15-16 - 100% (+)

5 Rounds:
a) 3 - 3 Position Snatch DL (2" off ground, below knee, hip)
b) 8 - Bent-Over Rows (Pretty light, pause slightly with the bar at the chest) -

E6MOM24 (4 rounds):
Row 1000m
10 OHS (95/65)
30 Double-Unders (This is a big DU practice day, try to complete the entire day UB, class too)
*Rest remainder of the 6 minutes* -- Make sure you guys know your goals and time limits. I would prefer you prioritize snatching today if you are in a huge time crunch -- all together this will be just under an hour of extra work for you with the Snatches. 

4 Rounds:
a) 5 Strict T2B (or Straight Leg Raises), 5 Kipping T2B
b) 15ft HS Walk into wall (start 15ft away), get into wall and get centered, then complete Max strict HSPU to an abmat
c) DB Pull-downs on a bench in hollow position- 4-6 reps (Aim to go up in weight from last week)
d) 60% BW Plank Holds (30 seconds) - perfect position (SUNSHINE DON'T DO THESE!) -- Seriously if you guys don't have perfect position (ask a coach) you need to scale to dragon fly lowers on the rig instead.
**Rest ~60s between exercises.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Tuesday, April 14

Get after the class workout HARD:
Top Times in 2010:
1. Dan Bailey - 3.26
2. Chad Augustine - 3.59
3. Dane Youtz - 4.00

1. Lisa Shiu - 3.48
2. Kelly McIntosh - 4.30
3. Julie Foucher - 4.32

Extra Work:

8 Rounds:
Run 800m
Rest 2 minutes
*Negative Splits - Every round should be faster than the previous, this means start out on a ~5k pace, and consistently speed up as you go.*

If you missed Back Squats yesterday complete:
1x10 @ 60%
1x10 @ 65%
1x10 @ 70%

then - 

First 5mins - Strict Press - 3 Reps @ 60, 65, 70, 75, 80%
Second 5 mins - Push Press - 2 Reps @ 65, 70, 75, 80, 85%
Third 5 mins - Push / Split Jerk (Your Choice) - 1 Rep @ 70, 75, 80, 85, 90%

then - 

4 Rounds:
a) 5 Good Mornings - Deep & Heavy - Preferably with the Safety Squat Bar - Begin around 40% of your BS and work up.
b) Kroc Rows - Pick a heavy weight and max each arm.

Muscle-Up Crew - Complete:
7 Rounds:
8 Squat Snatches TnG (115/85) (try to do all 8 UB)
Max MU's in 1 minute.
Rest 2 minutes.

Non-Muscle-Up Crew Complete:
a) 3 Weighted Chest-to-Ring Rows (place a plate on your belly/chest)
b) 3 MU Transitions (work to a red or purple)
c) 5 Weighted Ring Dips (doesn't need to be 5 in a row, go heavier)
d) 2 Skin the cats -- LONG BODY!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Sunday, April 12

ChampionshipMash Sundays

Spend 15 minutes working on big, unbroken sets of HSPU -- in between sets complete one 30 ft HS Walk.  Don't do more than 5 sets in the 15 minutes.

With a running clock complete:

From: 0:00-15:00:
2 Squat Cleans @ 70%

1 Squat Clean @ 75%

1 Squat Clean @ 85%
*Take your last minute to strip the bar to 95/65#*

From 15:00-30:00:
3 Rounds:
12 Bear Complexes (95/65)
5 Rope Climbs

From 30:00-45:00:
1 Rounds:
10 DB Squat Snatch (45/35) R
25 Burpee Touch-Jumps
Run 400m
25 Burpee Touch-Jumps
10 DB Squat Snatch (45/35) L

From 45:00-60:00:
100 Pistols
Max Meters Rowing in remaining time. For every 50 meters under 2900/2500m you encure one penalty.

For each penalty at the end complete one complex:
5 Strict Pull-Ups
5 Kipping Pull-ups
5 Strict T2B
5 Kipping T2B
*Max 5 penalties*

Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday/Saturday April 10/11

Meeting time will be Sunday at 1:30pm -- We will keep things under an hour and be discussing:
1. Team goals
2. Schedules
3. Contact/Call list
4. Programming
5. Partners

Skulls for tomorrow will be:

With a team of 3 complete:
30 Squat Snatches 135/95
30 Strict Deficit HSPU (2 45lb plates/hand)
60 Thrusters
60 Chest-to-Bar
90 Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps
90 Burpees over Bar
120 DU / Person

Immediately upon finishing your team has 8 minutes for each member to establish a max:
- Snatch Balance + 5 OHS 
* Out of the rack*

rest 10 minutes then complete:

