Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Non-Open Redo'ers:

10 min Mobility Warm-Up:
Goal -- Pistols -- 5 second lower to bottom of pistol, 3 second hold in bottom, raise up.  Each leg should be able to do 2-3 reps -- complete with KB once it can be done with good form weightless.

14min EMOM:
Odd: 10 DB Bench Press (55#/35#) - or heavier if can handle it.
Even: Pistol Ladder -- Begin at 12, each set you make go up 2 reps.  (i.e. 12, 14, 16, 18, etc.) Alternate legs

With a partner complete:
100 HSPU
*EMOM alternating partners need to complete 5 Airdyne Cals.*

3 rounds through :15 on / :45 off:
L-Sit (parallette)
Weighted Ring Planks
90-Degree Pull-up hold (rings or bar if hands can handle it) - *Scale to Band Pull-Aparts*

Open Redo'ers:

Row 1000m - 8 hard pulls/minute - rest should be conversational pace.
OHS x 15 (PVC)
Passthrough x 15 (PVC)
KB OHS x 10/Arm (53/35)

5 x 5 FS @ 50% - Fast, deep.

Shoulder mobility / Arm Mashing.


  1. 1) 44# pretty easily on both legs, lowering slow with weight is far easier, need to improve weightless on balance/control

    2a) 1set at 55#, rest at 65#
    2b) 12, 14, 16, 16, 14, 14, 16

    3) Cash did ~60 I got ~40, all airdynes done ~38-45s

    4) Done w/ pull-aparts


  2. 2a) 55# and made it through easy.
    2b) 12, 14, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16 - hips are feeling #PistolMania today!
    3) boulder shoulders are feeling it today!
    4) Quit early
