Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Prague, trains
The anywhere fit trip is over, honestly I got a bit sick of taking pictures and writing down shit that happened and just did my best to live in the moment. Less cell phone, no worrying about wifi, just enjoying the company and scenery for the last few days. Prague is awesome, our first night was a bit odd as we got in rather late, having not eaten, and went straight to Crossfit Praha for a 2.5 hour WOD around all of old town Prague. It was cool and fun but left everyone tired, cranky and hungry. Our search for our first real meal of the day ended about 1am with some ok pizza....not a great start. The next day however we had beautiful weather, all the gorgeous foreign women a guy could want, and a free rest day to ourselves! We got good sleep, covered a lot of ground, figured out the public transit and found out our last day would be spent at the Czech Beast Challenge. A local CF event and the first "National Czech Championship". It was fun to watch the Europeans get excited for this and the energy was great. In talking with Ross (a media member of HQ who covers Europe), he told me that Europe was 2-3 years behind the states in CrossFit. I wasn't sure what he meant until the competition began...while it was fun as a competitive veteran, it was kind of a mess...bad standards, horrid judging, tons of pointless downtime, a 30 second obstacle course consisting of nothing hard that counted the same as a 50 minute final WOD, which thankfully we had to leave for to get back for dinner. The men would have taken 1,2, and 3. I went team and we would have won every event with ease. We came back and got a decent nap on the train...and the prep for our final night together began. We had dinner, wine, and played some fun games. The night ended with us heading to a 6 tier club, bottom level was an all ice -50 degree room with coats you were supposed to wear (I obviously SOTd), and drinks in cups made of ice. We then hit the hip hop level and danced the night into submission, most of us ending up on stage, shirtless, dancing over the club and showing the decidedly young group of Prague night-lifers how to party. The entire day was almost 27 hours long, and the next day would be filled with sleep and a surprise for my friends back home on 9/20. All in all the trip was great, and now that I am traveling by train alone I realize How much more fun the people made everything! Good conversation, laid back people and like-minded goals make going out here much easier. Now I start my 7 days alone and hope I can stay in budget and see some cool things! Looking forward to my own bed, real eggs, turkey, chicken, food in general, not paying to pee, tap water all day for free, no more bread, training heavy, cell service and my car. And of course my family (real and friendship)
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Vienna was an interesting place, certainly the most westernized of the places we will go. When we arrived we finally got to hit some weightlifting! We did a Max Effort Total of: Floor Press, Front Squat and deadlift. 15 minutes for each. I did some basic conversions to kgs and figured out about where I should be. I pr'd floor press with 150 kilos, 330lbs! Felt really good, and had a 3 second pause in the bottom. Front squat was next and I got up to my current max - 160 kilos, 353lbs. Deadlift was last and I was able to hit 240 kilos which I believe is 528lbs - either a 3lb PR or a 7lb unPR I forget. Either way lifting went very well and I had a great time at CrossFit Vienna. I got to meet Sebastian who is on the LVL1 cert staff and is currently moving location of his gym, and had a great conversation about the state of CF with him. We headed out to a local fair where I had some of the best dessert I'd ever had - a nutella, powder sugar and ice cream crepe...WOW! Second only to the bacon and bread with shredded horseradish from Munich so far. We headed back for the night and were up early for a workout in the museum district. We did an awesome partner WOD around all of these street architecture things. 100m run with a partner in four positions: fireman, piggyback, zercher, wife carry. In between we did 40 partner step-ups, 30 partner sit-ups, 10 partner back squats...my partner was 225lbs so this was no walk in the park. Great camaraderie builder for us and our most fun workout in an area so far. We were then free to hit Vienna as we saw fit, we walked through downtown and hit lunch and some shopping. Back for the night for this really cool dinner place on sand and had a beach bar and basically mimicked the tropics. Went out to a salsa bar and called it a night. Off to king Leopolds castle in the morning and then off to Prague!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Mountain Climbing & Salzberg
Our last day in Munich was bitter sweet as we had really started to enjoy Dirk and Silvi, our hosts. We headed to a castle and hit a very fun workout, got in trouble for the first time but finished up and got some scarecrows in -- a fun thing many Friendshippers will be privied to soon enough. We also made it to the Olympic village, and sprinted up an enormous hill that used to be a classic Munich feat of strength. Much of the park was created on top of rubble taken from WWII, which I thought was cool. The sprint up was rough, 150-200m, straight up, and bear crawl down!
My afternoons in Munich were spent with a 30min nap, coffee and a cross-cultural conversation with a German crossfitter...those who know me know how much I enjoyed this. We got in our bus to leave for Vienna, but we found out the night before it would be interrupted by a day in Salzberg. Salzberg is known around here for bein one of the most beautiful places in all of Europe. We began our day with a hike up a mountain...now they say this normally takes between 3 and 6 hours. There are trails and paths, many ways to the top. However that is clearly no way for a CF'er. How does 47 minutes for the fastest of us sound? We literally went straight up the face, off path for a large chunk of the time, and basically the steepest incline you can walk up. It was hard, breathtaking (literally and figuratively), and awesome. I finished in 1.27 and noticed a large gap in my training... Or was made re-aware. I enjoyed the experience and the town of Salzberg was amazing. Small, alp town exactly as you imagine it, romantic, classic, cool. We shopped a bit and saw the city stronghold castle where we hit our morning workout (quite an odd place to do it I assure you). The next morning we were off early for Vienna! More to update soon!
