With a running clock complete:
Odd - 2 Single Snatch attempts - weights begin @ 80% and go up until you go 0/2 on a minute, that is the weight for the remainder of the workout.
Even - 2 Snatch Balance + 2 OHS @ 60% Snatch Max (out of rack)
Odd - Max Strict HSPU
Even - 6 DB Snatch @ 100/70 (Alternating)
12min AmRap:
30 Air Squats
60 Double Unders
Run 200m
1k Row
50 WB
1k Row
2 Sled Pushes Curb & Back out back (so curb & back, curb & back) with (3) 45's for guys and 2 for women.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Friday, May 22, 2015
Saturday, May 23
Skulls -- 11:30am
1) Back Squat OR Front Rack Walking Lunge (Double reps for FRWL):
6 @ 70%
6 @ 75%
4 @ 80%
3 @ 85%
2 @ 90%
6 @ 70%
2) Superset - 4 rounds w/ 90s Rest between:
a) Max OHS Reps (taken from the floor) in 30s @ 135/95#
b) Max Set T2B
3) AmRap12:
9 UB TnG Squat Cleans (165/105) - *For every break on the SC, add 5 burpees in that round*
15 Burpees
9 Calories (Rower/Airdyne - Alternate each round)
1) Back Squat OR Front Rack Walking Lunge (Double reps for FRWL):
6 @ 70%
6 @ 75%
4 @ 80%
3 @ 85%
2 @ 90%
6 @ 70%
2) Superset - 4 rounds w/ 90s Rest between:
a) Max OHS Reps (taken from the floor) in 30s @ 135/95#
b) Max Set T2B
3) AmRap12:
9 UB TnG Squat Cleans (165/105) - *For every break on the SC, add 5 burpees in that round*
15 Burpees
9 Calories (Rower/Airdyne - Alternate each round)
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Thursday, May 21
Schedule for this week:
Thursday - Class + Extra + Trivia night @ 8pm @ Grandview Cafe if anyone wants to join.
Friday - Off
Saturday - Skulls, quick session, need to be done by 1p - might be a championship mash.
Sunday - Voluntary open gym
Monday - The Unknowns, 11a or Noon + Meat
Tuesday - Optional
Wednesday - Saturday - Class @ 80%, take it easy, even if class is maxing out work to an easy single and call it a day, we will max the following weeks on a few things.
Extra Work:
3 Rounds:
Run 400m
21 KBS (53/35)
12 Pull-Ups
Tier 1 - Sub 7/Sub 7:30
Tier 2 - Sub 7:30/Sub 8:10
Tier 3 - Sub 8:10/Sub 8:40
Thursday - Class + Extra + Trivia night @ 8pm @ Grandview Cafe if anyone wants to join.
Friday - Off
Saturday - Skulls, quick session, need to be done by 1p - might be a championship mash.
Sunday - Voluntary open gym
Monday - The Unknowns, 11a or Noon + Meat
Tuesday - Optional
Wednesday - Saturday - Class @ 80%, take it easy, even if class is maxing out work to an easy single and call it a day, we will max the following weeks on a few things.
Extra Work:
3 Rounds:
Run 400m
21 KBS (53/35)
12 Pull-Ups
Tier 1 - Sub 7/Sub 7:30
Tier 2 - Sub 7:30/Sub 8:10
Tier 3 - Sub 8:10/Sub 8:40
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Wednesday, May 20th
Come ready. to. go. for class! #TestOutWorkout
Extra work:
a) 8 Strict Pull-ups (wgt'd first few rounds if you can go UB)
b) 8 Strict HSPU
c) 16-24 Pistols (If you are a pistol machine, begin with 24 and do your best to maintain that, if you struggle try to maintain 16 per round)
Extra work:
a) 8 Strict Pull-ups (wgt'd first few rounds if you can go UB)
b) 8 Strict HSPU
c) 16-24 Pistols (If you are a pistol machine, begin with 24 and do your best to maintain that, if you struggle try to maintain 16 per round)
Monday, May 18, 2015
Tuesday, May 19
Extra Work:
*Preferably done before class -- If done after class expect major shoulder fatigue*
Odd: 3 Push Press (Bar taken from the ground) @ 75%
Even: 10 Strict Ring Dips
Accumulate 3 minutes in a weighted plank with 60% bodyweight on.
