Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday - September 26, 2011
AM - Skills 
2 x 7 Wall Climbs (5-10 Second Hollow HS Hold at the top of each)
3 x 8/leg Pistols
5 x 2 Strict Muscle-Ups

PM - Strength/MetCon
Overhead Squat work - worked up to 205# x 3
Every minute on the minute Snatch -
125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 155 (F), 155, 160, 165 (F), 165, 170, 175(Fx4), 175, 180 (Fx3)
12minute AmRap:
5 Power Snatches 95lbs
10 Pull-Ups
25 Double Unders
**25lb Weightvest**


Some Hollow Rocks and weighted Glute-Ham Raises (2 x 5 @ 53lbs)

Thoughts/Feelings - Started off a little slow today due to some heavy drinking/late night on Sunday at the Bears v. Packers game.  Wall-Climbs were really taxing, Pistols went really well I felt, and Strict Muscle-Ups were really good.

Overhead Squats were really bothering my wrists and Elbows - 205 x 3 is not very good for me, but wanted to focus on the snatch more so I called it.  Snatch felt ok, a little shaky to start, but 170lb felt incredible, best one by far.  I was under 180 2/3 times but just lost it and got sloppy in the bottom.  Encouraged by this though, I haven't been working snatches enough and I haven't fallen off much.

AmRap felt great, good pace I think it was 8 or 9 full rounds, recovered VERY fast from it, less than 3 minutes probably went from huffing and puffing to fine.  GHR were strong, overall great day...Looking forward to Wednesday, gonna try to hit some mad stretching/foam rolling tomorrow.

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