My afternoons in Munich were spent with a 30min nap, coffee and a cross-cultural conversation with a German crossfitter...those who know me know how much I enjoyed this. We got in our bus to leave for Vienna, but we found out the night before it would be interrupted by a day in Salzberg. Salzberg is known around here for bein one of the most beautiful places in all of Europe. We began our day with a hike up a mountain...now they say this normally takes between 3 and 6 hours. There are trails and paths, many ways to the top. However that is clearly no way for a CF'er. How does 47 minutes for the fastest of us sound? We literally went straight up the face, off path for a large chunk of the time, and basically the steepest incline you can walk up. It was hard, breathtaking (literally and figuratively), and awesome. I finished in 1.27 and noticed a large gap in my training... Or was made re-aware. I enjoyed the experience and the town of Salzberg was amazing. Small, alp town exactly as you imagine it, romantic, classic, cool. We shopped a bit and saw the city stronghold castle where we hit our morning workout (quite an odd place to do it I assure you). The next morning we were off early for Vienna! More to update soon!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Acrobats, concentration camps, virility
Yesterday was absolutely jam packed with awesome. We started the day by heading out to a local river in their "Central Park" - the biggest intercity park in all of Europe. Water was supposed to be very cold, and the river is said to give men virility and be a sign of manliness. My guess is this is mostly due to the extremely strong current that it has. Luckily the water levels, like everywhere are low, so it was managable, we even had the advantage of being just south of the dam...fun stuff. We then hit breakfast in the park (the second breakfast thanks to our amazing hosts, Dirk and Silvia (ex-volleyballing Crossfitters here, who have been nothing short of amazing, I hope to send them a nice gift when I get home). I had to get semi-adventurous with veal sausage links for breakfast, that were a solid fist size a piece. Just like everything in Germany it was pair with a soft-pretzel and beer. We moved back and caught a train to Duchau, the first concentration camp...which was sobering but also gave you a good sense of American pride reading the liberation stuff. It was enormous...like blew my mind how large it was.
Got back around 5 and sat with Dirk for a nice 2 hour conversation on everything from Germany's disappointing Olympics to why "Off The Charts" is a sweet saying. Then the night began...we hit an authentic dinner and all the Germans wore their traditional Oktoberfest type garb....so cool. They have designators on their clothes to show if you're single, dating, in love, or widowed. Pretty sweet (and crazy expensive!). Took dinner straight to the theatre...which I cannot begin to do justice...many had seen circ-de-solei and said it didn't compare...impressive acrobatics to say the least, balance feats, juggler types, and comedy (which of course we didn't get). We then hit a university bar after being denied getting into P1 (the local "Hollywood" celebrity scene)
Partied into the night pretty well, got back, hit some Z's and here I am on the patio with some coffee ready for a day of workouts! Olympic park and more today...
Oh and forgot I introduced everyone to Quarters...and I one hit Doug, one of the guys who let me demonstrate on him...#StillGotIt
Got back around 5 and sat with Dirk for a nice 2 hour conversation on everything from Germany's disappointing Olympics to why "Off The Charts" is a sweet saying. Then the night began...we hit an authentic dinner and all the Germans wore their traditional Oktoberfest type garb....so cool. They have designators on their clothes to show if you're single, dating, in love, or widowed. Pretty sweet (and crazy expensive!). Took dinner straight to the theatre...which I cannot begin to do justice...many had seen circ-de-solei and said it didn't compare...impressive acrobatics to say the least, balance feats, juggler types, and comedy (which of course we didn't get). We then hit a university bar after being denied getting into P1 (the local "Hollywood" celebrity scene)
Partied into the night pretty well, got back, hit some Z's and here I am on the patio with some coffee ready for a day of workouts! Olympic park and more today...
Oh and forgot I introduced everyone to Quarters...and I one hit Doug, one of the guys who let me demonstrate on him...#StillGotIt
Friday, August 24, 2012
Roof weightlifting
Met the group today and did a walk around downtown Munich! Saw a shrine to Michael Jackson, which as Americans we naturally thought was kind of funny/weird...then the two women taking care of the shrine got very serious with us. Interesting to read the notes about him, and how loved he is here still. We moved on to a sweet little diner, had some kraut for the first time, a schnitzel and meatloaf -- German food is just meat and potatoes, not too bad. We hit our first workout in the middle of an awesome square in the center of town /hundreds of people watching. Simple team workout to warm everyone just getting off planes and trains to loosen up. 50m walking lunge, broad jumps, inch worm push-ups, crab crawl (back/forward). Set as a relay race. Then we moved back to the gym, which overlooks downtown munich on a 10 story roof. Hit this:
10min Amrap: (4 rounds + 2 flights)
10 story stair climb/descent
5min rest
10min Amrap: (8 rounds)
10 DL @225
Bear crawl 50 ft
5min rest
10m Amrap: 7 rounds
3 MU
15 KBS @ 53
Pretty good, certainly what I needed, now back to a local German's house for food and sleep!
People are of course awesome, pumped for the next 9 days!
10min Amrap: (4 rounds + 2 flights)
10 story stair climb/descent
5min rest
10min Amrap: (8 rounds)
10 DL @225
Bear crawl 50 ft
5min rest
10m Amrap: 7 rounds
3 MU
15 KBS @ 53
Pretty good, certainly what I needed, now back to a local German's house for food and sleep!
People are of course awesome, pumped for the next 9 days!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Long travel days
After 29 hours of planes, trains, walking, and more sitting than I care to do in a year...I have my bed. I had planned to stick through the first night and exhaust myself as much as could, small naps here and there, to get on the time zone schedule. Due to a woman's neglect of Her child (that I'm currently being chastised for calling out on Facebook (though not my best tact in hindsight) so I'll leave the details at that) I am more sleep deprived than I had planned originally. So here I am, enjoying a beautiful restaurant with no one here who speaks English, enjoying an amazing pizza and beer, getting asked funny foreigner questions ("how do you say 'Bon apeitite' in english?"....uh we just say that?) --my saving grace for today was the Dublin Aer Lingus frequent flyer club...I had my own personal bathroom, free espresso and coffee, free food and wifi plus chargers! It was a travelers dream! Some pics below
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Airports n' stuff
Sitting in the airport uncomfortably early, counting my blessings and amazed at how much can happen in a year. Last May Jay, Tom, Grant and I were sitting around trying to figure out how to keep our dream of training without being hassled alive. 15 months later we are leading an amazing group of CrossFitters down an exciting path. It is because of the success of our path that I have allowed myself to take more chances, spend more on experiences rather than save for later. I have gained a trust and faith in the CF community, so much so that I am not nervous in the least to get the chance to meet an awesome group of like-minded-Koolaid-drinkers halfway around the world for half a years salary.