Run 1 mile all-out.
rest 10 minutes then...
4 x 400m w/ 1minute rest between each effort. Add your 400m time together and see which is faster vs. your mile - Post results to comments.
5 Rounds for form:
a) 8 Ring Dips - Strict, no band.
b) 30s Box L-Sit Hold with arms straight out (scale as needed with legs/feet)- View images below.
c) 10 Reps ring push-outs - View image below.
*Preferably done before class -- If done after class expect major shoulder fatigue*
Odd: 3 Push Press (Bar taken from the ground) @ 75%
Even: 10 Strict Ring Dips
Accumulate 3 minutes in a weighted plank with 60% bodyweight on.
Run 1 mile all-out.
rest 10 minutes then...
4 x 400m w/ 1minute rest between each effort. Add your 400m time together and see which is faster vs. your mile - Post results to comments.
5 Rounds for form:
a) 8 Ring Dips - Strict, no band.
b) 30s Box L-Sit Hold with arms straight out (scale as needed with legs/feet)- View images below.
c) 10 Reps ring push-outs - View image below.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Championship Sunday, May 17
With a running clock complete:
0-15:00 -
EMOM10 - 1 Squat Snatch (w/ 3s catch hold), 2 Sn Balance. Begin at 60% and go up as needed/desired based on form and balance.
EMOM4 - 1 Squat Snatch - Build up to a heavy 1 - no fails in this 4 minutes or you are done. YOU'RE DONE! (JOHN!)
15-30:00 --
Tommy V Group -
EMOM12 - 3-4 Muscle-Ups
MU/SC Group -
EMOM 12 - 2 Rope Climbs
12min AmRap:
3 Burpee Pull-Ups
6 FS @ 185/125 - From Ground
9 Ring Dips
With a team of 3 complete max calories on the AirDyne, and Max WallBalls as a team. Score is total reps completed of calories + WB reps in the 15 minutes. Break up / strategize however you like.
60-70:00: Give out lots of compliments, smile & have fun! Great weekend.
0-15:00 -
EMOM10 - 1 Squat Snatch (w/ 3s catch hold), 2 Sn Balance. Begin at 60% and go up as needed/desired based on form and balance.
EMOM4 - 1 Squat Snatch - Build up to a heavy 1 - no fails in this 4 minutes or you are done. YOU'RE DONE! (JOHN!)
15-30:00 --
Tommy V Group -
EMOM12 - 3-4 Muscle-Ups
MU/SC Group -
EMOM 12 - 2 Rope Climbs
12min AmRap:
3 Burpee Pull-Ups
6 FS @ 185/125 - From Ground
9 Ring Dips
With a team of 3 complete max calories on the AirDyne, and Max WallBalls as a team. Score is total reps completed of calories + WB reps in the 15 minutes. Break up / strategize however you like.
60-70:00: Give out lots of compliments, smile & have fun! Great weekend.
The brothers Sans leading the group warm-up
Friday, May 15, 2015
Saturday, May 16
Skulls -- 11:30am
If you missed Friday Back Squats complete:
6 @ 65%
6 @ 70%
6 @ 75%
4 @ 80%
3 @ 85%
6 @ 75%
If you did Friday back squats and/or aren't squatting complete:
Front Rack Walking Lunge -
12 @ 50% FS
12 @ 55% FS
10 @ 60% FS
8 @ 65% FS
6 @ 70% FS
"Tommy V"
21-15-9 - Thrusters (115/75)
12-9-6 Rope Climbs
15 Muscle-Ups
Squat Clean Ladder (205/225/245/255/265)/ (135/145/155/165/175)
*Athletes who choose the MU/SC workout must complete the remaining 15 muscle-ups to complete 30 as a separate event upon completion.
PM - Firehouse Fun! Try to be there by 4:45pm - address is:
2491 Walker Rd
Hilliard, OH 43026
Anyone who wants to carpool let me know at skulls, or text me / get together with others!
If you missed Friday Back Squats complete:
6 @ 65%
6 @ 70%
6 @ 75%
4 @ 80%
3 @ 85%
6 @ 75%
If you did Friday back squats and/or aren't squatting complete:
Front Rack Walking Lunge -
12 @ 50% FS
12 @ 55% FS
10 @ 60% FS
8 @ 65% FS
6 @ 70% FS
"Tommy V"
21-15-9 - Thrusters (115/75)
12-9-6 Rope Climbs
15 Muscle-Ups
Squat Clean Ladder (205/225/245/255/265)/ (135/145/155/165/175)
*Athletes who choose the MU/SC workout must complete the remaining 15 muscle-ups to complete 30 as a separate event upon completion.
