Week 9:
1) Back Squat 10-Rep program
2) C&J + Machine workout w/ partner ( Default to AirDyne if big class)
1) Pull-Up work + Press work
2) Sprint interval workout FOR INTENSITY - Run super hard.
1) Mid-Hang Snatch (At Knee) - 2 Reps EMOM15:
Begin around 40-50% - and build only when your reps are perfect. You may not go up if:
- You have to move or shift your feet forward or backward when standing up.
- Your head and eyes are not up on the horizon when you catch and stand.
- You're toe-sy.
- You're slow.
Keep track of how many out of the 30 reps you felt were perfect. We will aim to improve on this next week. Practice in Olympic Lifting DOES NOT make perfect, perfect practice does. Goal is to hit AT or ABOVE the weights of last week and hit more perfect reps out of 30.
1) 4 x 10 Bulgarian Split Squats/Leg - Hold 2 smaller sandbags into chest for these.
2) 50 Kroc Row Reps - As heavy or heavier than last week. Go NUTS on these, this is the main exercise for building the upper back.
1) False-Grip Strict Muscle-Ups - Attach a band to the high rings, achieve a false grip and get enough assistance to do 2-3 in a row. Watch top regional athletes and mimic their form - notice the importance of the hollow position and strong dips to achieve these good MU. 10 sets, 25-30 reps total.
http://aerobiccapacity.com/ -- Choose a workout
1) Front Squat 10Rep
2) KB / Pull-Up Bar metcon
400m Sled Push - Guys (2) 45s on sled, Ladies (1) 45 on sled.
400m Individual Sandbag Carry - Guys Grey/Red, Ladies Black/Grey
1) Move some weight
2) Thruster/RC workout from Regionals
1) Build to a heavy 1 Clean and Jerk
2) EMOM8: 4 TnG Power Clean & Jerk @ 60% of Heavy 1
Monday, May 30, 2016
Sunday, May 22, 2016
May 23-May 30
Happy Week 1 of Jeff programming for main class:
Week 8:
This week we are off our deload week and we will be getting into what I consider the most difficult of all the training cycles this year. This will require you to be very, very dialed in with recovery, nutrition and SLEEP! I know some of you have a competition around the end time of this cycle - This should prep you well for it and a PR there should you get a max lift, but you HAVE to maintain your bodies.
Monday, May 23
1) Back Squat 1RM
2) Thruster/Burpee MetCon (Your welcome JKap, this combo coming for you ALL YEAR #Sub9SixteenPointFive)
1) Hi-Hang Snatch x 2 Reps - EMOM15:
Begin around 40-50% - and build only when your reps are perfect. You may not go up if:
- You have to move or shift your feet forward or backward when standing up.
- Your head and eyes are not up on the horizon when you catch and stand.
- You're toe-sy.
- You're slow.
Keep track of how many out of the 30 reps you felt were perfect. We will aim to improve on this next week. Practice in Olympic Lifting DOES NOT make perfect, perfect practice does.
Raw Strength:
1) Take 60% of our 1RM Back Squat today and complete 4 sets of 10 Reps.
2) 40 Kroc Row Reps / Arm with 115/70lbs (or as heavy as you can)
Gymnastics Strength:
1) EMOM7:
Pick your group based on ability (need to be able to make at least a few rounds to chose your option):
a) 7 Muscle-ups - Broken up 4/3 every round.
b) 5 MU - Broken up 3/2 every round.
c) 3 MU - Broken up 2/1 Every round.
*If these are NOT accomplishable then you will hit 5 Strict Ring Pull-Ups + 5 Strict Ring Dips each round, and then hit 5 x 5 MU Transitions before & after the EMOM7. (and every day, all the time, until eternity...Right Jade/Sunshine?)
Tuesday, May 24
1) Griff
2) Farmers Carry/SB Carry medley
1) Sled Drag w/ Strap backwards (around hips, like a belted squat) -- Go 100m w/ bodyweight on sled, then trade off with a partner. After trading off and getting OFF the sled, perform 25 Air Squats as fast as possible. Then jog to catch up to your partner. 800m total as a team - so 4 legs of 100m + 100 air squats.
Wednesday, May 25
1) Gymnastics work
2) Partner Squat Clean work
1) E90s for 15mins (10 rounds):
2 Jerks - Begin at 60%, same rules as Monday - You may build only if balance and footwork for both reps are perfect.
2) 5 x 3 Push Press @ 80% of 1RM
Thursday, May 26
1) 12 x 250m Row Sprints - Rest 1min between efforts. 1st Attempt should be for a 250m PR, then note times as they deviate from your best.