Sometimes we let ourselves stick into a routine and a shell too long. I have never grasped the concept of working hard without playing equally or more hard. Playing for me differs than with others I guess...in that some read the "play hard" as drinking and partying with frequency. I have had more fun, more positive experiences, remembered them better and with far fewer consequences since I have stopped drinking (or over-drinking) and in half the time. I will likely be one of the few Americans in Europe who won't get blitzed a few times. But a belief in self-discipline and devotion to being a better person than I once was is more important to me and my values than anything. My pit stains are already half way to my waist (starbucks x airport "air" =disaster), and I'm looking forward to 24 hours of flying and layovers. I got recognized in the security line by an all-lululemon wearing couple, my first celebrity sighting...we discussed how awesome these new shorts are (guy was wearing the same ones), which is funny cuz the shorts caused me to get groped real solid by the TSA guy (triple pockets). The perfect situation for a soft moan #OpportunityMissed
Sometimes we let ourselves stick into a routine and a shell too long. I have never grasped the concept of working hard without playing equally or more hard. Playing for me differs than with others I guess...in that some read the "play hard" as drinking and partying with frequency. I have had more fun, more positive experiences, remembered them better and with far fewer consequences since I have stopped drinking (or over-drinking) and in half the time. I will likely be one of the few Americans in Europe who won't get blitzed a few times. But a belief in self-discipline and devotion to being a better person than I once was is more important to me and my values than anything. My pit stains are already half way to my waist (starbucks x airport "air" =disaster), and I'm looking forward to 24 hours of flying and layovers. I got recognized in the security line by an all-lululemon wearing couple, my first celebrity sighting...we discussed how awesome these new shorts are (guy was wearing the same ones), which is funny cuz the shorts caused me to get groped real solid by the TSA guy (triple pockets). The perfect situation for a soft moan #OpportunityMissed
Monday, August 20, 2012
Leaving for Europe!
Packing up, downloading useful Europe Apps (Fantasy Football, WiFi messengers, this...) and testing them. Realized that I pack freakishly light which always leads you into a "Forgot something" panic. Testing pics on this with one of the Winstigator
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Tuesday - May 15, 2012
Day after Regionals ends -- 4-5 week Oly/Gymnastics cycle begins.
Snatch - 170 x 3 x 2, 170 x 2
Power Clean - 225 x 3 x 3, 205 x 3 x 4
Jerk -- 225 x 3, 225 x 2 x 2
FS - 270 x 3, 290 x 2, 270 x 3 x 3, 270 x 2
Romanian Pull - 225 x 3 x 4
Snatch Grip Strict Press - 5 x 5 @ 75lbs
Weighted GHR Sit-Ups --70lbs x 6 x 3
Wednesday - May 16, 2012
Ring Complex x 6 -- Kipping MU, Ring Dip, Slow Negative, FG Pull-Up (CTB), Skin the Cat
7 Rounds:
50 DU
Max Set HSPU (Strict)
9, 7, 7, 6, 7, 6, 4 -- 46 Total
Day after Regionals ends -- 4-5 week Oly/Gymnastics cycle begins.
Snatch - 170 x 3 x 2, 170 x 2
Power Clean - 225 x 3 x 3, 205 x 3 x 4
Jerk -- 225 x 3, 225 x 2 x 2
FS - 270 x 3, 290 x 2, 270 x 3 x 3, 270 x 2
Romanian Pull - 225 x 3 x 4
Snatch Grip Strict Press - 5 x 5 @ 75lbs
Weighted GHR Sit-Ups --70lbs x 6 x 3
Wednesday - May 16, 2012
Ring Complex x 6 -- Kipping MU, Ring Dip, Slow Negative, FG Pull-Up (CTB), Skin the Cat
7 Rounds:
50 DU
Max Set HSPU (Strict)
9, 7, 7, 6, 7, 6, 4 -- 46 Total
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Sunday - February 12, 2012
C&J -- Worked up to 265, failed at 270 a few times, caught the clean very nicely though, had the Jerk high enough just had a tough time getting my head through...
Cleans -- Worked up to 280, failed at 285 a few times...couldn't hang onto it...kind of annoying...
Front Squat -- Heavy 1-- Ended up going well, got 350lbs for a 20lb PR which last time I had a belt on, so this is big.
Saturday - February 11, 2012
Snatch - 190
C&J - 255 - Failed at 260 and 265...annoyed
5 Rounds of:
250m Row
10 Squat Clean Thrusters @ 95lbs
15 Burpees
Wearing a 20lb Weightvest
Rest 3 minutes
Time: 25.52 total, all sets were sub 3 minutes, fastest time on the Outlaw Site...felt pretty damn good on this for how rough it was.
C&J -- Worked up to 265, failed at 270 a few times, caught the clean very nicely though, had the Jerk high enough just had a tough time getting my head through...
Cleans -- Worked up to 280, failed at 285 a few times...couldn't hang onto it...kind of annoying...
Front Squat -- Heavy 1-- Ended up going well, got 350lbs for a 20lb PR which last time I had a belt on, so this is big.
Saturday - February 11, 2012
Snatch - 190
C&J - 255 - Failed at 260 and 265...annoyed
5 Rounds of:
250m Row
10 Squat Clean Thrusters @ 95lbs
15 Burpees
Wearing a 20lb Weightvest
Rest 3 minutes
Time: 25.52 total, all sets were sub 3 minutes, fastest time on the Outlaw Site...felt pretty damn good on this for how rough it was.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Thursday - February 9, 2012
BB Gymnastics --Hang Squat Snatches
75, 95, 125, 140, 150, 165
170, 175, 185, 195F x 3
Felt pretty good
Cond -
8 Minute AmRap:
15 Box Jumps @ 24" (Step down mandatory)
20 Burpees
4 Rounds + 4 BJ -- Legs lit up
Accessory stuff -- TGU's ruin my knees did a few but had to call it...
Wednesday - February 8, 2012
Back Squat – 250 x 5, 285 x 5, 300 x 2, 320 x 3, 355 x 1 — Still figuring out where my 1RM is…legs are plenty strong for this, but going beltless and dropping ass to grass has me losing my upper back/chest up position as I pop out of the bottom…nonetheless very fast 1RM.
2a) Strict C2B Pull-Ups -- 7, 5, 6, 5
2b) Front Squat - 225 x 5, 250 x 4, 270 x 4, 285 x 4 — Thought this would be harder than it was
Diane: Set this up by saying I did the 60 deficit HS WoD on Monday instead of the tempo running, and my shoulders were not ready for Diane. I timed out my splits.