PM - Firehouse Fun! Try to be there by 4:45pm - address is:
2491 Walker Rd
Hilliard, OH 43026
Anyone who wants to carpool let me know at skulls, or text me / get together with others!
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Thursday, May 14
So Saturday afternoon's session will be at Kris Lanning's firehouse. He has invited us to come and hit a day of training there, he will break out the hoses, dummies, tanks, etc. as well as their CF equipment and we will workout with their shift. It promises to be a lot of fun, and if that doesn't get you excited for it they are smoking us a ton of meat so we can keep our T-Levels up post-workout. I do need a headcount for who plans on coming - we're looking at around 5pm - so they can account for how much food to make!
It is time to start looking to sign up / pair up / find teams for some events -- Here are some I'm checking out, if you guys know of any or find any let me know. Ideally I would like to test a lot of different team combinations, have different people pair with each other for different events (as fits) - We'll basically be the swingers of CF -- however if there is a cash prize we are going to try to start to collect a pool of winnings money to help with any travel to next years regionals, so we will field some 'powerhouse teams' to try to win!
https://www.facebook.com/events/1056522171042668/ (Already have one team signed up)
Now to the good stuff:
Extra work:
Everyone --
7 rounds of:
Max Set Strict HSPU (guys 45s w/ abmat, girls 15's with abmat)
10 T2B
30s Triple Under practice
*rest as needed between rounds*
If you missed Monday you need to make-up:
Regional Workout 12.3:
4 rounds of:
10 Alternating DB Snatch @ 100/70lbs
Sprint 200ft
If you would like you can find a female/male counterpart and complete the team version. (Try to beat Juice and Dawn's 4.57)
It is time to start looking to sign up / pair up / find teams for some events -- Here are some I'm checking out, if you guys know of any or find any let me know. Ideally I would like to test a lot of different team combinations, have different people pair with each other for different events (as fits) - We'll basically be the swingers of CF -- however if there is a cash prize we are going to try to start to collect a pool of winnings money to help with any travel to next years regionals, so we will field some 'powerhouse teams' to try to win!
https://www.facebook.com/events/1056522171042668/ (Already have one team signed up)
Now to the good stuff:
Extra work:
Everyone --
7 rounds of:
Max Set Strict HSPU (guys 45s w/ abmat, girls 15's with abmat)
10 T2B
30s Triple Under practice
*rest as needed between rounds*
If you missed Monday you need to make-up:
Regional Workout 12.3:
4 rounds of:
10 Alternating DB Snatch @ 100/70lbs
Sprint 200ft
If you would like you can find a female/male counterpart and complete the team version. (Try to beat Juice and Dawn's 4.57)
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Wednesday, May 13
Extra work:
Everyone -
1) EMOM10:
Snatch + Hang Snatch -
Mins 1-5 @ 65%
Mins 6-8 @ 75%
Mins 9-10 @ 85%
Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk
Mins 1-5 @ 60%
Mins 6-9 @ 70%
Mins 10-12 @ 80%
*This will be your only dedicated Olympic Lifting work this week -- Please make sure you warm-up properly, do NOT rush this. Form focus on every lift, everything should be perfect - footwork, pulling positions and intensity. Quality of movement*
Everyone -
1) EMOM10:
Snatch + Hang Snatch -
Mins 1-5 @ 65%
Mins 6-8 @ 75%
Mins 9-10 @ 85%
Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk
Mins 1-5 @ 60%
Mins 6-9 @ 70%
Mins 10-12 @ 80%
*This will be your only dedicated Olympic Lifting work this week -- Please make sure you warm-up properly, do NOT rush this. Form focus on every lift, everything should be perfect - footwork, pulling positions and intensity. Quality of movement*
Monday, May 11, 2015
Tuesday, May 12
Extra Work:
1) Back Squat from Monday if you missed it:
6 @ 70%
6 @ 75%
6 @ 80%
4 @ 85%
3 @ 90%
6 @ 75%
*rest 2-3 mins between sets*
2) EMOM8:
6 Muscle-Ups (RX+)
4 Muscle-Ups (RX)
2 Muscle-Ups / 2 MU Attempts (Gymnastics Crew)
3) Handstand competition:
Find friends (2-4 preferably) get into a small group/circle and kick up into a handstand, you may walk, move around, w.e. - whoever wins gets 1 point. First person to 5 points wins, any losers in the group must Ski 500m as a penalty at the end in all out effort (preferably while being harassed verbally by the winner who will be loudly gloating) -- Have fun with this but work on being upside down when tired.