2) Squat Program:
Front Squat:
3 x 10 @ 65%
1 x 8 @ 70%
Week 8:
This week we are off our deload week and we will be getting into what I consider the most difficult of all the training cycles this year. This will require you to be very, very dialed in with recovery, nutrition and SLEEP! I know some of you have a competition around the end time of this cycle - This should prep you well for it and a PR there should you get a max lift, but you HAVE to maintain your bodies.
Monday, May 23
1) Back Squat 1RM
2) Thruster/Burpee MetCon (Your welcome JKap, this combo coming for you ALL YEAR #Sub9SixteenPointFive)
1) Hi-Hang Snatch x 2 Reps - EMOM15:
Begin around 40-50% - and build only when your reps are perfect. You may not go up if:
- You have to move or shift your feet forward or backward when standing up.
- Your head and eyes are not up on the horizon when you catch and stand.
- You're toe-sy.
- You're slow.
Keep track of how many out of the 30 reps you felt were perfect. We will aim to improve on this next week. Practice in Olympic Lifting DOES NOT make perfect, perfect practice does.
Raw Strength:
1) Take 60% of our 1RM Back Squat today and complete 4 sets of 10 Reps.
2) 40 Kroc Row Reps / Arm with 115/70lbs (or as heavy as you can)
Gymnastics Strength:
1) EMOM7:
Pick your group based on ability (need to be able to make at least a few rounds to chose your option):
a) 7 Muscle-ups - Broken up 4/3 every round.
b) 5 MU - Broken up 3/2 every round.
c) 3 MU - Broken up 2/1 Every round.
*If these are NOT accomplishable then you will hit 5 Strict Ring Pull-Ups + 5 Strict Ring Dips each round, and then hit 5 x 5 MU Transitions before & after the EMOM7. (and every day, all the time, until eternity...Right Jade/Sunshine?)
Tuesday, May 24
1) Griff
2) Farmers Carry/SB Carry medley
1) Sled Drag w/ Strap backwards (around hips, like a belted squat) -- Go 100m w/ bodyweight on sled, then trade off with a partner. After trading off and getting OFF the sled, perform 25 Air Squats as fast as possible. Then jog to catch up to your partner. 800m total as a team - so 4 legs of 100m + 100 air squats.
Wednesday, May 25
1) Gymnastics work
2) Partner Squat Clean work
1) E90s for 15mins (10 rounds):
2 Jerks - Begin at 60%, same rules as Monday - You may build only if balance and footwork for both reps are perfect.
2) 5 x 3 Push Press @ 80% of 1RM
Thursday, May 26
1) 12 x 250m Row Sprints - Rest 1min between efforts. 1st Attempt should be for a 250m PR, then note times as they deviate from your best.
2) Squat Program:
Front Squat:
3 x 10 @ 65%
1 x 8 @ 70%
Sunday, May 15, 2016
May 16-May 22
Week 7:
Class - 1) Reverse order of last week, more emphasis on completing the high skill movements under fatigue - focus in on pushing the first 3 movements quickly.
2) Core work
This will be a deload week in class - The goal will be to drop volume and weight. Extra work will switch to gymnastics only, raw strength group can hit additional core work but nothing compound.
1) 5 Rounds for form of:
a) 10 Ring Swings
b) 5 MU Transitions w/ purple band, feet off ground - working positioning (dip out each rep)
c) :30s L-Sit (or tuck sit) at ring support (top of a ring dip) - Work on not shrugging shoulders.
*This week will be a transitional week for us as well -- Gymnastics Strength will begin to work Ring & Bar Muscle-Up progressions and strength building. Raw Strength will begin to focus the DL a bit more.
Extra - 5 Rounds:
:30s Bear Hug Walk with Grey/Black Sandbag (taken off ground)
10 Strict Pull-Ups
60 Ring Push-Ups for form-- Goal is a perfect hollow body planked position, full range of motion. Use a box to get even with the rings with your feet.
Thursday- Off
EMOM10 - 1 Legless Rope Climb -- If you fail to achieve a Legless inside the minute, begin the next minute on 2 15' RopeClimbs EMOM until the 10 minutes is completed.
5 Rounds of 3 minutes:
Inside the 3 minutes you should achieve:
- One or two HS Walk attempts, as best you can.
- One perfect wall-climb
- Hold at least :30 working every second to achieve a tighter, better position.