21DL – 24 seconds, 21 HSPU – 3.22, 15DL – 18 seconds, 15 HSPU – 2.45, 9DL – 8 seconds, 9 HSPU – 2.30 == Total – 9.32
Didn’t take the full rest, didn’t need it, wasn’t out of breath…
Double Unders 3min – 232 (PR on first set, 133)
T2B 2min – 32
Row 1min – 22Cals (16 second transition
BB Gymnastics --Hang Squat Snatches
75, 95, 125, 140, 150, 165
170, 175, 185, 195F x 3
Felt pretty good
Cond -
8 Minute AmRap:
15 Box Jumps @ 24" (Step down mandatory)
20 Burpees
4 Rounds + 4 BJ -- Legs lit up
Accessory stuff -- TGU's ruin my knees did a few but had to call it...
Wednesday - February 8, 2012
Back Squat – 250 x 5, 285 x 5, 300 x 2, 320 x 3, 355 x 1 — Still figuring out where my 1RM is…legs are plenty strong for this, but going beltless and dropping ass to grass has me losing my upper back/chest up position as I pop out of the bottom…nonetheless very fast 1RM.
2a) Strict C2B Pull-Ups -- 7, 5, 6, 5
2b) Front Squat - 225 x 5, 250 x 4, 270 x 4, 285 x 4 — Thought this would be harder than it was
Diane: Set this up by saying I did the 60 deficit HS WoD on Monday instead of the tempo running, and my shoulders were not ready for Diane. I timed out my splits.
21DL – 24 seconds, 21 HSPU – 3.22, 15DL – 18 seconds, 15 HSPU – 2.45, 9DL – 8 seconds, 9 HSPU – 2.30 == Total – 9.32
Didn’t take the full rest, didn’t need it, wasn’t out of breath…
Double Unders 3min – 232 (PR on first set, 133)
T2B 2min – 32
Row 1min – 22Cals (16 second transition
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Wednesday - February 1, 2012
Back Squat - 245 x 6, 280 x 6, 315 x 3, 330 x 2 -- Still finding my capacity with my new squats
Supinated Bent-Over Rows 4 x 5- 155 across all sets
Front Squats - 215 x 5, 250 x 4, 270 x 4 x 2
4 Rounds (did 5) of:
100m Sled Drag - Heavy as FUCK!
200m Sled Sprint - *Strip half the weight from the drag*
well after reading peoples things, I apparently read "HEAVY AS FUCK" differently than everyone else. I did 300lbs (6 - 45lbs plates) on the heavy drag for the first 3 rounds, then dropped to 200 (4 45s), and 155 (3 45s) on the sprints...it was so dominating and fun that I ended up doing 5 rounds, plus it was perfect outside, 55 degrees in January, I'll take it! I ended up blacking out a little bit, and almost passed out when I was done, kept forgetting to hit the lap timer on the watch...all 5 rounds took me almost 20 minutes. Maybe it was my blissful ignorance as to what weight to do as it was my first time...sweet experience though. Love these things...needless to say I didn't get to my muscle-ups...
This was one of the most enjoyable destructive days I have had in a long time...
Back Squat - 245 x 6, 280 x 6, 315 x 3, 330 x 2 -- Still finding my capacity with my new squats
Supinated Bent-Over Rows 4 x 5- 155 across all sets
Front Squats - 215 x 5, 250 x 4, 270 x 4 x 2
4 Rounds (did 5) of:
100m Sled Drag - Heavy as FUCK!
200m Sled Sprint - *Strip half the weight from the drag*
well after reading peoples things, I apparently read "HEAVY AS FUCK" differently than everyone else. I did 300lbs (6 - 45lbs plates) on the heavy drag for the first 3 rounds, then dropped to 200 (4 45s), and 155 (3 45s) on the sprints...it was so dominating and fun that I ended up doing 5 rounds, plus it was perfect outside, 55 degrees in January, I'll take it! I ended up blacking out a little bit, and almost passed out when I was done, kept forgetting to hit the lap timer on the watch...all 5 rounds took me almost 20 minutes. Maybe it was my blissful ignorance as to what weight to do as it was my first time...sweet experience though. Love these things...needless to say I didn't get to my muscle-ups...
This was one of the most enjoyable destructive days I have had in a long time...
Tuesday - January 31, 2012
BB Gymnastics:
Took it light worked on speed and fluidity, hit cleans heavy yesterday
1a) Clean Pulls for Height -- 3 x 5 @ 165#
1b) Tall Cleans -- 3 x 5-7 @ 115#
Part 1) 8 minute AMRAP of:
8 Push Jerks 155/105#
8 Ring Dips
16 KB Snatches (8L/8R) @ 24/16kg
Followed IMMEDIATELY by:
Part 2) 2 minute AMRAP of:
Score: 4 Rounds + 16/17 Reps (haven’t watched video to see if first snatch counts on 5th round) + 130 Double Unders = 144/5 + 26 = 170/1 total
Midline – T2B were really fast (3 x 15) - 16, 18, 19 seconds
GHD Raises = 3 x 10
BB Gymnastics:
Took it light worked on speed and fluidity, hit cleans heavy yesterday
1a) Clean Pulls for Height -- 3 x 5 @ 165#
1b) Tall Cleans -- 3 x 5-7 @ 115#
Part 1) 8 minute AMRAP of:
8 Push Jerks 155/105#
8 Ring Dips
16 KB Snatches (8L/8R) @ 24/16kg
Followed IMMEDIATELY by:
Part 2) 2 minute AMRAP of:
Score: 4 Rounds + 16/17 Reps (haven’t watched video to see if first snatch counts on 5th round) + 130 Double Unders = 144/5 + 26 = 170/1 total
Midline – T2B were really fast (3 x 15) - 16, 18, 19 seconds
GHD Raises = 3 x 10
Monday, January 30, 2012
Saturday / Sunday - January 28/29, 2012
Back Squat -- Still working on Raw, High bar dropping. Worked up to 335 x 1, felt ok, need to continue to work on this, not sure where my 1RM is, so hatch may be out of the question for now.
Bench Press - 215 x 5 x 2, 235 x 5 x 2 --
Front Squat - 205 x 5, 215 x 5, 235 x 5 x 2 -- Still working on dropping and keeping elbows high in the bottom. Beltless though, felt pretty good.
