Week 7:
Class - 1) Reverse order of last week, more emphasis on completing the high skill movements under fatigue - focus in on pushing the first 3 movements quickly.
2) Core work
This will be a deload week in class - The goal will be to drop volume and weight. Extra work will switch to gymnastics only, raw strength group can hit additional core work but nothing compound.
1) 5 Rounds for form of:
a) 10 Ring Swings
b) 5 MU Transitions w/ purple band, feet off ground - working positioning (dip out each rep)
c) :30s L-Sit (or tuck sit) at ring support (top of a ring dip) - Work on not shrugging shoulders.
*This week will be a transitional week for us as well -- Gymnastics Strength will begin to work Ring & Bar Muscle-Up progressions and strength building. Raw Strength will begin to focus the DL a bit more.
Extra - 5 Rounds:
:30s Bear Hug Walk with Grey/Black Sandbag (taken off ground)
10 Strict Pull-Ups
60 Ring Push-Ups for form-- Goal is a perfect hollow body planked position, full range of motion. Use a box to get even with the rings with your feet.
Thursday- Off
EMOM10 - 1 Legless Rope Climb -- If you fail to achieve a Legless inside the minute, begin the next minute on 2 15' RopeClimbs EMOM until the 10 minutes is completed.
5 Rounds of 3 minutes:
Inside the 3 minutes you should achieve:
- One or two HS Walk attempts, as best you can.
- One perfect wall-climb
- Hold at least :30 working every second to achieve a tighter, better position.
Enjoy the Deload week -- Next week things will ramp back up to quite a bit more volume. Everyone will have extra lifting work, individualized GS/RS will be slightly less time consuming due to this.
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