Enjoy the Deload week -- Next week things will ramp back up to quite a bit more volume. Everyone will have extra lifting work, individualized GS/RS will be slightly less time consuming due to this.
Class - 1) Reverse order of last week, more emphasis on completing the high skill movements under fatigue - focus in on pushing the first 3 movements quickly.
2) Core work
This will be a deload week in class - The goal will be to drop volume and weight. Extra work will switch to gymnastics only, raw strength group can hit additional core work but nothing compound.
1) 5 Rounds for form of:
a) 10 Ring Swings
b) 5 MU Transitions w/ purple band, feet off ground - working positioning (dip out each rep)
c) :30s L-Sit (or tuck sit) at ring support (top of a ring dip) - Work on not shrugging shoulders.
*This week will be a transitional week for us as well -- Gymnastics Strength will begin to work Ring & Bar Muscle-Up progressions and strength building. Raw Strength will begin to focus the DL a bit more.
Extra - 5 Rounds:
:30s Bear Hug Walk with Grey/Black Sandbag (taken off ground)
10 Strict Pull-Ups
60 Ring Push-Ups for form-- Goal is a perfect hollow body planked position, full range of motion. Use a box to get even with the rings with your feet.
Thursday- Off
EMOM10 - 1 Legless Rope Climb -- If you fail to achieve a Legless inside the minute, begin the next minute on 2 15' RopeClimbs EMOM until the 10 minutes is completed.
5 Rounds of 3 minutes:
Inside the 3 minutes you should achieve:
- One or two HS Walk attempts, as best you can.
- One perfect wall-climb
- Hold at least :30 working every second to achieve a tighter, better position.
Enjoy the Deload week -- Next week things will ramp back up to quite a bit more volume. Everyone will have extra lifting work, individualized GS/RS will be slightly less time consuming due to this.
Monday, May 9, 2016
May 9-May16
Week 6:
Class -- 1) Split Press max - Work on bracing overhead and not over extending to press.
2) OH Stability MetCon - Depending on weather might do this with DB or KB, same thing though, work to not extend overhead.
1) Push Press 5x5 @ 80-85% of 1RM (or 10lbs + from last weeks)
2) EMOM12:
a) Landmine Row - 10R/10L
b) 15 Banded Goodmornings (Black or Green)
1) 6 x 5 Wgt'd Pull-ups - Goal to use weight from last 2 weeks.
2) EMOM12:
a) 4 Strict Pull-up Negatives (4s lower)
b) 5 Strict Leg Raises @ 3331 Tempo
c) :30 Wall-Facing HS Hold - Nose & Toes touching the wall only.
Class - Back Squats
6 @ 75%
6 @ 80%
4 @ 85%
3 @ 90%
2 @ 95%
6 @ 75%
2) Thrusters/Dubs workout - High intensity.
Individual - 44/35lb KB/Hand -- Alternate carry for 400m. One hand overhead, the other hand at your side in a farmers carry. Be patient with this and try to keep your core set strong without letting your ribs raise. Change sides when needed.
Class - 1) EMOM HS Work & Ring Rows - Gymnasts stay tight!
2) Ohhhhhhhh just a brutal test. Pull-ups need to be dialed in, feet tight - start putting your work into practice.
1) E2MOM14: DL Heavy 3 - Build each round until your last two are ~85-90% of your 1RM
2) 4 x ME / Hand - Kroc Row @ 100/65lbs
1) EMOM10: 1 MU + 5 Ring Dips (perfect hollow & controlled - but no tempo)
2) 50T2B in as few of sets as possible.
I want you to come in today, hit a warm-up 3k on the Rower and the Front Squats from class:
5 @ 75%
4 @ 80%
3 @ 85%
2 @ 90%
1 @ 95%
5 @ 75%
1) Snatch EMOM - Building
2) Sled Work
No Extra unless you missed Thursday make that up here.
1) BS
2) Quick Tabata
Jeff will not be in so the gym will close up more quickly as we have to travel to find a stupid TrueForm runner to test workouts on.
I want everyone to get in:
For Time:
9 Squat Cleans @ 185/135
4 Legless Rope Climbs (Scale to: 20ft Legged RC)
7 SC
3 Legless
5 SC
2 Legless
This has been a LONG - 6 day week this week, full of HEAVY squats. The extra work volume is down a bit and will be down for another week or so to maximize our Squat #Gainz and focus a bit more on recovery and intensity. Ensure that you sleep at lot and eat a lot this week and going into next week. Pay close attention to your CNS, if you feel foggy or slow, or body isn't recovering. If that is the case this week, sneak in an extra rest day somewhere and re-center yourself.