Snatch -- Worked up to 185, couldn't extend
12 min AmRap of:
300m Row
410lb Farmers Carries ~50ft
20 KB Snatches (70lbs)
Farmer Carry
Total: 4 Rounds
Back Squat -- Still working on Raw, High bar dropping. Worked up to 335 x 1, felt ok, need to continue to work on this, not sure where my 1RM is, so hatch may be out of the question for now.
Bench Press - 215 x 5 x 2, 235 x 5 x 2 --
Front Squat - 205 x 5, 215 x 5, 235 x 5 x 2 -- Still working on dropping and keeping elbows high in the bottom. Beltless though, felt pretty good.
Snatch -- Worked up to 185, couldn't extend
12 min AmRap of:
300m Row
410lb Farmers Carries ~50ft
20 KB Snatches (70lbs)
Farmer Carry
Total: 4 Rounds
Friday, January 27, 2012
Friday - January 27, 2012
Games WoD 11.1:
AmRap 10 minutes of:
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatches (75lbs)
Total: 7rnds + 10 = 325 Reps
20 Minutes Snatch work:
Worked up to 185, some hang stuff, couldn't hit extension today...
10 Minutes Handstand Walk practice:
Got 47 Ft (PR!!)
then 35ft and a really powerful kip-up off the ground -- good day
m/f/s = 1/1/1
Games WoD 11.1:
AmRap 10 minutes of:
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatches (75lbs)
Total: 7rnds + 10 = 325 Reps
20 Minutes Snatch work:
Worked up to 185, some hang stuff, couldn't hit extension today...
10 Minutes Handstand Walk practice:
Got 47 Ft (PR!!)
then 35ft and a really powerful kip-up off the ground -- good day
m/f/s = 1/1/1
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Took Monday and Tuesday as Rest Days
Wednesday - January 25, 2012
1) Back Squat: Worked up to ~255# x 5 x 2-3 Sets
2b) Front Squats: Worked up to ~215# x 3-4, few sets
“Beat the Coach 1.2″
Every 30 seconds for 10 minutes:
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk @ 185#
Completed at 185, was supposed to be 225#
3 rounds for total reps of:
2 minutes ME Strict Ring Dips 17, 18, 17
-rest 1 minute
2 minutes ME Lateral Jumps 12″ 103, 102, 110
-rest 1 minute
Felt pretty shitty today, still don't feel fully recovered from the weekend. Hopefully I can get it back together tomorrow!
Wednesday - January 25, 2012
1) Back Squat: Worked up to ~255# x 5 x 2-3 Sets
2b) Front Squats: Worked up to ~215# x 3-4, few sets
“Beat the Coach 1.2″
Every 30 seconds for 10 minutes:
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk @ 185#
Completed at 185, was supposed to be 225#
3 rounds for total reps of:
2 minutes ME Strict Ring Dips 17, 18, 17
-rest 1 minute
2 minutes ME Lateral Jumps 12″ 103, 102, 110
-rest 1 minute
Felt pretty shitty today, still don't feel fully recovered from the weekend. Hopefully I can get it back together tomorrow!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Sunday - January 22, 2012
Fran on Roids
Thrusters @ 135lbs
Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Time: 5.39 -- First place got 5:35, a little disappointed I couldn't catch him. Redlined a little bit...pretty wrecked after this one...arms were destroyed pulling from the events so far.
Final Chipper:
20 Handstand Push-Ups (pretty intense standard on these, harder than regionals)
30 Toes-To-Bar
20 Hang Squat Snatches @ 95lbs
30 Wall-Balls
20 Stone-to-Shoulder @ 125lbs
30 KBS @ 70lbs (Regional Standard, perfectly vertical bell with extension)
3 laps (~400m) Pinch Grip Farmers carry (Carrying (2) 45lb Plates in a pinch at the top
Time: 20:55 (Cap was 20minutes, only 2 guys finished it, I was at 2.5laps as time ran out, finished it up -- I got to the farmers carry at about ~14minutes)
Ended up like this:
Total: 1st Place
Great weekend, lots of fun...
Fran on Roids
Thrusters @ 135lbs
Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Time: 5.39 -- First place got 5:35, a little disappointed I couldn't catch him. Redlined a little bit...pretty wrecked after this one...arms were destroyed pulling from the events so far.
Final Chipper:
20 Handstand Push-Ups (pretty intense standard on these, harder than regionals)
30 Toes-To-Bar
20 Hang Squat Snatches @ 95lbs
30 Wall-Balls
20 Stone-to-Shoulder @ 125lbs
30 KBS @ 70lbs (Regional Standard, perfectly vertical bell with extension)
3 laps (~400m) Pinch Grip Farmers carry (Carrying (2) 45lb Plates in a pinch at the top
Time: 20:55 (Cap was 20minutes, only 2 guys finished it, I was at 2.5laps as time ran out, finished it up -- I got to the farmers carry at about ~14minutes)
Ended up like this:
Total: 1st Place
Great weekend, lots of fun...
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Friday/Saturday - January 21, 2012
In Murfreesboro:
Last night:
Snatch 1RM - 200lbs
C&J 1RM -- 265lbs
8min AmRap of:
2 Rope Climbs
8 Push Jerks @ 155
16 GHD Sit-Ups
Score: 4 Rounds + 4
Immediately following the WoD started a 2min Max Rep DU:
Total 136 Reps
2nd WoD:
Conditioning from today:
4 Rounds of:
400m Run
500m Row
Time: 14.13
3rd WoD:
4 Min Max Rep Muscle-Ups: 24 Reps
4 Min Max Rep Burpee over Box Jumps: 44 Reps
10 Min to establish a 5RM FS from the floor: 255lbs
1st Place after day 1
In Murfreesboro:
Last night:
Snatch 1RM - 200lbs
C&J 1RM -- 265lbs
8min AmRap of:
2 Rope Climbs
8 Push Jerks @ 155
16 GHD Sit-Ups
Score: 4 Rounds + 4
Immediately following the WoD started a 2min Max Rep DU:
Total 136 Reps
2nd WoD:
Conditioning from today:
4 Rounds of:
400m Run
500m Row
Time: 14.13
3rd WoD:
4 Min Max Rep Muscle-Ups: 24 Reps
4 Min Max Rep Burpee over Box Jumps: 44 Reps
10 Min to establish a 5RM FS from the floor: 255lbs
1st Place after day 1
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Tuesday - January 17, 2012
Strength –
1) Back Squats - Skipped due to time
2a) Split Jerks -- 195lbs x 4 x 3
2b) Front Squats -- 210, 215, 235, 235 x 5 — Easy
Conditioning: 15 minutes (pressed for time today):
Push-Ups: 20, 12, 12, 15
GHD Sit-Ups: 15, 12, 14, 12
Subbed HS walks for shoulder touches: average was around 15-20 ft.