5 x Max Set Russian KBS @ 100/70lb KB
rest 2 mins between efforts (goal is 100+)

10 x :30 intervals (On/Off with a partner) on Airdyne 

If you have been working on MU drills spend 10 minutes attempting High-Ring MU with spot or without depending on success.  EMOM10: 2 attempts is good. 
Complete in as few of sets as possible:
50 Strict Ring Dips
50 Band Pull-Aparts
50 Face-Pulls  (Sorry this guy is kind of a goober)

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Thursday, April 9

Preliminarily it looks like Sunday around 1:30pm will be the best time for everyone (at least it is THE ONLY time that no one completely ruled out).

On a sad note, Dr. Ulm gave me some bad news today and I will be sidelined for awhile, condemned to the physical therapy exercises for a few weeks, then a few weeks of moderate moving.  So that means you get a few more weekends of Skulls Sans Jeff programming -- I am really hoping to heal up to 100% by June 1, this marks the biggest injury and the most time off I have had in 6 years so I certainly had a good run!  I'll be looking for some airdyne/sled buddies coming up here in a week or so.  

Extra work:


Last week we began testing and I put tier information out there to give as a goal or guideline to help you see where you should focus the most in your area of improvement, and give you goals for the coming year -- Here is how these break down:
Tier 1 - Games level athlete - Top 10 in Regionals individually.
Tier 2 - Regional level athlete - Between 10-50 individually, or a top 5 team athlete.
Tier 3 - Regional team athlete - Can comfortably make a roster of a 15th-30th place team. 
If you have competed at these levels before you should look at what level you believe yourself to be based on your experience.  If you fall into a tier above that for a certain movement you are considered a specialist in that realm.  If you fall into a tier below that for a certain movement, that is considered an area of concern.  If you have not yet made these areas in your career your goal should be to make as many lists as you can (i.e. 30/30 tier 3s is better than 5/30 tier 1s).  Don't worry if you don't fit perfectly into a tier right away, and always strive when we re-test to move up, or improve. 

a) Max effort 2k Row -- Preferably this would be done before class.  If you talk to the trainers beforehand and they say you are allowed to replace the class workout with a max effort 2k, then you can -- but only with their ok and off to the side if they ask.  Otherwise do this after class. 
Tier 1 - Men: <6:35, Women: < 7:25
Tier 2 - Men: <7:00, Women: < 7:45
Tier 3 - Men: <7:25, Women: < 8:00

b) Weighted plank holds -- 80% BW on dip belt
Tier 1: 30 Seconds
Tier 2: 20 Seconds
Tier 3: Lower Weight or <10 seconds.
Try to attain perfect body position, and build up in sets just like a normal max lift (i.e. don't just jump straight to 80% BW on dip belt. Use KB and 10/5/2.5lb plates to get to perfect number.

c) Assuming your hands are not too beat up:
3 Attempts to establish a max set of pull-ups:
Tier 1: 60+
Tier 2: 40-60
Tier 3: 20-40

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Wednesday, April 8

Alright --- We need to finalize our meeting time for this weekend, I have heard some people say Saturday morning might not work for them, so I'd like to throw out three options.  If you guys can leave a comment tomorrow (with or without your work posts) and put a preference and if there is a time you CANNOT make at all -- Here are the options:
1. Saturday 11:00a-11:45a
2. Saturday 2:30pm-3:15pm
3. Sunday 1:15pm-2:00pm

So put your preference like:

Cannot do #1

I will post a finalized plan on Thursday.

Extra Work:

Mental. Hardening.

Death by Burpees (you may begin at round 5)
no rest - straight into:
Death by OHS @ 75/55# -- Once you peak (aka fail to make a minute), take 2 minutes off then complete 50 OHS for time.

1 Split Jerk:
Min 1-2 - 60%
Min 3-4 - 70%
Min 5-6 - 75%
Min 7-8 - 80%
Min 9-10 - 85%
Min 11-12 - 90%
Min 13-14 - 95%
*If all makes continue adding until your first miss.*

If possible try to complete this before class -- then after class:

4 rounds:
a) 12 Glute-Ham raises
b) 15 GHD Sit-Ups (Weighted)
c) 15 GHD Back-Extensions (weighted)
d) 30s GHD Hollow-Hold
*Rest 45s-1min between exercises, or go back and forth with a partner. 

a) Max UB T2B
b) 30s HS Hold/Walk -- Freestanding if possible, if not complete a wall-climb and a nose/toes perfect position on the wall.
c) DB Pull-downs on a bench in hollow position- 8-10 reps
d) Long plank holds (HOLLOW!)