Class -- 1) Split Press max - Work on bracing overhead and not over extending to press.
2) OH Stability MetCon - Depending on weather might do this with DB or KB, same thing though, work to not extend overhead.
1) Push Press 5x5 @ 80-85% of 1RM (or 10lbs + from last weeks)
2) EMOM12:
a) Landmine Row - 10R/10L
b) 15 Banded Goodmornings (Black or Green)
1) 6 x 5 Wgt'd Pull-ups - Goal to use weight from last 2 weeks.
2) EMOM12:
a) 4 Strict Pull-up Negatives (4s lower)
b) 5 Strict Leg Raises @ 3331 Tempo
c) :30 Wall-Facing HS Hold - Nose & Toes touching the wall only.
Class - Back Squats
6 @ 75%
6 @ 80%
4 @ 85%
3 @ 90%
2 @ 95%
6 @ 75%
2) Thrusters/Dubs workout - High intensity.
Individual - 44/35lb KB/Hand -- Alternate carry for 400m. One hand overhead, the other hand at your side in a farmers carry. Be patient with this and try to keep your core set strong without letting your ribs raise. Change sides when needed.
Class - 1) EMOM HS Work & Ring Rows - Gymnasts stay tight!
2) Ohhhhhhhh just a brutal test. Pull-ups need to be dialed in, feet tight - start putting your work into practice.
1) E2MOM14: DL Heavy 3 - Build each round until your last two are ~85-90% of your 1RM
2) 4 x ME / Hand - Kroc Row @ 100/65lbs
1) EMOM10: 1 MU + 5 Ring Dips (perfect hollow & controlled - but no tempo)
2) 50T2B in as few of sets as possible.
I want you to come in today, hit a warm-up 3k on the Rower and the Front Squats from class:
5 @ 75%
4 @ 80%
3 @ 85%
2 @ 90%
1 @ 95%
5 @ 75%
1) Snatch EMOM - Building
2) Sled Work
No Extra unless you missed Thursday make that up here.
1) BS
2) Quick Tabata
Jeff will not be in so the gym will close up more quickly as we have to travel to find a stupid TrueForm runner to test workouts on.
I want everyone to get in:
For Time:
9 Squat Cleans @ 185/135
4 Legless Rope Climbs (Scale to: 20ft Legged RC)
7 SC
3 Legless
5 SC
2 Legless
This has been a LONG - 6 day week this week, full of HEAVY squats. The extra work volume is down a bit and will be down for another week or so to maximize our Squat #Gainz and focus a bit more on recovery and intensity. Ensure that you sleep at lot and eat a lot this week and going into next week. Pay close attention to your CNS, if you feel foggy or slow, or body isn't recovering. If that is the case this week, sneak in an extra rest day somewhere and re-center yourself.
Sunday, May 1, 2016
May 2-May 9
Week 5:
Class - a) Back Squat
6 @ 70%
6 @ 75%
6 @ 80%
4 @ 85%
3 @ 90%
6 @ 75%
b) KB Workout
1) Push Press - E2MOM10 - 5 x 5 Reps @ 75-80% of last weeks 1RM
2) EMOM12:
a) Max Set Kroc Row R
b) Max Set Kroc Row L
c) 20 Glute-Ham Raises - Strict
1) 7 x 3 - Strict Weighted Pull-up -- Use the highest weight from the 10x2 on April 12th.
2) EMOM12:
a) 3 Strict Pull-Up Negatives - 5 second lower
b) 12 Band Pull-Aparts
c) 2 reps - 20 second push-ups (5s lower, 5s pause 1" off ground (perfect hollow), 5s raise, 5s plank)
1) Power Clean + HSC + Jerk - Max
2) DL/Burpee WV workout -- should be max intensity, goal is sub-4:30
400m Sled Push - Solo - Weights are 70/25# on top of the pushing sleds. Do not start at a walk just because its long, treat them still as a speed piece when you're working.
Class: Front Squat:
5 @ 70%
5 @ 75%
4 @ 80%
4 @ 85%
3 @ 90%
5 @ 75%
2) Partner workout
1) 20 Atlas Stone Shoulders @ 175/115 for time - No cap, just finish.
2) AmRap10:
10 Single-Arm KB Suitcase DL (100/70lbs) L
100m (Curb to dumpster) Single-Arm Farmers Carry L
10 Single-Arm KB Suitcase DL (100/70lbs) R
100m (Curb to dumpster) Single-Arm Farmers Carry R
1) 20 Strict Tempo Dips @ 33x3 For form/completion. Goal is to pair 2-3 reps together at the tempo.