Rope Climbs — 4, 4, 4, 4 (all very fast)
Felt like pretty good workload for 15 minutes, arms are pretty taxed.
m/f/s = 3/3/3 — life shit getting in the way of training pretty bad lately…doing my best to make time for recovery and shit…
Strength –
1) Back Squats - Skipped due to time
2a) Split Jerks -- 195lbs x 4 x 3
2b) Front Squats -- 210, 215, 235, 235 x 5 — Easy
Conditioning: 15 minutes (pressed for time today):
Push-Ups: 20, 12, 12, 15
GHD Sit-Ups: 15, 12, 14, 12
Subbed HS walks for shoulder touches: average was around 15-20 ft.
Rope Climbs — 4, 4, 4, 4 (all very fast)
Felt like pretty good workload for 15 minutes, arms are pretty taxed.
m/f/s = 3/3/3 — life shit getting in the way of training pretty bad lately…doing my best to make time for recovery and shit…
Monday, January 16, 2012
Monday - January 16, 2012
1a) 3X5 Snatch High-Pulls – 155, 165, 175 – No Straps, Hook Grip Killer, TnG
1b) 3X5 Tall Snatches – 95, 105, 105 – felt fast today
Conditioning –
10 minute AMRAP of:
12 C2B Pullups
12 Box Jumps 30/26”
Total: 6 Rounds + 9 C2B
Felt good – regional standard on BJs, stepped down every rep, slow but didn’t stop
Did a 90minute yoga session this morning as well, good sweat, some core work etc...
1a) 3X5 Snatch High-Pulls – 155, 165, 175 – No Straps, Hook Grip Killer, TnG
1b) 3X5 Tall Snatches – 95, 105, 105 – felt fast today
Conditioning –
10 minute AMRAP of:
12 C2B Pullups
12 Box Jumps 30/26”
Total: 6 Rounds + 9 C2B
Felt good – regional standard on BJs, stepped down every rep, slow but didn’t stop
Did a 90minute yoga session this morning as well, good sweat, some core work etc...
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Thursday - January 12, 2012
Tried a morning session -- I am trying to get after it before 10am at least once a week. I am significantly less focused/strong in the mornings, no matter what my breakfast/coffee/sleep is like. Something I am trying to fix with the 'constantly varied' piece in case an early 315 deadlift WoD creeps up at regionals (god forbid snatching).
BB Gymnastics: Snatch
This was a pretty bad failure. I got some advice on my videos from a couple top US competitors out of Avg Broz -- said I needed to work higher into extension (be more patient on the 2nd pull) and stop throwing the bar forward, I tried to work on that at 45, 95, 125...then see what happened with it at 155/175...As soon as I tried to focus on getting the bar higher before the pull I stopped having any source of explosion. Shoulders still tight after last night so bottom position was rough also. Shitty snatching day, which is disappointing it had been starting to feel consistently good.
3 Rounds of:
12 Deadlifts @ 315lbs
24 Bar-Facing Burpees
Time: 9.31 -- DLs were UB, 6/6, 7/5 -- Wanted sub 8, forgot how much I suck at bar-facing burpees, they were consistent (didn't stop moving), but slow.
Strength: GH- Raises -- 44#, 44#, 0# x 15
TGU - 44 x 3/arm x 1set
Not a total loss I guess...but felt pretty much like one. Just no focus whatsoever.
m/f/s - 9/3/3
Tried a morning session -- I am trying to get after it before 10am at least once a week. I am significantly less focused/strong in the mornings, no matter what my breakfast/coffee/sleep is like. Something I am trying to fix with the 'constantly varied' piece in case an early 315 deadlift WoD creeps up at regionals (god forbid snatching).
BB Gymnastics: Snatch
This was a pretty bad failure. I got some advice on my videos from a couple top US competitors out of Avg Broz -- said I needed to work higher into extension (be more patient on the 2nd pull) and stop throwing the bar forward, I tried to work on that at 45, 95, 125...then see what happened with it at 155/175...As soon as I tried to focus on getting the bar higher before the pull I stopped having any source of explosion. Shoulders still tight after last night so bottom position was rough also. Shitty snatching day, which is disappointing it had been starting to feel consistently good.
3 Rounds of:
12 Deadlifts @ 315lbs
24 Bar-Facing Burpees
Time: 9.31 -- DLs were UB, 6/6, 7/5 -- Wanted sub 8, forgot how much I suck at bar-facing burpees, they were consistent (didn't stop moving), but slow.
Strength: GH- Raises -- 44#, 44#, 0# x 15
TGU - 44 x 3/arm x 1set
Not a total loss I guess...but felt pretty much like one. Just no focus whatsoever.
m/f/s - 9/3/3
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Wednesday - January 11, 2012
1) Back Squat: 255 x 8, 275 x 8, 315 x 6, 330 x 4 (F2) **Still Hi-Bar** still need so much work here. Amazing how much 3 years of low-bar doesn’t transfer much…
2) Front Squat: 205 x 5, 235 x 5, 255 x 5, 265 x 5 — Not sure if I have a 5RM on FS, but this is probably close or it, felt good after the back squats were such a disaster.
2a) Weighted Rope Climbs: 4 x 4 Weighted 45#, 40#, 35#, 35# — All rounds between 1:20-2:00
Rest 5 minutes
Task 1: In 10 minutes complete as many sets of 5 UB HSPU as possible.
