Week 5:
Class - a) Back Squat
6 @ 70%
6 @ 75%
6 @ 80%
4 @ 85%
3 @ 90%
6 @ 75%
b) KB Workout
1) Push Press - E2MOM10 - 5 x 5 Reps @ 75-80% of last weeks 1RM
2) EMOM12:
a) Max Set Kroc Row R
b) Max Set Kroc Row L
c) 20 Glute-Ham Raises - Strict
1) 7 x 3 - Strict Weighted Pull-up -- Use the highest weight from the 10x2 on April 12th.
2) EMOM12:
a) 3 Strict Pull-Up Negatives - 5 second lower
b) 12 Band Pull-Aparts
c) 2 reps - 20 second push-ups (5s lower, 5s pause 1" off ground (perfect hollow), 5s raise, 5s plank)
1) Power Clean + HSC + Jerk - Max
2) DL/Burpee WV workout -- should be max intensity, goal is sub-4:30
400m Sled Push - Solo - Weights are 70/25# on top of the pushing sleds. Do not start at a walk just because its long, treat them still as a speed piece when you're working.
Class: Front Squat:
5 @ 70%
5 @ 75%
4 @ 80%
4 @ 85%
3 @ 90%
5 @ 75%
2) Partner workout
1) 20 Atlas Stone Shoulders @ 175/115 for time - No cap, just finish.
2) AmRap10:
10 Single-Arm KB Suitcase DL (100/70lbs) L
100m (Curb to dumpster) Single-Arm Farmers Carry L
10 Single-Arm KB Suitcase DL (100/70lbs) R
100m (Curb to dumpster) Single-Arm Farmers Carry R
1) 20 Strict Tempo Dips @ 33x3 For form/completion. Goal is to pair 2-3 reps together at the tempo.
2) AmRap 10 for form:
2 Skin-the-Cats
10 Ring Swings
15 Strict Form Burpees (feet/legs glued together)
4 x 1mile Repeats
rest 1min between rounds - Goal for this workout is to play with pacing changes a bit. Work to run each mile differently, some faster sprints with some recovery jogs, some steady pace, etc. Learn from it.
Class - 1) Back Squat
2) WB / T2B workout - You will need to scale the WB Weights AND height up for this workout. And go unbroken on them.
Bring the Yoke outside and work on 50ft Unbroken (Dumpster to sidewalk) overhead carries. If you cannot get the Yoke overhead for a carry, supplement with Double Kettlebell walks overhead (heavy) for 50ft. Try to accumulate at least 6-8 sets total, adding load if you can.
Class - SB Step-Ups / HS work + Rope Climb/Sprint workout.
RS: E2MOM12:
3 DL @ 70, 75, 80, 85, 90%, 90%+ if possible
50 DB Strict Press for time with 55/35/hand.
Complex of:
5 Kips + 5 T2B + 5 Kipping Pull-ups (no butterfly) w/ 2s hold at top of each pull-up.
10mins Strict Muscle-Up Work -- Work seated position on low-rings first & build/work on false grip. Very similar to a transition drill.
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