Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Wednesday, February 18

Go 85/55 or 65/45 as the absolute lightest for class.

Extra work:
If you missed yesterday's Snatch work that is priority. If you did it complete:

Buy-in: 1k row @ +10s of PR
5min Amrap:
5 Muscle-up
5 OHS 135/95
10 DL 135/95
Cash-out: 1min Max Meter row (imagine end of an open workout)


  1. woof.
    class done with 85.
    1 K row = 3:23.5 (probably closer to +20s off PR time)
    amrap = 1+ 4 mu
    Cash out = 325 m

  2. Breathing heavy .....

    Class : used 45 (felt good)

    Got 2 full rounds of the EMOM but I did 10 ring dips ...( those were hard after pulling for the row so I can't imagine how MU felt)

    279m for the 1 min row

  3. Class -- Did 250lbs on the sled - though this was totally determined by which sled you had and where we found - I couldn't budge 205lbs on our original spot, then just cruised with 250 on another -- 85lbs on the workout.

    Extra work -- First snatches:
    1. 165
    2. 185 (first two missed snatch balance)
    3. 210 - all makes
    4. Worked up to 225lbs which was a gearless PR

    MetCon: 3:26 Row
    3 rounds even (rings were full so moved to rower with about 20 seconds left)
    311 meters in the last minute.

    A lot for one day, but felt good.
