Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Wednesday, February 4th, 2015

Just a heads up moving forward for everyone that I am going to be making some different moves this year.
- First, I will not be competing this year at regionals regardless.  I will still do the open workouts, once and only once as hard as I can and try to push you guys. Hopefully my scores will be able to help the team, but they will not factor into my decision for selecting a team if we qualify.  Right now I want to focus on coaching a competitive team at Friendship CrossFit, helping everyone hit weaknesses and get the work and attention they deserve. Unfortunately training for 2 hours 5-6 days/week is just unrealistic for me right now and I feel I am doing the team and affiliate a disservice by not committing myself fully to owning, coaching and leading at Friendship.  I know that this will come as a disappointment to some, but I hope you can view it as an opportunity to rely on me in a different light - to support you and guide you on the floor rather than being beside you.
- I will be keeping diligent track of the competition squad moving forward and ask that you please post your results on here every time you do any part of the extra work so I can keep track of who is doing it, how they are doing and where we sit with strengths and weaknesses.
- Recruit others who you think are going to take benefit from the program and/or you would like to see jump into the competitive realm.
- Plan on talking with me (Jeff) if/when necessary to discuss progress, short-comings or needs from a coaching standpoint.
- Give me feedback on the workouts and how you're feeling in the comments daily.
- Kick ass!

Extra Work:
30mins total time
Below-the-Knee Squat Snatch - EMOM:
- 4 x 1 @ 65-70%
- 4 x 1 @ 70-75%
- 4 x 1 @ 75-80%
- 4 x 1 @ 80-85% (E90s)
- 3 x 1 @ 85-90% (E90s)
- 3 x 1 @ 90+% (Rest as needed)

After last snatch complete:
30 Glute-Ham-Raises
30 Back Extensions
*Break & rest as needed*

1 comment:

  1. Class: did not do DU because my left Achilles feels bad...burpees instead

    Extra Work:
    -no misses. ended at 170# with a made snatch. Put 175 on and just didn't feel good when I got into the below the knee position so dropped it. (so I am not counting that as a miss since it wasn't really an attempt! =P )
    -3x10 of each of glute ham raises and back ext

    I have been trying to do some heavier snatch pulls which I think will help me some (just feels so heavy over 175#). Would like to get in some heavier snatch balances to have more confidence in the catch and keep my sn bal max over my snatch max!