5 sets — tons of 3′s (5 or 6) and 1s (3 or 4) — Ended up somewhere in the mid-40 range
Rest 2 minutes
Task 2: 4 minute AMRAP of:
12 GHD Situps
12 Shoulder Touches
1 round + 8 Shoulder touches (hmm…suck at these, especially after HSPU)
Rest 5 minutes
Task 3: In 4 minutes complete as many (10 seconds bottom paused) UB Snatch Balances @ 135/95# as possible. 20 burpee penalty for every drop
5 full Snatch Balances with 3 drops — 60 burpees done after wod in 2:50 or so.
Humbling day for the long armed heavy people…needed to stop being such a pussy on the snatch balances, shoulders were totally fried/pumped after 2 minutes of it…Fun stuff though coach….
1) Back Squat: 255 x 8, 275 x 8, 315 x 6, 330 x 4 (F2) **Still Hi-Bar** still need so much work here. Amazing how much 3 years of low-bar doesn’t transfer much…
2) Front Squat: 205 x 5, 235 x 5, 255 x 5, 265 x 5 — Not sure if I have a 5RM on FS, but this is probably close or it, felt good after the back squats were such a disaster.
2a) Weighted Rope Climbs: 4 x 4 Weighted 45#, 40#, 35#, 35# — All rounds between 1:20-2:00
Rest 5 minutes
Task 1: In 10 minutes complete as many sets of 5 UB HSPU as possible.
5 sets — tons of 3′s (5 or 6) and 1s (3 or 4) — Ended up somewhere in the mid-40 range
Rest 2 minutes
Task 2: 4 minute AMRAP of:
12 GHD Situps
12 Shoulder Touches
1 round + 8 Shoulder touches (hmm…suck at these, especially after HSPU)
Rest 5 minutes
Task 3: In 4 minutes complete as many (10 seconds bottom paused) UB Snatch Balances @ 135/95# as possible. 20 burpee penalty for every drop
5 full Snatch Balances with 3 drops — 60 burpees done after wod in 2:50 or so.
Humbling day for the long armed heavy people…needed to stop being such a pussy on the snatch balances, shoulders were totally fried/pumped after 2 minutes of it…Fun stuff though coach….
Monday, January 9, 2012
Monday - January 9, 2012
1) Hang Squat Snatch x 3 –145, 155, 160, 165, 170 (all x3) (PR) — Felt very fast, loving it.
2) Hang Squat Clean x 3 — 205, 220, 225, 230, 240(x2) — Strong, just missed getting my elbows around on the third 240.
3) Snatch DL — 260 x 5 x 3
Conditioning —
In 12 minutes complete:
100 UB Double-Unders
5 Push Jerks 185/120#
Run 200m
Score: 5 Rounds + 3 PJ
Failed 4x on Double Unders before I got it (26, 24, 9, 31) then got the 100 UB — Then got 5 rounds + 3 Jerks as RX
No time for Midline, had privates…
M/F/S/ – 2 / 2/ 2
1) Hang Squat Snatch x 3 –145, 155, 160, 165, 170 (all x3) (PR) — Felt very fast, loving it.
2) Hang Squat Clean x 3 — 205, 220, 225, 230, 240(x2) — Strong, just missed getting my elbows around on the third 240.
3) Snatch DL — 260 x 5 x 3
Conditioning —
In 12 minutes complete:
100 UB Double-Unders
5 Push Jerks 185/120#
Run 200m
Score: 5 Rounds + 3 PJ
Failed 4x on Double Unders before I got it (26, 24, 9, 31) then got the 100 UB — Then got 5 rounds + 3 Jerks as RX
No time for Midline, had privates…
M/F/S/ – 2 / 2/ 2
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Sunday - January 8, 2012
Snatches and Yesterdays Squats
Snatch -- 165, 175, 185, 195 (PR), 200 (PR), 205 (F2)
Really happy with this, didn't feel very loose, but the pull and speed was really there today in the snatch...
Spent a long time snatching and when I went to C&J it was terrible...definitely need a rest day, shoulders feeling very fatigued and tight, especially traps. Gonna see if I can get it worked on tomorrow.
Snatches and Yesterdays Squats
Snatch -- 165, 175, 185, 195 (PR), 200 (PR), 205 (F2)
Really happy with this, didn't feel very loose, but the pull and speed was really there today in the snatch...
Spent a long time snatching and when I went to C&J it was terrible...definitely need a rest day, shoulders feeling very fatigued and tight, especially traps. Gonna see if I can get it worked on tomorrow.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Saturday - January 7, 2012
1) Hi-Bar BS -- 235 x 10, 275 x 8, 295 x 8, 315 x 8 (PR @ 315#) — That 8th rep was a religious experience.
2a) Strict Press - 140 x 5 x 4
2b) Front Squat - 205 x 5, 215 x 5, 235 x 5 x 2
Chose to Row — 1k's - 1:1 Rest ratio
1) 3:32.1
2) 3:30.0
3) 3:31.1
Probably should’ve tried to take the first one at around 3:20-:23, legs got a little fired up and I straight pussied it…was good pacing work none-the-less, I can keep a 1:45/500 at 26 s/m pretty much in my sleep at this point, record was 40 pulls in a row without the pace or s/m changing.
Strict muscle-ups were a huge embarrassing failure. Typically I am good for 5 or 6 in a good hollow position, then need a little kick to get through the middle after that…I was good for all of zero on 10 attempts tonight, then went to kip a few, failed those, and the five minutes was up….so…zero, I did however get some good false-grip strict chest-to-ring pull-ups in though…#Positivity
1) Hi-Bar BS -- 235 x 10, 275 x 8, 295 x 8, 315 x 8 (PR @ 315#) — That 8th rep was a religious experience.
2a) Strict Press - 140 x 5 x 4
2b) Front Squat - 205 x 5, 215 x 5, 235 x 5 x 2
Chose to Row — 1k's - 1:1 Rest ratio
1) 3:32.1
2) 3:30.0
3) 3:31.1
Probably should’ve tried to take the first one at around 3:20-:23, legs got a little fired up and I straight pussied it…was good pacing work none-the-less, I can keep a 1:45/500 at 26 s/m pretty much in my sleep at this point, record was 40 pulls in a row without the pace or s/m changing.