1) Back Squat from Monday if you missed it:
6 @ 70%
6 @ 75%
6 @ 80%
4 @ 85%
3 @ 90%
6 @ 75%
*rest 2-3 mins between sets*
2) EMOM8:
6 Muscle-Ups (RX+)
4 Muscle-Ups (RX)
2 Muscle-Ups / 2 MU Attempts (Gymnastics Crew)
3) Handstand competition:
Find friends (2-4 preferably) get into a small group/circle and kick up into a handstand, you may walk, move around, w.e. - whoever wins gets 1 point. First person to 5 points wins, any losers in the group must Ski 500m as a penalty at the end in all out effort (preferably while being harassed verbally by the winner who will be loudly gloating) -- Have fun with this but work on being upside down when tired.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Championship Sunday, May 10
With a running clock complete the following:
From 0-15:00 complete:
In MMM / FFF teams (as best as possible):
175 Snatches (75/55)
25 Rope Climbs
115 Thrusters (115/75)
From 15:00-35:00 complete:
65-70ft HS Walk (Full length wall-to-wall)
Rest 1 minute
1 Snatch Attempt
Rest 1 minute
1 Snatch Attempt
*Repeat 3 times (total 4 rounds)*
From 30:00-Finish complete:
50 WB
30 Burpee touch Jumps
30 WB
30 Burpee touch Jumps
50 WB
Utilize time from Finish-60:00 to complete GHD work and/or mobility - then enjoy your weekend!
From 0-15:00 complete:
In MMM / FFF teams (as best as possible):
175 Snatches (75/55)
25 Rope Climbs
115 Thrusters (115/75)
From 15:00-35:00 complete:
65-70ft HS Walk (Full length wall-to-wall)
Rest 1 minute
1 Snatch Attempt
Rest 1 minute
1 Snatch Attempt
*Repeat 3 times (total 4 rounds)*
From 30:00-Finish complete:
50 WB
30 Burpee touch Jumps
30 WB
30 Burpee touch Jumps
50 WB
Utilize time from Finish-60:00 to complete GHD work and/or mobility - then enjoy your weekend!
Friday, May 8, 2015
Saturday, May 9th
We will be meeting at 5pm at Olentangy Liberty High School for an afternoon track session for anyone who is interested!
Skulls - 11:30am Start time:
1. Back Squat / Front Rack Walking Lunge:
10 @ 55%
8 @ 60%
6 @ 65%
6 @ 70%
6 @ 75%
4 @ 80%
2. 5 Rounds:
25Cal Row
16 CTB Pull-Ups
9 Strict Deficit HSPU
3. Cardio:
20 Round Tabata AirDyne
a) 8 x 3 Speed DL w/ Bands @ 60%
b) 8 x 3 Close-Grip Bench (build to a heavy 3)
Gymnastics - Join Str or Cardio for portion 3 and finish with 50 Strict Ring Dips.
PM Session:
100m Race with everyone
*Rest is 1:1 for all runs*
Then play with HS walks / Lunges if desired.
Skulls - 11:30am Start time:
1. Back Squat / Front Rack Walking Lunge:
10 @ 55%
8 @ 60%
6 @ 65%
6 @ 70%
6 @ 75%
4 @ 80%
2. 5 Rounds:
25Cal Row
16 CTB Pull-Ups
9 Strict Deficit HSPU
3. Cardio:
20 Round Tabata AirDyne
a) 8 x 3 Speed DL w/ Bands @ 60%
b) 8 x 3 Close-Grip Bench (build to a heavy 3)
Gymnastics - Join Str or Cardio for portion 3 and finish with 50 Strict Ring Dips.
PM Session:
100m Race with everyone
*Rest is 1:1 for all runs*
Then play with HS walks / Lunges if desired.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Thursday, May 7th
Test Day:
If possible perform before class:
Snatch - 1 Rep, from Floor.