*For C&D watch here:

Monday, April 6, 2015

Tuesday, April 7

For Class:

Perform Wallballs Unbroken each minute, if @ 20/14# this seems easy then go to 30#/20# or to 11/10ft.  20 is an absolute minimum.

Extra work:

Everyone -- 
1 Snatch:
Min 1-2 - 60%
Min 3-4 - 70%
Min 5-6 - 75%
Min 7-8 - 80%
Min 9-10 - 85%
Min 11 - 90%
Min 12 - 95%
*If all makes continue adding until your first miss.*

5 Rounds:
a) Snatch Grip DL @ 120% of Snatch Max -- 4 Reps (Keep posture/position as best as possible)
b) Bent Over Rows with KB's - 10 reps @ 70/44
c) Max Set Close-Grip Push-ups (Hands under shoulders)
*rest 1min between exercises*

Run 2 miles
rest 4 mins
Run 1 mile
rest 3 mins
Run 800m
100KBS @ 44/26

(est. time ~40mins total -- do the KBS after the 1mile run if you're pressed for time)

If you have Muscle-Ups:
EMOM until failure - 5 Muscle-Ups -- If you fail before you reach 40 reps, continue in sets of 2 until you reach 40 reps. 

No-Muscle-Up crew:
5 Rounds:
a) 5 - Inclined Ring-Rows w/ 3second pause at chest and a 5 second lower.
b) 3 - Muscle-Up Transitions w/ additional dip out (work to a low band)
c) 10 Strict DEEP Ring Dips (Ensure you are UB on these, use band as needed to go DEEP and UB)

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Monday, April 6

Rest Day -- Hopefully you guys were able to get in and hit the work today, if so you should be overdue for a much needed and deserved day away from the gym.  This is your full rest day, try to get a little extra sleep and prepare food for the week with the time you would have spent in the gym. Moving forward here will be our cycles for the year -- this will be the beginning of some information for you guys to expedite our meeting on Saturday.

April 6 - May 31 -- Testing. Goal is to have everyone complete at least 80% of each testing section (4/5  for aux sections, all of the metcons preferably). This will typically take place on Thursday and once on the weekends.

Begin work in specialized categories, and let athletes get a feel for the extra volume and focus of the extra work. 1st Deload week: May 25-June 1

June 1 - August 31 -- First 12 week cycle of extra work. Three categories based on testing from the first period:

  1. Weightlifting - Will follow a 12 week EMOM cycle 4-5x / week.  This will remain a focus over class but can be paired together as needed.  Will also work through Hatch Squats or the class program squat cycle.
  2. Gymnastics - Will follow a 12 week strength building/position cycle.  Will emphasize pulling/pushing strength building as well as a huge core strengthening focus.  Ensure hands, elbows and shoulders are a major focus in recovery.
  3. Conditioning - Will follow a 12 week endurance cycle with a focus on running and rowing.  Intervals will be done 4x/week, with one sustained effort that can be put on a rest/recovery day or scheduled as extra work.  Class can still be done/a focus so long as intervals and conditioning work has appropriate intensity.
Find partners!! Everyone should be linking up with others that fall into their categories as much as physically possible. These don’t always need to be people in the competitive group, if you can snag someone after class to do it with you that is awesome as well.  Text/communicate and try to find times where you can hit this together.

September 1 - October 31 - Toughness cycle:
  • This cycle will be all about mental challenges -- 30min EMOM conditioning workouts, Mash-ups, 20RM weightlifting, Highly intense/challenging hero workouts or barbell beatdowns.  Many will have to switch to 4x/week of this training with 1 day of weakness work. Recovery and support will be very important during this, expect to have rough days, tears, etc. We will be stronger through struggling together.

November 1 - January 31 -- Conditioning/CF Cycle:
  • This cycle will be moving towards classic CrossFit/The Open prep. We will be hitting a lot of short, fast, intense Amraps/Competition workouts. These will always be well-rounded and expose weaknesses.