2) AmRap 10 for form:
2 Skin-the-Cats
10 Ring Swings
15 Strict Form Burpees (feet/legs glued together)
4 x 1mile Repeats
rest 1min between rounds - Goal for this workout is to play with pacing changes a bit. Work to run each mile differently, some faster sprints with some recovery jogs, some steady pace, etc. Learn from it.
Class - 1) Back Squat
2) WB / T2B workout - You will need to scale the WB Weights AND height up for this workout. And go unbroken on them.
Bring the Yoke outside and work on 50ft Unbroken (Dumpster to sidewalk) overhead carries. If you cannot get the Yoke overhead for a carry, supplement with Double Kettlebell walks overhead (heavy) for 50ft. Try to accumulate at least 6-8 sets total, adding load if you can.
Class - SB Step-Ups / HS work + Rope Climb/Sprint workout.
RS: E2MOM12:
3 DL @ 70, 75, 80, 85, 90%, 90%+ if possible
50 DB Strict Press for time with 55/35/hand.
Complex of:
5 Kips + 5 T2B + 5 Kipping Pull-ups (no butterfly) w/ 2s hold at top of each pull-up.
10mins Strict Muscle-Up Work -- Work seated position on low-rings first & build/work on false grip. Very similar to a transition drill.
Class - a) Back Squat
6 @ 70%
6 @ 75%
6 @ 80%
4 @ 85%
3 @ 90%
6 @ 75%
b) KB Workout
1) Push Press - E2MOM10 - 5 x 5 Reps @ 75-80% of last weeks 1RM
2) EMOM12:
a) Max Set Kroc Row R
b) Max Set Kroc Row L
c) 20 Glute-Ham Raises - Strict
1) 7 x 3 - Strict Weighted Pull-up -- Use the highest weight from the 10x2 on April 12th.
2) EMOM12:
a) 3 Strict Pull-Up Negatives - 5 second lower
b) 12 Band Pull-Aparts
c) 2 reps - 20 second push-ups (5s lower, 5s pause 1" off ground (perfect hollow), 5s raise, 5s plank)
1) Power Clean + HSC + Jerk - Max
2) DL/Burpee WV workout -- should be max intensity, goal is sub-4:30
400m Sled Push - Solo - Weights are 70/25# on top of the pushing sleds. Do not start at a walk just because its long, treat them still as a speed piece when you're working.
Class: Front Squat:
5 @ 70%
5 @ 75%
4 @ 80%
4 @ 85%
3 @ 90%
5 @ 75%
2) Partner workout
1) 20 Atlas Stone Shoulders @ 175/115 for time - No cap, just finish.
2) AmRap10:
10 Single-Arm KB Suitcase DL (100/70lbs) L
100m (Curb to dumpster) Single-Arm Farmers Carry L
10 Single-Arm KB Suitcase DL (100/70lbs) R
100m (Curb to dumpster) Single-Arm Farmers Carry R
1) 20 Strict Tempo Dips @ 33x3 For form/completion. Goal is to pair 2-3 reps together at the tempo.
2) AmRap 10 for form:
2 Skin-the-Cats
10 Ring Swings
15 Strict Form Burpees (feet/legs glued together)
4 x 1mile Repeats
rest 1min between rounds - Goal for this workout is to play with pacing changes a bit. Work to run each mile differently, some faster sprints with some recovery jogs, some steady pace, etc. Learn from it.
Class - 1) Back Squat
2) WB / T2B workout - You will need to scale the WB Weights AND height up for this workout. And go unbroken on them.
Bring the Yoke outside and work on 50ft Unbroken (Dumpster to sidewalk) overhead carries. If you cannot get the Yoke overhead for a carry, supplement with Double Kettlebell walks overhead (heavy) for 50ft. Try to accumulate at least 6-8 sets total, adding load if you can.
Class - SB Step-Ups / HS work + Rope Climb/Sprint workout.
RS: E2MOM12:
3 DL @ 70, 75, 80, 85, 90%, 90%+ if possible
50 DB Strict Press for time with 55/35/hand.
Complex of:
5 Kips + 5 T2B + 5 Kipping Pull-ups (no butterfly) w/ 2s hold at top of each pull-up.
10mins Strict Muscle-Up Work -- Work seated position on low-rings first & build/work on false grip. Very similar to a transition drill.
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