Strict muscle-ups were a huge embarrassing failure. Typically I am good for 5 or 6 in a good hollow position, then need a little kick to get through the middle after that…I was good for all of zero on 10 attempts tonight, then went to kip a few, failed those, and the five minutes was up….so…zero, I did however get some good false-grip strict chest-to-ring pull-ups in though…#Positivity
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Thursday - January 5, 2012
BB Gymnastics
1a) 5X3 T&G Power Clean – 215, 230, 235, 245, 250 (um...Yea! PR for sure)
1b) 5X3 UB Push Jerk – 185, 205, 220, 230 (2), 230 (1)
“Tommy V”
21 Thrusters 115/75#
12 Rope Climbs 15’
15 Thrusters 115/75#
9 Rope Climbs 15’
9 Thrusters 115/75#
6 Rope Climbs 15’
Time: 14.26 -- Thrusters were UB (which was surprising, STR took it out of me, legs were pretty smoked) -- Rope Climbs were all in doubles, dunno if that is fast or not...felt slow.
M/F/S = 3/5/2
BB Gymnastics
1a) 5X3 T&G Power Clean – 215, 230, 235, 245, 250 (um...Yea! PR for sure)
1b) 5X3 UB Push Jerk – 185, 205, 220, 230 (2), 230 (1)
“Tommy V”
21 Thrusters 115/75#
12 Rope Climbs 15’
15 Thrusters 115/75#
9 Rope Climbs 15’
9 Thrusters 115/75#
6 Rope Climbs 15’
Time: 14.26 -- Thrusters were UB (which was surprising, STR took it out of me, legs were pretty smoked) -- Rope Climbs were all in doubles, dunno if that is fast or not...felt slow.
M/F/S = 3/5/2
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Wednesday- January 4, 2012
1) Back Squat – 235 x 10, 255 x 8, 275 x 6, 295 x 6, 315 x 6
2a) Close-Grip Bench Press 205 x 8, 215 x 8, 235 x 6, 240 x 4(F)
2b) Front Squat 205 x 5, 235 x 5, 255 x 5, 255 x 5
1a) Weighted Under-Grip Pull-Ups x 10 (18# x 10, 23# x 8, 18# x 7, 5# x 10)
1b) Kipping HSPU (These went great, Better than ever) 15, 14, 10, 9
1c) Reverse Hyper – 160lbs x 15 x 4
M/F/S – 1/1/1 – Felt freaking invincible today, insanely strong…could’ve done the 255 x 15 on the last set. Kipping HSPU felt awesome too, pull-ups were meh…Great day tho, especially considering I'm down 5lbs, to 202lbs
1) Back Squat – 235 x 10, 255 x 8, 275 x 6, 295 x 6, 315 x 6
2a) Close-Grip Bench Press 205 x 8, 215 x 8, 235 x 6, 240 x 4(F)
2b) Front Squat 205 x 5, 235 x 5, 255 x 5, 255 x 5
1a) Weighted Under-Grip Pull-Ups x 10 (18# x 10, 23# x 8, 18# x 7, 5# x 10)
1b) Kipping HSPU (These went great, Better than ever) 15, 14, 10, 9
1c) Reverse Hyper – 160lbs x 15 x 4
M/F/S – 1/1/1 – Felt freaking invincible today, insanely strong…could’ve done the 255 x 15 on the last set. Kipping HSPU felt awesome too, pull-ups were meh…Great day tho, especially considering I'm down 5lbs, to 202lbs
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Tuesday - January 3, 2012
1) 4×2 Snatch Complex (Hi-Hang Hi-Pull x 2, Hi-Hang Squat Snatch) — 135, 140, 145, 150 — Felt good, good pop under the bar
2) 4×2 Clean Complex (Hi-Hang Hi-Pull x 2, Hi-Hang Squat Clean) — 185 x 4 x 2 -- Felt ok, wasn't quite getting the hi-pull up.
3) 4 x 3 — Flat-Footed Clean DL – 315 x 4
5 Rounds of:
3 PC @ 185lbs
12 Burpees
15 Pull-Ups
Time: 9.25 (rx)
Strict T2B:
Did about 10, hands were cut up from the WoD so I did ~140 Hollow Rocks
1) 4×2 Snatch Complex (Hi-Hang Hi-Pull x 2, Hi-Hang Squat Snatch) — 135, 140, 145, 150 — Felt good, good pop under the bar
2) 4×2 Clean Complex (Hi-Hang Hi-Pull x 2, Hi-Hang Squat Clean) — 185 x 4 x 2 -- Felt ok, wasn't quite getting the hi-pull up.
3) 4 x 3 — Flat-Footed Clean DL – 315 x 4
5 Rounds of:
3 PC @ 185lbs
12 Burpees
15 Pull-Ups
Time: 9.25 (rx)
Strict T2B:
Did about 10, hands were cut up from the WoD so I did ~140 Hollow Rocks
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Sunday - January 1, 2012
1) 3 attempts to establish a 1RM Snatch – Definitely didn't quite follow the prescription, failed twice at 185 and then hit it....went up to 195 almost had it, failed horrible and called it.
2) 3 attempts to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk – Followed this more to a T -- 235, 255 (F-Cl), 255 (F-J), 255 (PR)
1) 185
2) 255 (Press Out)
Run 400m
9 Muscle-Ups
18 DB Push Press 50/35#
Run 400m
7 Muscle-Ups
15 DB Push Press 50/35#
Run 400m
5 Muscle-Ups
12 DB Push Press 50/35#
For time.
13.02 -- Fuck this, like 30 degrees and 50 mile an hour winds...hands numb, half pointless #FoSho, running may be done for the season.
1) 3 attempts to establish a 1RM Snatch – Definitely didn't quite follow the prescription, failed twice at 185 and then hit it....went up to 195 almost had it, failed horrible and called it.
2) 3 attempts to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk – Followed this more to a T -- 235, 255 (F-Cl), 255 (F-J), 255 (PR)
1) 185
2) 255 (Press Out)
Run 400m
9 Muscle-Ups
18 DB Push Press 50/35#
Run 400m
7 Muscle-Ups
15 DB Push Press 50/35#
Run 400m
5 Muscle-Ups
12 DB Push Press 50/35#
For time.
13.02 -- Fuck this, like 30 degrees and 50 mile an hour winds...hands numb, half pointless #FoSho, running may be done for the season.
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