Year-Round focus:

  1. If you do not have Muscle-ups, butterfly pull-ups, HSPU or DU this needs to become an obsession until this is hammered down.  All of the extra programming, cycles, etc. will not be sufficient to get to where you need to be in these movements if you do not have them already. You need to realize that you are starting well-behind the curve and others will be improving upon these skills they already have, while you work to get them. Warm-ups, cool-downs, workouts, extra work - daily obsession. If gymnastics is generally a weakness we need to eat to be lean and have an added focus on nutrition outside of the gym.
  2. If Weightlifting is your big weakness you need to eat to gain weight/muscle. If you have stalemated on your ‘gainz’ it is time to start getting on #TeamWeightGain - Talk to Jeff/Jay about this to get started. This shouldn’t stop the whole year - Your extra/additional focus should be on bodybuilding accessory lifts, Benching, Bent-Over-Rows, Glute-Ham work, etc. Always push yourself heavier in metcons and think “what would Jeff/Jay have made Kit do?"
  3. If Conditioning is your weakness, more often it is typically your mental state and/or focus to make yourself do things you don’t want to do. Often times this is one of two things: 1) Stopping when it is convenient/comfortable in your daily workouts, 2) Not running/rowing/swimming/biking often enough, or with enthusiasm to work hard at it. Improve your mental state and start trying to redline more often, your daily goal for the year is to make yourself as uncomfortable as physically possible all the time. When in doubt grind out some sled sprint intervals and suck it up.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Sunday, April 5

Championship Sundays will typically host a "Mash" type workout -- These are typically 40-60 minute pieces that are one continuous piece.  Team will be getting together at 8:30am, as well as around 11am (for Open Gym regular time) -- it is your option when you come if you can make Sundays a permanent training day.  

5 Rounds for time:
2 Rope Climbs, 20ft
6 Power Cleans 185/125
12 Ring Dips (Gymnastics crew does 9 HSPU)

rest 8 minutes

3 Rounds:
400m Run
20 Power Snatch 95/65

rest 8 minutes

2 Rounds:
25 KB Snatches (70/53) - *Below knee at the bottom, do not need to alternate*
20 Cal Row
50ft Front Rack Walking Lunge (145/95)
15 STO (145/95)

Rest 4 minutes

200ft HSWalk for time.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Friday, April 3

Recovery Day work:

If you guys are going to be on the Mon/Fri rest schedule, I would prefer that Monday be a complete rest day (massages, rolling, maybe moving) and Friday be a recovery day.  Recovery days are days where you work up a small sweat, work on skills and hit specific, targeted mobility.  These sessions should take roughly 40-60 minutes and be light-hearted and fun -- aka carry on a conversation with someone while you do it.  For example here was my day today:

4:40pm - Run with Blitz ~1200m
5:15pm - Ballin' straight smashed my hamstrings into oblivion...(aka a little myofascial release)
5:30pm - 50-40-30-20-10 - Air Dyne Cals, 100-80-60-40-20: Double Unders
~6:00pm - Hip internal rotation work, and groin stretching. 
6:15pm - Buffed out the legs.  

This can be something you work in things like triple unders, handstand walking/holds, core accessories, or EMOM T2B/CTB training, etc.  Don't think of them as a day off from the gym (though you should have one day you don't come in at all, preferably Monday on this schedule).  If you guys took that day today I will see you tomorrow for 225# Grace!

Here is the Skulls Session planned for Saturday:

EMOM21: With a Partner
First 7 minutes:
Odd: 7 Thrusters (115/85)
Even: 10 T2B

Second 7 Minutes:
Odd: 8 Squat Cleans (115/85)
Even: 10 Burpee Box Jumps (24"/20")

Third 7 Minutes:
Odd: 9 OHS (115/85)
Even: 10 CTB

- Anytime one partner doesn't make a minute the TEAM gets 1 penalty. 
- Each Penalty will be assessed at the end as a 10Cal Row Sprint (partners alt. every 10cals) Workout is over when all teams have completed the rounds and penalties. 

Rest 12 minutes then...

a) E2MOM10:
5 Deadlifts @ 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 85%+

b) Gymnastics/Cardio/Strength accessory:
Muscle-Up work w/ Jenny oversight /// Running work with Jeff oversight  //// Hamstring/Upper Back with Jeff (maybe Jay) oversight

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Thursday, April 2

First of all, Thank you everyone for commenting on yesterdays post -- Your results and comments really help me see how everyone is handling the program and I think it a good way for the team to communicate with each other and share results.

Extra work for ALL Groups tomorrow/Friday:

1. EMOM5 - Pistols
* There are 3 tiers *
Tier 1 - 20+ Every minute
Tier 2 - 15-20 EM
Tier 3 - <12 EM

2. Grace - 30 C&J for time.

Tier 1 - 225/155# - Sub 8
135/95 - Sub 2

Tier 2 - 185/125# - Sub 6

135/95 - Sub 3

Tier 3 - 135/95 - >4minutes

Please some time throughout the next two days try to complete both of these pre-tests. Log your results on the blog, and personally. Do not be concerned if you sit in Tier 3 right now, this will help us see where the team sits, where to focus programming, eventually what your personalized daily warm-up/work will be and to gauge progress.