Thursday, February 26, 2015

Friday, Feb 27

Prep day -- If you plan on going 100% at the Open workout on Saturday perform this work instead of class.

1k Row @ 85%

Rest 3mins

4 rounds of:
2 Power Snatches (115/75)
4 DL
4 T2B
6 WB
8 BJ 24/20"
10 Air Squats
30 DU
Rest 2mins, perform 1min of Hamstring stretching in between rounds. These should be done at 75%.

For the workout make sure you break the T2B early and often, 3s or 5s, pick your plan from the beginning and stick to it. I would recommend all singles on the snatches so long as the bar bouncing on you is not a major issue. For the C&J I would recommend 75%, 82%, 90%-93% or so. Find numbers close to those you can easily get on the bar, if you need to squat clean it hit one extra rep below 75% to warm up the squat clean.

Warm up should be 30-35mins, with 10-15mins of that being dedicated to hitting your 82% number at least twice. Loosen the hamstrings up a ton, this is massively taxing on your posterior. Grip is the main factor and needs to be controlled.

Thursday, Feb 26

Extra work:
7 Supersets of:
3 Rep Bench Press (building in weight)
8 Rep Pendlay row (40% of Clean)
**rest 1min between exercises**

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Wednesday, Feb 25

Extra work:
1) Build to a heavy 1 OHS then...
Emom8 - 5 OHS @ 75% of #1

2) 30 Strict HSPU for time, every break AD 30cals

Monday, February 23, 2015

Tuesday, February 24

Extra work:
Food prep, rest and recover. Go as hard as you possibly can in class

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Monday, February 23

Extra work:
In your Warm-Up complete 4 sets of 5 Butterflies with a perfectly tight body position.

After class:
Power Clean + Squat Clean + Jerk @ 50%

rest 3mins then...

2 Squat Cleans @ 75% - Work on a solid catch position, pause in the bottom position if needed to achieve a good catch before you stand up.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Friday, February 20

Extra work:
3 Jerks @65%

Rest 3mins then...

E90s for 10 rounds (15mins)
1 Split Jerk building in weight

** focus is form & technique over weight **

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Thursday, February 19

Go hard in class -- spend some time after class working on one of the following:

Upper Back work:
Odd - Bent over rows 8 reps
Even - Band Pull aparts 8reps

Handstand work:
Strict nose to wall HS Hold - 20s then 3 strict hspu reps **if you cannot do the hspu still do the hold**

Skill work:
Complete 10-12 minutes of work on a skill weakness (DU, push jerks, close grip ohs, butterflies, etc.)

Start prepping for the competition seminar, rest as needed for the end of the week

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Wednesday, February 18

Go 85/55 or 65/45 as the absolute lightest for class.

Extra work:
If you missed yesterday's Snatch work that is priority. If you did it complete:

Buy-in: 1k row @ +10s of PR
5min Amrap:
5 Muscle-up
5 OHS 135/95
10 DL 135/95
Cash-out: 1min Max Meter row (imagine end of an open workout)

Monday, February 16, 2015

Tuesday, February 17th

Extra work:
Snatch Complex --
Emom 5: Snatch + Sn Balance + OHS - 65%
Emom 5: Snatch + Sn Balance - 75%
Emom 5: Snatch - 85%
Emom 5: Snatch - go up 5% every made lift from 85%

Monday, February 16th

Extra work:
4 rounds of:
15 Thrusters 75/55
15 pullups

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Friday, February 13th

Extra Work -- If possible complete this extra work BEFORE class -- If you cannot do this think about doing what you can after class, or doing a separate session at least 3-4hrs later.

Front Squat - Build to a heavy 3, then complete:
3x3 Pause FS (3-5s pause) at 80% of the heavy 3

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Thursday, February 12th

Class must be Snatches, work on crisp power catch positions on every rep and lowering to the floor without stopping at the hang or hitting the RX (no lower) or at 50% Snatch Max (no higher).

Extra Work:
4 rounds:
2min Max Effort Ski
1min Max Effort Muscle-Ups
30s Max Effort T2B
Rest 1 minute

*Goal here is to work tired Muscle-Ups/T2B, do not dog the ski, give every time domain true Max effort even if it means failing at MU.*

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Class -- Go hard on the rower no matter what you're doing. 

Resist the urge to scale up in reps or weight for the workout. Instead put your focus solely into intensity and having ZERO transition time, get off the pull-up bar and walk straight to the bar - hit a squat snatch and go hard. Goal should be everything unbroken as long as possible.

