Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Wednesday, May 13

Extra work:

Everyone -

1) EMOM10:
Snatch + Hang Snatch -
Mins 1-5 @ 65%
Mins 6-8 @ 75%
Mins 9-10 @ 85%

Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk
Mins 1-5 @ 60%
Mins 6-9 @ 70%
Mins 10-12 @ 80%

*This will be your only dedicated Olympic Lifting work this week -- Please make sure you warm-up properly, do NOT rush this. Form focus on every lift, everything should be perfect - footwork, pulling positions and intensity. Quality of movement*


  1. 1. I squated with a new friend Hanz today. Which made me Franz. #StrongerThanChuckStrong
    2. Workout done (#HanzNFranz) with rowing (8 cal per person per minute) ~ 9:15
    3. I cant really say I did any additional lifts. But everyone who did looked pretty damn good doing them.

    1. Hans was legit. And so CrossFit. I thought he was Lon's brother.

    2. The best part about this blog is K$ responses.

  2. FS went pretty good. Worked up to 210#. Felt heavy but no fails.

    Wod was fine - short and intense. Worked with TKB and we switched bw 10 burpees and the stones.

    Lifting was spicy. Worked up to 140# for snatch and failed a few. Did all squat snatches.
    For the C&J complex I did mostly power cleans cuz my legs were tired. Worked up to 175# and did squat clean those sets.

  3. FS had no fails hit 365x3 in my metcons and without a belt which I'm, happy with after backsquating last night.

    We had a bro sesh and super setted with bench just barely missed 295x on close grip

    Wod we started with 16 total cals on air dyne and dropped to 10 a min got 44 s2s

    extra work all went well hit all my reps. Power snatched and squatted cleaned

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. FS felt pretty good today. I did 150, 160, 170, 185, 195, 160. No fails.

    Did the workout with Li$a and had lots of fun! We finished in 5:18, doing the ski-er for 5 cals each every minute. It was taking each of us about 20s to do, and we were both able to fit in each round.

    Afterwards, did the extra work with EVE outside. Snatches felt good. I power snatched the first and then squatted the hang snatch. Did 75, 85, 100. No fails. For the cleans, I started out power cleaning then squatting the hang and doing a push jerk. I started squatting all of them about halfway through. I did 110, 120, 135. These felt better than I expected, especially the cleans from the hang. No fails.

  6. F Sqt-finished w/ 310 for 3 rep
    WOD w/Douglas Bruce Schart. Took 9 minutes. Said F the technique about halfway through and just went straight back-we will see how that works out tomorrow.
    Extra work after-finished w 165 snatches-first felt bad but hang always felt good. Finished @245 for clean and jerk. All squats for both.

  7. Started today with the snatch and C&J complexes. For the snatch did 85/95/110. Missed the first hang snatch at 110 but hit it the second time. For the C&J did 90/105/120. Felt pretty good.

    Front squats felt pretty heavy after all of the other lifting. Worked up to 140 for 3 which was a PR for me.

  8. Lifting: Worked up to 205 on snatch and 255 on cj. Felt all over the place with barbell, need to get back to refining and moving weight regularly.

    Ended my one month single leg strength cycle and front squatted. Ended with 310, everything feels heavy.

    Wod: Will and I finished minute 7 or 8 of emom. Good to work with the stones…

  9. Did MUs from yesterday. Started with 6,6,6 then went to fours.
    Front Squatted a little today. Stay light- Ended with 265 for 5 real slow

    WOD with CSans- Stones were fun.

  10. Oly lifts felts heavy today. Did not move particularly well
    No atlas stones in Cincy. Did the class workout
    Did the MU EMOM 6,6,6,6,4,4,4,3