Min 1-2 @ 60%
Min 3-4 @ 70%
Min 5-6 @ 75%
Min 7-8 @ 80%
Min 9-10 @ 85%
Min 11 @ 90%
Min 12 @ 95%
If you are feeling good take 1 minute off then take 3 attempts at a PR - If you are not popping/hitting well, move on.
Clean and Jerk - 1 Rep from Floor.
1-2 @ 65%
3 @ 75%
4 @ 85%
5 @ 95%
If you are feeling good take 2 minutes off then take 3 attempts at a PR - If you are not popping/hitting well, move on.
It has been a rough week - Do not push for a PR if you are not feeling it please, and do not be dejected if you do not, that being said - Get with some friends, find a good crew and hit it HARD!
If possible perform before class:
Snatch - 1 Rep, from Floor.
Min 1-2 @ 60%
Min 3-4 @ 70%
Min 5-6 @ 75%
Min 7-8 @ 80%
Min 9-10 @ 85%
Min 11 @ 90%
Min 12 @ 95%
If you are feeling good take 1 minute off then take 3 attempts at a PR - If you are not popping/hitting well, move on.
Clean and Jerk - 1 Rep from Floor.
1-2 @ 65%
3 @ 75%
4 @ 85%
5 @ 95%
If you are feeling good take 2 minutes off then take 3 attempts at a PR - If you are not popping/hitting well, move on.
It has been a rough week - Do not push for a PR if you are not feeling it please, and do not be dejected if you do not, that being said - Get with some friends, find a good crew and hit it HARD!
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Wednesday, May 6
Sorry for the confusion with Tuesday's extra work...but this is free so suck it:
John -- I'm super excited for you to see tomorrow's Strength work now that I've seen tomorrow's programming.
If you did the Push Press work today, then tomorrow for the workout you will sub Deadlifts @ 70% 1RM in place of Push Presses.
Extra Work:
4 Rounds:
a) Front Rack Walking Lunge - 8 Reps (4/leg) building, heavy.
b) KB Side Bends https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBGEXX1PUGE - 12 Reps/Side - 100/70lbs
c) Barbell Bent-Over Rows - Light, 10 reps with a 2s Pause at the chest (lighter than you'd think to have a perfect chest-pause position).
"E Caf"
10 Rounds of -
1min Max Effort Row for Meters, rest 1 minute. *20mins Total*
Goal is to row 3000m/2750m - Penalty is 1 burpee pull-up for every 5 meters under your goal you finish.
a) Max effort Strict HSPU (use as many kick-ups as needed, maximize each minute knowing you get rest).
b) rest 1 minute
c) 12 T2B (goal: UB)
d) 8 Band Pull-Aparts
Monday, May 4, 2015
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Championship Sunday, May 3
With a running clock complete:
1 Legless Rope Climb
1 Wall-Climb w/ perfect plank
**Only thing Inside*
10Min AmRap:
3 Stations - Changes are timed by person on sled, when sled person is done all three switch:
1) Sled Drag (Backpack style)
2) AirDyne Max Effort
3) Sledge Hammer Strikes - Max Effort (Females may sub 30# Ball Slams if they cannot swing well)
"Gwen" - 15-12-9 - Max Effort TnG Clean and Jerk
*Before Each Set athletes must perform 15 Squat Thrusts over Bar - Goal is to hit these with heart rate up a little bit*
Row 1000m
15 FS 205/125#
Row 800m
10 FS
Row 600m
5 FS
*FS come from ground*
*All Barbell work will be on the concrete out back, and/or Grass - lift on a different surface!*
1 Legless Rope Climb
1 Wall-Climb w/ perfect plank
**Only thing Inside*
10Min AmRap:
3 Stations - Changes are timed by person on sled, when sled person is done all three switch:
1) Sled Drag (Backpack style)
2) AirDyne Max Effort
3) Sledge Hammer Strikes - Max Effort (Females may sub 30# Ball Slams if they cannot swing well)
"Gwen" - 15-12-9 - Max Effort TnG Clean and Jerk
*Before Each Set athletes must perform 15 Squat Thrusts over Bar - Goal is to hit these with heart rate up a little bit*
Row 1000m
15 FS 205/125#
Row 800m
10 FS
Row 600m
5 FS
*FS come from ground*
*All Barbell work will be on the concrete out back, and/or Grass - lift on a different surface!*
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