Extra work:
If you missed Monday's barbell cycling please hit that today. If you did both Monday and Tuesday's extra work in their entirety please take today off of extra work and do mobility for 20 minutes. Focus your largest weakness, and hammer away at it. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Tuesday, February 10th, 2015

Extra Work:

1) For form:
10 Strict Pull-Ups - Slow 2second Raise and 2second Lower - Focus on body position, use band if necessary (don't be all macho about not using a band, just use it if you can't do 10 UB most of us will have to in order to keep this count)
10 Strict HSPU - 2second Lower, explode up - no resting on the head, no kipping - break as needed. 
8 Pull-upp


2) For Time:
Ring Dips
KB OHS (62/44lbs) (per arm)

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Monday, February 9th

Barbell cycling work (all done for speed and standards):
Emom5 - 5 Hang Power Cleans (185/125)
Emom5 - 5 Push Jerks (185/125)
Emom5 - 5 TnG C&J (Grace style, 165/115)

Rest as needed

Row 1k at 10s over PR (aka if pr is 3:00, row a 3:10 by maintaining a 1:35/500m pace)

Rest 5 mins

Row 1k at 15-20s over PR

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Friday, February 6th, 2015

Extra Work (This extra work is assuming that you will not participate in class on Saturday. If you will be doing Saturday's class please skip today's extra work.):

1 C&J (155/105)
1 Round of Cindy
2 C&J
1 Round of Cindy
3 C&J 
1 Round of Cindy
4 C&J
1 round of Cindy
etc...adding one C&J every round.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Thursday, February 4th, 2015

In Class:
Scale up DB & BJ to 85/55# and 30/24"

Extra Work:
Squat Jerk (Or Behind-the-neck Snatch Balance @ Jerk Grip) + 5 OHS w/ 3s Pause in the bottom of every rep. (95/65#) -- Move fast under the bar, then drill positions. This is mobility and coordination work.

rest as needed to build up to 75% of OHS then...

5 OHS (Jerk grip squat snatch, Squat jerk or Snatch Balance required for first rep) @ 70% of OHS. Failure is acceptable, goal is to make the most out of the 40 reps that we can.

if you have time complete (17-20mins extra):

4 x 500m Row @ 1:40/500m Pace (men), 1:55-2:00/500m for women. Rest 4/3/2mins (4 after first round, 3 after second round, 2 after third round) between efforts - work on trying to glue the pace right at 1:40/1:55. 

***3 days per week we will have accessory rowing, running, air dyne, skiing or swimming -- If you struggle with cardio you need to make this a PRIORITY over the barbell work.***

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Wednesday, February 4th, 2015

Just a heads up moving forward for everyone that I am going to be making some different moves this year.
- First, I will not be competing this year at regionals regardless.  I will still do the open workouts, once and only once as hard as I can and try to push you guys. Hopefully my scores will be able to help the team, but they will not factor into my decision for selecting a team if we qualify.  Right now I want to focus on coaching a competitive team at Friendship CrossFit, helping everyone hit weaknesses and get the work and attention they deserve. Unfortunately training for 2 hours 5-6 days/week is just unrealistic for me right now and I feel I am doing the team and affiliate a disservice by not committing myself fully to owning, coaching and leading at Friendship.  I know that this will come as a disappointment to some, but I hope you can view it as an opportunity to rely on me in a different light - to support you and guide you on the floor rather than being beside you.
- I will be keeping diligent track of the competition squad moving forward and ask that you please post your results on here every time you do any part of the extra work so I can keep track of who is doing it, how they are doing and where we sit with strengths and weaknesses.
- Recruit others who you think are going to take benefit from the program and/or you would like to see jump into the competitive realm.
- Plan on talking with me (Jeff) if/when necessary to discuss progress, short-comings or needs from a coaching standpoint.
- Give me feedback on the workouts and how you're feeling in the comments daily.
- Kick ass!

Extra Work:
30mins total time
Below-the-Knee Squat Snatch - EMOM:
- 4 x 1 @ 65-70%
- 4 x 1 @ 70-75%
- 4 x 1 @ 75-80%
- 4 x 1 @ 80-85% (E90s)
- 3 x 1 @ 85-90% (E90s)
- 3 x 1 @ 90+% (Rest as needed)

After last snatch complete:
30 Glute-Ham-Raises
30 Back Extensions
*Break & rest as needed*

Monday, February 2, 2015

Tuesday, February 3, 2014

Tuesday, February 3, 2014

Extra Class Work:

4 Rounds:
25 UB WB (30/20 to target, not wall)
15 BJ 24" (guys and girls)
Rest 2mins

*Each round is max effort, no Rest time between stations. At the end calculate every failed UB set and complete 5 Ring Dips per fail. (Min 20- Max 40).

** DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU CANNOT GIVE MAX EFFORT** or perform a double day with mobility before and after!